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Conversational Threads

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Josefly | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

Has everybody seen the new online articles posted on the home page? Judging by those the next issue will be a good one. I love Ralph Rucci’s “spaghetti and worms” – fascinating. I’m so “out of it” when it comes to fashion, I hadn’t heard of Rucci before, and I’m just wowed by his work.

Edited 8/27/2008 11:09 pm ET by Josefly


  1. sewingkmulkey | | #1

    I saw the online articles yesterday and quickly printed them out for future use.  I, too, love the worm technique and encourage Threads to give us more of these exciting couture touches.   This is exactly the kind of sewing technique I crave as a dedicated seamstress (fabric artist)!


    1. Josefly | | #2

      Yeah, I really like this kind of embellishment, too.

  2. Ralphetta | | #3

    I just got my issue today. I agree, that's really interesting.

    1. Josefly | | #4

      I get really antsy when I hear that others have received their latest issue. I've only seen the online teaser articles, not the actual magazine. Now I'm really chomping at the bit, hearing the comments of readers. Oh well, something to look forward to next week, I guess, when my mail deliverer finishes reading it. ;>)

      1. Ralphetta | | #5

        I understand how you feel. I was feeling left out when I read what others had written a few days ago.

        1. sewslow67 | | #6

          I'm with you, because I feel left out too, as do all the rest of us from Canada no doubt do as well.  We seem to always get our several weeks after everyone in the states.  I've talked with customer service about this too, as Amber suggested, but to no avail.  It's very disappointing, even though I know it will be wonderful when it finally gets here. 

          Enjoy, everyone ...and do some reading for us up North until ours arrives.

          1. katina | | #7

            Me too, in Europe.  I'll be back in US later this week for a few days, and I know I'll do what I always do - buy a copy off the newstand. I rationalize it by saying I need something to read on the plane, and anyway, I pass the extra copy along.


          2. sewslow67 | | #8

            I'll be back in US later this week for a few days ...

            Say, Katina; do you live in Europe, or travel there often for your job?  I'm an American, living in Canada, but lived in Europe for a number of years when I was younger.  I loved it there, but same for here. 

            Anyway, I do as you, also ...i.e. buy a copy on the news stand occasionally, because 1) I can't wait to read it, and 2) I pass it on to a friend, who is thrilled that my own copy is late arriving.  Nice friend, huh?  giggle ...

          3. katina | | #9

            Hello again

            DH's work is the reason we spend so much time in Europe. As you say, love it here, love it there. Best of all worlds in some ways; has its problems in others. I'd be lost without the internet though.

            I'm really looking forward to this issue, must say. Amber has done a fantastic job as editor in really trying times. She'd have made a good diplomat, don't you think?


          4. starzoe | | #10

            I too have to wait for my Threads. I did discover why it takes so long. In the old days we used to get a magazine "nude" as it were, no wrapper. Now Canadian postal regulations require that after our magazines come across the border they have to be enveloped in that grey plastic wrap. If you look at the sender, it will be a forwarding Canadian address down East.This does not seem to apply to all magazine subscriptions from the U.S. I get a couple that still arrive unwrapped.

          5. sewslow67 | | #11

            Thanks, Starzoe; since that is the case, I'd rather wait and receive the magazine "in tact", rather than nude ...with torn edges and damaged pages like it has been in the past when arriving with no cover on it.  For some reason, with no cover it tears badly when jammed into the mail box.

            Either way, I am glad you shared that information with me.  It will help me to exercise more patience ...and now, I can tell my DH (when he nags me about exercising) that "I'm doing it now, sweetie ...exercising like crazy".  Of course, he won't have a clue what that mean, but at least I can be honest about exercise - just not the kind he thinks.  giggle ...;-)

            PS:  I'll have to "fess up" at some point, but will have fun with him in the meantime.  And ...he is right; I do need to get more physical exercise.  I used to work out with a trainer 6-days a week for 2-hours a day, but I have gotten lazy since I've had ESRD; no energy is not a legitimate excuse either, so I really need to get with the program.

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