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knitted hats and scarf

fabricholic | Posted in Photo Gallery on

This is the extent of my knitting. I do enjoy it, though.


  1. solosmocker | | #1

    Very nice. Knitting is something I could never master. I am envious.

    1. fabricholic | | #2

      I find that hard to believe. It is just knit, purl, knit, purl. You do so much more complicated things with your smocking.

  2. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #3

    You do nice work--they look so soft and warm!  I crochet, but sometimes I wish I knew how to knit.  Some things just are prettier when knitted--there's a beautiful, lacy shawl at the quilting/knitting store near me.  I'd never be able to make it, but I drool over it every time I go there.

    1. fabricholic | | #6

      What I do is just knit and purl, so there is nothing hard about it. I need to learn other stitches. I have too many hobbies for the amount of time I have. Can you relate?

      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #7

        YES I can relate!  The quilting/knitting store has lots of gorgeous yarn and fun classes, but I don't need another hobby!  I'd love to have more time to do lots of crafty things, but this darned job gets in the way of my fun.  But I guess without the job, I wouldn't have the machines and supplies to make the fun.  :-)

        My mother-in-law thinks I can knit, and doesn't believe me when I say I can't.  Of course, some people think yarn=knitting and use it as a generic term.  I guess I could knit if I really tried, but crochet is so much faster for me.


        Edited 9/24/2007 1:19 pm ET by VKStitcher

        1. fabricholic | | #8

          Definitely, crocheting is faster. I am just learning. Who came up with this 40 hour work week anyway?

          1. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #9

            Who came up with this 40 hour work week anyway?  Obviously, someone who didn't have fun hobbies!  :-)

            I am fortunate that I only work Monday-Thursday, but throw in commute time and it's a little over 40 hours a week.  I really miss living only 15 minutes away from the office, but living out in the country near my family has its benefits, too.

          2. fabricholic | | #10

            I live 30 mins. away now. Next year our company will move even further away. I dread the drive.

          3. rodezzy | | #12

            Hey guys, you can knit or crochet on the train or bus, if that's the way you get to work.  Otherwise, don't knit and drive!! (giggle)

          4. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #13

            Don't I wish!  I'd love to be able to ride to work--but alas, no mass transit in our area.  My commute is a little over 20 miles, but it takes 45-60 minutes.  Too many other cars on the road!  My husband has more flexible hours, so he can beat the rush-hour traffic.

          5. rodezzy | | #14

            Bummer, I drive to work also.  But I crochet/knit at the laundry, guild meetings, etc.

          6. User avater
            VKStitcher | | #15

            Don't tell my boss, but when it's really slow here and he's out of town, I bring in my crochet.  He's going out of town for two weeks, so when the cat's away....this little mouse will crochet away!  :-D

          7. rodezzy | | #16

            I won't tell, if you won't tell.....I knit here too.  I was coming in at 7:30 a.m. Chgo time and after a rigorous morning I check out you guys and then I knit with my hands in my lap.  I'm the only one on this floor (the main floor) and I have a BIG desk.  I get a few rows in most days.  Other days I can't....but it all helps.  I've crocheted here too during our slow days and when the boss is out of town too. (te he)

          8. fabricholic | | #18

            Wouldn't that be great if you could knit while you drive? Then you wouldn't feel like you are wasting time. I can't wait to take my crochet to the doctor's office this Wed., when I get my neck checked out. I always wanted to be like those ladies that sat there calmly, working on some project.

          9. rodezzy | | #19

            Just a note, remember the sweater in my pictures with the white front?  I weaved the yellow in vertical rows, put on the buttons and weaved the ends.  Wore it last Satuday, but it needs to be colder, there's a little wool in it and that makes it ichy for me if its not cold out.


  3. happycatuk | | #4

    Apologies for a very daft question, but I haven't knitted for years, and your scarf reminds me of some beautiful yarn in my local sewing shop .. do I need at least 100g of a double-knit/regular yarn to make a decent-sized scarf, or would I probably need more? Sorry for the vagueness, but I can't work it out! Thanks :D

    1. fabricholic | | #5

      It took me 2 skeins for a long scarf, but I don't remember off hand how much was on it. The small light yellow scarf used 2, but they were small skeins.

  4. rodezzy | | #11

    You knit better than I do, I've never made a knitted hat.  Crochet is what I've created everything outside of scarves with.  You knit great.  Yummy yarns too!

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. fabricholic | | #17

      Thank you.

  5. Josefly | | #20

    I like your hats - I just saw them, and they make me want to try knitting.Have you seen the cable knit vest in the j jill catalog? It's another thing that makes me want to try knitting, but I realize that's probably way beyond my capabilities. Check it out, though - it looks like its knitted sideways:http://www.jjill.com/shopJJillDetail.asp?AreaID=OL&ColorToUse=271&SizeID=1&txtProductID=626312&offerid=IU&seldept=12&EAquest=cable+knit+vest&srch=direct&EAST=keywordI think I'll also post this link under the knitting topic - I wonder if anybody's seen a similar pattern?

    1. fabricholic | | #21

      I can't see the detail enough to tell what the stitches look like. Look at the website I posted about knitting help. If you are like me, you will get fired up about it.Marcy

      1. Josefly | | #22

        Yes, I checked out the site, and it does show some appealing projects. If I stick to hats and don't let myself get too carried away, maybe I can do some of them. It's too tempting - beautiful yarns, maybe felting purses and hats, etc., - I'm trying to put the brakes on! Thanks so much, Marcy, it IS inspiring.

        1. fabricholic | | #23

          She makes things look so simple. Some people just have that ability.

          1. Josefly | | #24

            Since I think I'm going to try knitting something, which of the two methods demonstrated do you use - continental or English? I watched a little of one of the continental videos, and thought that looked less awkward.

          2. user-217847 | | #25

            please excuse the intrusion Josefly, if down the track you want to try some fancy stitches I would personally learn the english way of knitting, forming the pattern seems easier. Also I have a pommy friend who can knit both ways but the english way suits her better. I guess it will boil down to which suits you better, personal choice in the end.

            warm regards, wombat

          3. Teaf5 | | #27

            The continental method is good for those of us who use our right hands so much in other activities that we need to "balance the load" a bit while knitting.  It's also much easier for someone who is primarily a crocheter; for some reason, it's much more similar movement.

          4. rodezzy | | #28

            My sentiments exactly.  I was going to comment on the fact that I crocheted wayyyy more that I even attempted to knit and when I do knit I found that I could not carry the yarn in my right hand, ta da!  a continental knitter.  It's faster too.

          5. Josefly | | #29

            No intrusion at all, wombat. Your suggestion is welcome. I'm quite an inexperienced knitter - only having tried to teach myself with basic written beginners' instructions - so I'll have to experiment with both methods, especially as I get into something more than knit and purl. I didn't realize it, but as Teaf5 has pointed out, the continental method of holding the work is similar to crochet, and I have done a little crochet, so that's probably why it looks more natural to me. On the video, it also looks like a smoother motion - when I've tried knitting, throwing the yarn with the right hand as in the English method seems to require an extra, less fluid movement. But you know what? I'm so awkward with knitting, it may be that an expert makes it ALL look more fluid.

            Edited 10/19/2007 8:05 pm ET by Josefly

          6. katina | | #30

            Josefly and Wally Wombat - it's not a bad idea to be able to knit both ways, though you'll probably find you prefer one method over the other. It's a great advantage when knitting stranded colour work (Fair Isle) as you can hold one color in each hand and so knit much faster. Here's a link to a short video.


            It looks rather intimidating to knit like this but it isn't really once you get the hang of it. To think that women would carry wood and peat on their backs, and maybe an infant as well, and walk in all kinds of weather, knitting as they went. A hard, harsh life.


            The method of construction is interesting to us here at Gatherings as sewing is involved in this traditional method. Very simply put, the knitting is worked in a tube, which is then cut and stitched to join in the sleeves. This involves the use of steeks which was mentioned by Starzoe in the Cable Knit vest discussion.



          7. user-217847 | | #31

            Hi Katina,

            thank you for the links very interesting, I do like your reasons for knitting both ways as I enjoy knitting Fair Isle.

            Warm regards,


          8. katina | | #32

            Hi there

            There's something so soothing about the rhythm of Fair Isle knitting, plus it's portable.



          9. fabricholic | | #26

            I thought I was using continental because I would hold my knitting in my left hand, but I have the yarn wrapped on my right index finger. Weird hun?Marcy

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