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Conversational Threads

Knit Fabrics?

KathyB | Posted in Fabric and Trim on


I’m having great difficulty in finding a variety of quality knit fabrics in Massachusetts. Specifically I’m looking for nice cotton knits to make turtlenecks, but also knit blends such as wool/cotton or sweater knits. Most of the knots I come across are for making sweatshirts and very casual t-shirts. Any suggestions?



  1. SEWSERIOU1 | | #1
  2. rjf | | #2

    Osgood's in Springfield is the best fabric store I've ever been in.  There are people just wandering around to get things off the tops of the piles for you because they are stacked so high.  They carry terrific men's wear fabrics among other stuff so I'm assuming they have jerseys also.  The other one is Eastern Textiles in Greenfield.  It's housed in an old mill building and the clerks are very helpful and know whereof they speak.  I've gotten both wedding dress and raincoat fabric there and they have nice cottons.  Prices in both places are reasonable.   rjf

    1. bellefille | | #3

      I never heard of Osgoods--sounds like my kind of place!  I'm from NH, so I'll have to check it out!  I don't know what kind of fabric you're looking for, but you better get there before I do!  LOL


      1. rjf | | #4

        Go down 91 and you'll see it from the highway when you get to the outskirts of Springfield. That's as far as I can get you but I'll check with the friend who took me there years ago.  And maybe I'll check to see that it still exists.  It looked like the kind of place that had been there forever and did such a good business that it would still be there.    rjf

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