Knitted Scarf seen on The Y& T Restless

Did anyone see the Young & The Restless on Thursday, January 22, 2009 & Friday January 23, 2009. The character Amber wore a knitted multi colored scarf that was beautiful yarn, size & texture.
I was wondering if anyone knows anything about it.
I don't suppose there's a site where one could see the scarf? Like a video clip?
Hi Katina,Yes, there is. It does not show as well as on TV but you can get an idea. Here is the link & Amber shows up about 4 minutes into the show & is on through out. you are interested & have Soap Net on your TV they replay the show today.Thanks for your interest,Linda
Hi again
The link said it has expired...? I'm in Europe so can't see the show, I'm afraid.
I just watched the video on the link, so it hasn't expired, unless the international linkages work differently. But I don't know anything about yarns, so I could tell very little about the scarf, except that it appears two or three different variegated yarns were used. And they look quite bulky. Perhaps several yarns were knit together to produce the variegated, or multicolored, look?
Thanks Josefly - you could be right about the international link. From what you've described, it doesn't seem as if there's anything very specific about the scarf. I'll try again to see the link.
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I took a screen shot to give you an idea. It looks to my like a Stockinette Stitch done on big needles with balky yarn.
My, you are tech savvy! Thanks for doing this. It looks like some kind of variegated, bulky yarn - possibly a chenille. Maybe two different colours. I can't tell if its knitted or crocheted, though.
Here she is with another view. I was wondering about the dimensions of this type scarf.
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It looks very stretchy, doesn't it? is there anything about the costume designers in the credits? That might give a clue.
Thank you, I just learned how to do that a few days ago.Yes, I thought it looked stretchy too. It is hard to tell by these pictures but seeing it on TV it looked like the stockinette stitch. I think it is one yarn because the pattern is so symmetrical. Do you think it would be so uniform if it were more than one yarn?You can not tell from these shots but it looked long. She had it wrapped around her neck a few times then it hung long.Do you have any idea how wide something like this would be?
It's all in the yarn, isn't it? I wish we could identify the yarn somehow. I would say this scarf is at least ten inches wide. Sorry I can't help more. If you can get a better closeup ....
PS Maybe it's a purchased scarf? Can you contact the show and ask?
I checked out The Young & The Restless web site & forums. There did not seem to be an appropriate place on the forums but there was an email link to ask questions so I requested information using the email. When I get a response I will post it.Thanks everybody for the great ideas.That seems to be about the best picture I can get, sorry.
Great! we look forward to hearing about any response you may get.
It looks very much like a stockinette stitch.
Hey Katina, I got my set of interchangeable "Knit Picks" knitting needles today. The rainbow colored wooden ones. Groovy. Size 4 to 11 with a 10.5 and 10. The only ones in half size. They are very pretty. I know, I know, get knitting. giggle.
That's good news! Annie's already reviewed them; I'll wait for your opinion too and then I'll probably order. Is that clicking I hear faintly in the distance...?
No, sweetie, not yet. I've just cut out the fabric pieces for a top hat like the hat for "Alice in Wonderland" for my cousin. She has a "Crazy Hat Contest" due on Friday, witch means I need to finish it to take to her on Thursday. I don't even have all the materials. I've got to buy some foam tomorrow. So that means I need to finish it tomorrow because she lives in a suburb and is not close to deliver. But I'll get it done. I'm using chocolate and teal poka dot fabric, one chocolate with teal dots and the other chocolate with teal dots. Will be fun.
Afterthought, I'll give them a run for a couple rows right now!
Edited 1/27/2009 9:33 pm ET by rodezzy2
Well Katina: First of all, I love the cable. No stiff, twisted cable. That's a HUGH plus to me. Second of all, I love the keen point. I don't care for those wooden needles that are blunt and big. I'll have to use them on different yarns. These are the size 11 and I'm smittened for now. I'll have to do a few projects to be honest. Maybe I'll do those first whole pair of socks with these. New stuff motivates. giggle.
I forgot the picture I took. I chose a novelty yarn to give it a good test.
Edited 1/27/2009 10:04 pm ET by rodezzy2
OH WELL, I'll have to do this separate note to post the picture. Couldn't add them in the edit.
Here is the picture of what I did tonight with my new needles.
And the wood is smooth with little grab, not as smooth as a metal, but smoother than the average ones I've used. I have some Crystal Palace bamboo circulars, they have a little more drag. The points on the Crystal Palace needles are blunt. Don't like that as much. But I love them too! I've used them more than the plastic ones. I've learned that needles react differently with different yarns, and I have knit off to another set of circulars during project if I just can't stand them anymore.
Edited 1/27/2009 10:20 pm ET by rodezzy2
Hi Rodezzy, cheerful yarn and happy needles - great! Thanks for going to the trouble. You've convinced me, so I'll order. BTW, you love color - are you going to get some bright, colorful hats onto those needles?
Keep warm, be well
Those needles are so pretty, and so is your sample. What a treat it is to use pretty tools, huh?
I have one that fits about like that and it is 18" wide, can be worn as a shawl but feels too thick for me as a scarf so a more open lightweight weave would be important.
When Amber wore it wrapped it looked thick, good for a really cold day. Then when she had it wrapped around her shoulders it was wide enough to be a shaw. So my guess is you are correct, about 18 inches.
I could use it today, we have a blizzard, brrrrrrrr. It is so pretty though from inside where it's warm and cozy.
I have not seen any information on costume design, that is a great thought. When time permits I will go back to the site & see what I can find. I noticed a forum so I could post there & see if I get anywhere.
Heading to my bed; let me know what you find out
Will do, when you check back in, where do you live? I live in southern California, a city called Costa Mesa.
Would you consider e-mailing the network & asking for info? Specify the show and date. Direct your inquiry to the wardrobe staff.
I was in touch with the props dept of a show some years ago when there was a search on the crochet board for an afghan seen. The reply was but a short time in coming back with the specific name and publication of the pattern.
I agree that it's stockinette stitch and about 16-18" wide. The yarn looks like a super bulky maybe a custom-dyed self-striping.
Thank you for your input, that is what I thought too. It is probably made of a high grade yarn.I have not had a response from The Y&R to date.
Yeah, I think it looks like an indy yarn, possibly even made to order just for this scarf. Whaddya bet after all this speculation that she found it at Old Navy or Aero? hee-hee
Just wanted to let everybody know I did not get a response from The Y&R. If it shows up I will post it.Thanks everybody for the input.
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