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Conversational Threads

learn from my mistake

MarieCurie | Posted in General Discussion on

I’m writing this one so folks can learn from my recent mistake.  I like using silk thread for buttonholes.  They come out strong with very little bulk.  I smudged my pink cotton blouse with a black permanent pen, and applied a bleach pen to try to get out the mark that was next to the buttonhole.  A little bleach bleed onto the buttonhole thread.  After washing, the black mark was still on the blouse fabric, but the white silk buttonhole thread was permanently stained yellow.


  1. Gloriasews | | #1

    That's so unfortunate!  Could you sew an applique on all of your buttonholes (maybe a flower, or a square with the edges frayed, or ribbon)?  It would look like a design feature.  Don't give up on the blouse yet!


  2. katina | | #2

    Embroidery around the b/holes? Some sort of stencilling?

    Good luck!

    1. rodezzy | | #4

      There's a Threads article about embellishing buttonholes, don't know the book number, but the look is great over the buttonholes.

      1. katina | | #5

        Yes, Rodezzy, I remember vaguely. Will see if I can track it down

      2. katina | | #6

        According to the magazine index, there's an article on decorative machine embroidery around b/holes in #71. Might give some good ideas

  3. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #3

    Rubbing Alcohol will often lift most inks, including permanent ink if it is fresh. I once got bleach spots on my favorite navy T-shirt. Fabric marker pens filled in the missing spots nicely. Not a perfect match, but enough that I could wear it in public, and better than the pink spots scattered across the front. As a friend here says- a galloping horse wouldn't notice. If the Ink spot doesnt come out, embroidery or applique on the areas around the buttonholes would be the way to go. Cathy

  4. AAC | | #7

    You poor thing!  My gut went into an instant spasm reading your letter.  Did you throw it across the room and then walk out and shut the door?  Boy, that can sure ruin your day.  Things like that have happened to me and it's ALWAYS just as you finish something and decide to give it just one more little tweak.

    1. MarieCurie | | #8

      No, I did not freak out.  I save my freaking out for when my children have been vomiting for three days straight and must be hospitlazed for dehydration when my husband is deployed to Afganistan.  A blouse is just a thing.  The black stain is small, and no one will notice the yellowed silk buttonhole unless I tell them.  I just wanted to let folks now to keep bleach pens away from silk thread.  I still recommend silk for buttonholes, though, it totally rocks.

      1. AAC | | #9

        Good for you, you have your head in the right place.  So many women are so dramatic about small, really unimportant things.  You surely have a lot on your plate.  Having three little ones is a lot, not having your husband nearby doesn't help.  I can only imagine how you worry and yet attempt to take it all in stride.  You army wives have my respect and your husbands have my prayers.  I will reflect on you during my "boring" days.

        Love to another strong woman,



      2. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #10

        Yeah, bleach is not a friend to silk. Thanks for the tip. Hope your children are well now. That was pretty frightening. You will find that you will have good support here while your husband is away. My support and prayers for you both. So where on this earth are you? You didn't fill in your profile. Cathy

        Edited 7/22/2008 1:12 pm ET by ThreadKoe

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