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Conversational Threads

Latest Issue of Threads

mlga730 | Posted in General Discussion on


I have just bought the lastest issue of Threads and was blown away with all the great ideas for garment making.

I think this is one of the best issues ever!

Thanks Threads editors for raising the bar on  the Art of Sewing!



  1. User avater
    Deana | | #1

    Thank you!! That is great to hear!

    1. mlga730 | | #2

      In the article "Living on the Edge", Anna mentioned that the pattern on the cover could be made in woven fabric, since the pattern is for knits only.

      Is there a way that I can contact Anna to ask her how to do this -- I am eager to make this?



      1. kbalinski | | #3

        Here is the information that she provided us a couple weeks ago when I asked the same exact question! Isn't is a great blouse? The reviews at Pattern Review are mixed (with knits), I'm thinking it's so much better as a woven!



        1. mlga730 | | #4


           Where is the information about the changing a pattern from knit to woven?

          1. kbalinski | | #5

            This was message 9777.7 in "Feedback on Threads", Topic name: Issue 143


            Hello everyone,

            Yes, I made the blouse from a woven (silk Charmeuse) even though the pattern called for knits. Prior to making it, I had tried on the muslin the tester made for the pattern review column which was in a knit, size 10. The bust, shoulder, armhole and sleeve area was very roomy while the hemline skimmed my hips, also the neckline is very wide. At this point I knew the blouse was going to fit in a woven but needed to double check this. So I measured the pattern tissue and compared the numbers with my actual body measurements.  I found the next size up gave me enough ease at the hips.  If it had not, I could always have inserted a zipper at side seam, center back seam or created little slits at side seams.  Another change I made was to add a facing to the neckline, because the pattern is designed for a raw edge.

            <!----><!----> <!---->

            Anna Mazur

          2. mlga730 | | #6

            Thanks for the information!


This post is archived.

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