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Conversational Threads

Learning disabilities/ dyslexia

jjgg | Posted in General Discussion on

Well, I think I mortally offended Birdlady with my comment about learning disabilities. That was very unintended. So I thought I’d just post a very brief bit on the subject.

First and foremost that people need to understand is the BY DEFINITION, people with learning disabilities are above average intelligence. If they didn’t have an above average IQ, they would just be considered ‘dumb’ or below average. People with dyslexia think ‘outside the box’ and see the world in ways most of us ‘average Joe’s ‘ don’t.

Most of the very famous inventors and scientists and artists of the world have ‘learning disabilities (dyslexia). A very brief list is here,
# Alexander Graham Bell.
# Thomas Edison.
# Albert Einstein.
# Leonardo da Vinci.
# George Washington.

and a much longer list is here:

I have learned all this over the years as I’ve dealt with a son with dyslexia. He is a very smart young man, just doesn’t learn well in the standard school environment. When given the tools to learn his way he shines, and is now on his way towards medical school.


  1. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #1

    You are oh so right about this. I have a dyslexic husband, son and granddaughter. My DH reads so slowly that it is rare that the reads for pleasure, but he reads technical data at a 93 percentile comprehension rate, whereas my comprehension rate is well below that and requires me to read material more than once as well as using my other senses, and I'm not dyslexic. My son and granddaughter both learn best by listening. Well, except when they were teenagers...... I've always read aloud to them for pleasure. When my son was growing up, we spent many wonderful evenings reading aloud.

    Thank you for posting this, Jigg. I know it was not your intention to hurt her, and I hope Birdlady comes back to us.

  2. KharminJ | | #2

    Oh, yes, Judy ~ It is so unfortunate that in our quest to "not offend" (PC - ptui!), even new words and phrases quickly become loaded with negative connotations!In many instances, what is labeled a "disability" is really just a "Learning Style Incompatibility". There are many different "learning styles" in the human family, but only one or two are usually used in the typical school environment. As a gross generalization, there's at least Hearing, Seeing, Doing and Reading About. (Those aren't directly taken from any one *system*, but merely my interpretation.) Plus, many combinations and variations. If *your* learning style doesn't mesh with the teacher's teaching style, one will almost always have difficulty grokking the lesson! The suggestion to "find a different teacher" is perfectly valid. So is the idea to record the lesson, for further review. There is no "one right answer"! And - Congratulations on your son's successful navigation of the "System"!!Bright Blessings!Kharmin

    1. Teaf5 | | #3

      Your analysis of different learning styles and "learning style incompatibility" is not only very accurate in daily life but pretty close the current research into learning issues.  It applies to teachers as well as to instructions, manuals, and how-to books.

      Sometimes, the worst teacher is one you are very close to--a husband, mother, or friend--but sometimes that person can be the very best teacher, too. 

      Likewise, when looking for instructions or how-to books, you have to test them to see if they work for the way you learn.  For example, while I like the "For Dummies" series, sometimes their approach is too verbal for me.

      Exploration and experimentation are critical in finding good instruction or instructors; yesterday, I had to go through nine books on how to use a photoshop program before I found one that answered a sample question in a way I could understand. 

      The others will probably be perfect for someone else, but I bought the one that is perfect for me.    Instead of being frustrated, I'm looking forward to everything I can learn and discover.

      1. Sancin | | #4

        When I was doing graduate work I did some research on learning styles. I came across an excellent article on self analysis and how to help oneself. It may take some searching through my archives, but will look and post it. It was excellent and I referred many of my college level students to it and they found it helpful. As I said, it will take some time for me to search for it but will post when I find it. ;-)

    2. Cityoflostsouls | | #12

      I have a young son who is dyslectic and left handed.  I had to tell numerous teachers that he could not see the difference between-for instance-was and saw. Most elementary teachers have not really had in depth training on teaching these children.  He is brilliant in math and is a bright little boy in spite of people who said otherwise.  He's a great little left handed batter.  I just think that to suggest to anyone that they might have a problem no matter what you think is rude and insensitive.  I can't believe you would even bring that up.

      1. goodmeasure | | #15

        >>>I just think that to suggest to anyone that they might have a problem no matter what you think is rude and insensitive.  I can't believe you would even bring that up.<<<

        Maybe I'm missing something here, but I wonder why you would attack jjgg after she not only offered an apology but clarified her comments.  I was told that this is a pleasant group, but I am beginning to wonder, after reading some very nasty remarks.

        As for learning disabilities:  What's the big deal, anyway?  None of us can excel at everything; so in essence, we've all got a (dis)ability in some area of our lives.

        1. MaryinColorado | | #21

          Please don't give up on us!  We are a "pleasant group" and are all human.  We do our best to be kind, helpful, and considerate with each other.  Mary

  3. sewslow67 | | #5

    >>>Well, I think I mortally offended Birdlady with my comment about learning disabilities.<<<

    Hi jjgg:  I hear what you are saying; however, here is another perspective for you (and others) to consider: 

    As a person who has taught college level classes in communication and conflict resolution, and worked as a professional mediator for years, you cannot be faulted for what you originally said, nor do you need to feel bad about it in any way.  And while it is unfortunate that Birdlady took it the wrong way, it was neither your fault nor your responsibility.

    We all have choices, and feeling hurt by what someone else says, is a choice  While it is too bad that Birdlady appears to be no longer on this forum, it was her personal choice to be offended ...and it was her choice to respond in the inappropriate way that she did. 

    In the meantime, it is thoughtful of you to help each of us by clarifying learning disabilities.  It’s always good to learn the latest research on issues that does, or can, affect each of us.  And for that, you have my sincere thanks.

    1. KharminJ | | #6

      Yeah! Absolutely! I second what SewSlow said!

      Your input here is surely welcome, and as you mentioned in another thread, it's damnably difficult to put 'emotional spin' on typewritten words! Cheers AND Bright Blessings! ~Kharmin

    2. ljb2115 | | #8

      I am a former Purdue University certified sewing instructor who has followed this thread for days, plus corresponded with one of the participants.  The underlying problem is I think the instructor is ill equipped to teach anything, especially asking someone with not much experience to tackle a Vogue tailored jacket, and insisting on the use of POLY organza.  I would still be running from that instructor.  A typed prospectus, plus written information at each juncture would be helpful to anyone.  I think this has been a bad (and sad) situation from the beginning.  Shall we move on?

      1. sewelegant | | #16

        Hmmm. Very interesting.  I have two daughters who went to Purdue.  One was into the sewing technology classes and every art class she could get her hands on;  the other one became an engineer but decided she needed (or wanted) to learn to sew so signed up for a beginners class in skirt making.  I think she lasted one week, maybe two!  The instructor informed her she did need to know the basics in order to continue. Do you remember her?  (I'm just kidding) She still enjoys talking about her one sewing class.

        1. ljb2115 | | #17

          I did not teach at Purdue, I am a Cooperative Extension Sewing Educator.  We CEA's take the place of the "old-time" sewing specialist extension agents.  There are some who like to sew and some who HATE it.  I prefer to work with the ones who like it.  I am not active anymore as I taught at independent fabric stores, and if you are from Indiana or close, you know these went the way of the Model T and the bustle! DH is an engineer and "favorite son" (my only son) is a Purdue grad.  Small world.

          1. sewelegant | | #18

            I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would become so intimate with Indiana, but my oldest daughter got a scholarship from Purdue and two of her siblings followed her lead.  One SIL is from Indiana and the two girls are now living in the Chicago area.  They are proud to say they went to Purdue.

            I have heard of the co-op extension service, but am not sure just what I know about it.  I think one of the places we lived had sewing lessons offered through them, but I never signed up.  My best class memories are from the Minnesota Fabrics store in Fairfax, VA and a knit shop in San Diego.  Maybe some of those teachers were connected to the co-op.

          2. ljb2115 | | #19

            The Cooperative

            extension Service is an arm of the US Department of Agriculture.  This service is a product of the land grant colleges and universities,  ie. Purdue, Ohio State, Iowa State, etc.  Each state has a land grant school.  From this, nearly each county in each state has a Cooperative Extension Service, which works in tandem with farmers.  This service is not only agrarian, but works with social services, runs the 4H programs, conducts the Master Gardener classes, and is an incredibly versatile operation. If you need information on most any subject, the local CES probably has a phamphlet about it.  I am a 4H judge, have been an Indiana State Fair judge, Make it Yourself With Wool judge, have participated heavily at the Indiana State Fair, etc.  Right now, I am taking it kind of easy, just four 4H contracts this year.  Oh yes, I am Coordinator for the Open Class Competition at the local 4H Fair. (Almost forgot that.)

            The reason that I am A Purdue Cooperative Extension Sewing Educator is, in it's wisdom, Purdue began phasing out the CES Clothing Specialiasts back in the middle to late eighties.  Hence the laymen were asked to take up the slack, give classes, do some research, etc. 

            I have memberships in the American Sewing Guild, (one of the longest-tenured members), the local quilter's guild and am a member of the Extension Homemakers Association.  Contrary to the name, we are not "Suzy Homemakers".  We perform community services, donate specific items to Riley Hospital in Indianapolis, support various charities, etc, work with Children's Protective Services, read to Head Start students, to name a few. In fact our local EH program rivals any other "do good" group, as we are so versaitile

            In a nutshell, this is Cooperative Extension.  I was reared on a farm in Ohio and upon moving to Indiana, became involved and as they say "the rest is history".

            Congrats to your daughters for attending Purdue.  Great choice!!!

            Note to ALL:  if some of my interpertarion is not correct, I took all of the above from the top of my head after a long day.

          3. cafms | | #20

            I'm curious about your Sewing Educator program.  Is it similar to the Master Gardner program with training sessions for the volunteers and payback hours, etc?  If so what all is involved in your training?  I have been a volunteer for the Mississippi State University Extension Service since 1997 and am called a Master Clothing Volunteer.  I have done all the things that you mentioned - teaching, judging for all those contests,  etc and really enjoy it.  Extension here also doesn't have much in the way of staff for clothing specialists or many agents who sew.  Those who do are covered up with so many other duties.  I teach a sewing class that meets the first Monday of the month and  has for the past 5 years.  Have met some really nice people doing it. 

            I know there are several other states that have programs - Washington - Clothing & Textile Advisors, Kentucky, Texas, and Arkansas did at one time, all called Master Clothing Volunteers - I think.  I'm  always looking for ideas for our group.  We will have a state meeting in July for training and open it to the public.  This year we are encouraging the county 4-H agents to send someone who works with the sewing programs to the workshops.  We are hoping to increase the numbers entering the clothing construction competitions at the county and state fairs and provide the leaders with training and encouragment.

            P.S. My daughter-in-law is from Indiana and a proud Purdue chemical engineering graduate.

          4. ljb2115 | | #22

            So glad you asked.  The Purdue program was instituted 22 years ago.  We were to supplement the county extension educators with sewing education as Purdue was eliminating the clothing specialists.  We are volunteers who at the time had to donate four lessons before being compensated.  If I may be truthful, the program fizzled after a couple of years, because of absolutely no interest or help from Purdue.  The person in charge was let go and subsquently  went to Ball State.  The rest of us muddled along giving programs, etc, which I still do.  If I remember correctly this had some connection with the American Home Sewing Assn., which is now defunct. The ASG (American Sewing Guild) never recognized us as a group, as I feel it (ASG) felt rather threatened. This program was revealed at at an American Home Sewing Assn./American Sewing Guild convention and trade show in 1987.  At that time, I was president of the local chapter. I never felt any inclination to become affiliated with any other "licenseing group", SEA, Martha Pullen, Sulky, etc. 

            I have been very fortunate to have complete backing from our local cooperative extension service.  I, too, am a 4H judge - love it!  I was thinking of retiring two years ago, but am still hanging in.  I am also coordinator for the local adult open class competition at our local 4H fair.  Have done this for twenty years.  Time has flown and have made wonderful friends through this program.  In fact, one of my closest and best friends came from this.  

            Hope I have answered your query.  I am a rural person at heart.  I feel 4H is one of the best ways to learn leadership and responsibility.  I sure did!  Who else was going to take care of my beef calves? 

            I have been disappointed in the clothing construction numbers for quite a few years, but maybe with this economic turndown, we can get some converts. First, we have to find teachers.  I rest my case.


          5. cafms | | #23

            Thanks for your reply.  Compensation?  We've never had that.  Our handouts are copied for us which I really appreciate.  I didn't realize it might be that long ago that it was started but imagine the idea has been tried several places since then.  We had help from the Arkansas program when ours was started. 

          6. ljb2115 | | #24

            I remember now.....Arkansas, Mississippi and a few other southern states were to be involved.  The original idea was to teach women to sew, so they could in turn do custom work and augment their family income.  Hence, the involvement (non) with the now-defunct American Home Sewing Assn.  This was an altruistic idea, but there was never the team work needed to get the idea off and running. I have the feeling there was much talk, but no money was given (or spent) on promoting this.  This was left to the local cooperative extension service to promote.  Some did, some did not.

            When I mentioned compensation.....I taught for some independent fabric stores in the Indianapolis, IN area for quite a few years, but all have now closed. For one shop I was responsible for advertising, setting up classroom and even running the sweeper after the class.  I always left the room better looking than when I arrived!  I did not survive very long under that regime.  I also had to forfeit 20% of my total income of the class for the shop's willingness to participate. Therefore, my teaching career was NOT profitable.  One shop was absolutely great to work with - the other was not!

            I am now happy to sew for myself.  I have retired from custom work and alterations.  After a while one needs some "me" time. 


          7. cafms | | #26

            Apparently Texas had a well run organization or did in 1998 when we visited one of their meetings.  When our group was first started we went to a sewing expo in San Antonio and stopped at one of their meetings.  They had an advisor from the university and last time I looked at their website they had a large number of volunteers.  Washington State does too and they help with the big sewing show up there.  Hancock's fabrics was very supportive to us in the beginning since the headquarters is in Mississippi. The extension agent who organized ours has retired so we are trying to keep it going.  But I enjoy it and have another lady here in my county to work with teaching two classes on the first Monday of the month.  We'll get together with others in the state in mid July for a fun three day meeting.


          8. ljb2115 | | #29

            I am so glad to see some of the states still sponsoring the sewing educators.  Now that I look back, I am sure this was a funding problem at Purdue and no one was interested in backing the program.  At one time there were seminars for pattern fitting, regular construction, and miscellaneous problems which arise whenever there was a need.  I am periodically called upon to help a group (usually 4H).  I still have all the files, samples, etc.  When I am in a cleaning mode, I want to throw out everything from 20 years ago, but then....."what if I need this?".

            Right now, one of my responsibilities is coordinating the local 4H fair with the Adult Open Class.  This has grown through the years to a great show.  We use the small space alloted to us by the 4H exhibit association, but have everything on display and if I may say so, in a very attractive, eye-catching way.  This takes countless hours of my volunteer time and I would love to have a successor.  Today, I must tally the entries and go to the bank.  After July 12, I can take a breather.  This has been the lion's share of my volunteer obligation.  I work all year with this and it is over in the blink of the eye!

            Please keep me posted on your successes.  I miss the comaraderie of meeting with the other educators.

          9. ljb2115 | | #30

            In order to get back to the original problem posted on this thread.....I spent the day looking at the http://www.coatsewalong.blogspot.com.  What a wealth of information!  The person who wrote about taking a jacket class (I hope she is still on this forum) should read this from end to end, and so should her instructor.  I really did not expect to be glued to the monitor most of the afternoon, but couldn't leave it.  Beautiful fabrics, lots of muslins, lots of musing:  should I do this or that?  What a blogspot. These women SEW!!!


          10. sewslow67 | | #31

            So glad you enjoyed the coat sewalong blog that I posted.  I thought it was so interesting too, and am considering participating in one of their sew-a-longs.   If you decide you want to participate too, please go back  to my original post so you can keep everyone here updated on your progress.  The title is: The Great Coat Sewalong and the link is: http://forums.taunton.com/tp-gatherings/messages/?msg=9922.5  Enjoy!

          11. cafms | | #33

            What is the Adult Open Class with 4-H that you mentioned?  I don't think we have it here at least I haven't heard about it.  Does it take place during the fair or during the club congress at the end of the year.  We have that in May at the university. There are more entrants in the clothing selection - purchased clothing - than clothing construction.  They did have a few more this year so maybe that is a good sign.    

          12. ljb2115 | | #35

            The Adult Open Class competition is open to any one in our county or close surrounding counties.  It is essentially the same as a 4H competition and takes place during our 4H fair.  Foods, fine arts, needlework, sewing, quilting, etc.  Just a way for adults to "show their wares" and possibly win ribbons or sweepstakes prizes sponsored by local individuals or businesses.  No one advances to the state fair from this competition - just fun and a bit of work for the committee.

          13. Ocrafty1 | | #37

            Sorry I missed out on most of this discussion...we were on vacation for 2 wks.

            I also live in IN and was very active in our local 4H programs...everything from member, to advisor, to judge and supt. of Arts and crafts. I am just as disappointed as you are in the number of members who exhibit sewn garments.  I'm also disgusted with the quality of workmanship and the feeling of entitlement that the members have... by this I mean that the exhibitors expect to get a blue ribbon just for entering a garment in the local fair.

            When I started in 4-H back in the '60's, first yr. members made a drawstring apron.  The judge used a seam guage to make sure that the seams were perfectly straight. If they weren't you didn't get a blue ribbon...and you didn't expect one!   In 2 of the counties I judged the superintendent actually pulled me off to the side and told me that I needed to give out more blue ribbons...she said the kids would drop out if they didn't get blues. I was furious and disgusted. This doesn't teach the kids anything about the values inherit in 4-H. As a judge, I always called each exhibitor up to ask about their garment and how it was constructed.  You learn quickly whether or not they made it...or if someone else 'helped.'  You'd be amazed at how many of the kids'  have 'help' that actually makes the garment for them.  Those kids don't deserve anything but a participation ribbon.  How are they supposed to get any self esteem if they just get awards handed to them without earning them.  I finally just had to walk away from it completely; this was a heartbreaking decision, as there have been 3 generations of     4-H'ers in my family, with the 4th ready to begin.  (My mom, all 7 of her kids, 4 grandkids..so far...have all been 10 yr. members) 



          14. sewslow67 | | #38

            Good for you, Deb.  Now then, on a very different subject (that you also mentioned in your post):  How was your vacation and how far west did you get?  i.e. to Portland, OR and/or through Canada?  What route did you end up taking?  Inquiring minds want to know.  teehee

          15. Ocrafty1 | | #39

            Well, our vacation plans changed due to DH injuring his knee.  After a cortizone shot and a week of healing, we headed North East.  We rode throught the Kankamanges (sp) Hwy. in the White Mts. (PA), through a downpour, and then on through Maine..finally made it to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  We traveled mostly on state hwys., avoiding the interstates unless we had to go around a major city. Halifax was OK, and we enjoyed the Maritime museum...as well as the local cuisine...lobster and clams. :)  After an overnight stay, we headed for one of our favorite places...Eastport, ME...a little place called SeaView...and stayed there for 2 nights.  We hopped on the bike, got about 150 miles in the pouring rain, before we had to pull off and found a motel behind a gas station.  The town had all of 12 streets in it....but the place was clean and dry and gave us a place to get dried out.  There wasn't even a McDonalds....just a convenience store that had day old burgers that we ended up throwing out.  Quite a let down from the lobster dinner the night before...ROFLOL   All in all, it was a great trip.   We were gone 11 days and had 2.5 days of rain each way.

            We still had about 14 days before he had to go back to work, so we took a week to recover and then we rode to Ohio and took a ferry to Put in Bay on the 4th of July.  DH always told me he'd take me on a cruise....Teehee.  The hotel was outrageously priced; it had 5 swim-up bars! The place had changed dramatically changed from when DH was there 20 yrs. ago.  Now its a resort town and it was like Spring Break; mostly kids in their 20's, with more $$ than brains.  Many of their parents were on their docked yachts...and the same can be said for them.   The fireworks were spectacular and we enjoyed spending time together....which was the whole point of our trip.

            We want to go back to Eastport next yr. and stay for a week.  I couldn't believe it when DH suggested it!  His idea of a vacation is the traveling...mine is stopping and enjoying the spot we stop in.  We've never stayed more than 2 nights in any place that we've ever gone to.  I'm looking forward to next yr.  We still have some vacation time left and will also probably take some 3 or 4 day weekend trips while we still have warm weather. 

             I LOVE riding on the Harley; its my favorite way to travel.  DH's knee is bothering him a lot since he went back to work last Mon.  He has to walk about 9 mi./day on concrete while traveling from 1 building to another.  It is taking its toll on his knee.  He's supposed to go back to the Dr., but is afraid that he'll need surgery....and doesn't want to do it while he still has a chance to work.  If he gets laid off, he'll still have insurance coverage for while, and would rather wait.  Time will tell if he can put it off or not.

            I finally got my Juke up and running yesterday!  I think I'm going to love it!!!! I haven't decided what my newest sewing project will be, but I'm hoping to start it on Tues.  Laundry tomorrow.  Will let you all know how it goes!



          16. miatamomma | | #40

            Glad you are home and safe.  Sounds like a wonderful trip.  My kind of vacation but mine is in a car not a "bike".We were in Put-in-Bay a few years ago.  Sounds like it has gone a little more high-end now.  Seeing our beautiful country on vacations is one of the joys in life.  Hope that knee gets better.  I have one that is a problem but not from injury, just wear-and-tear.


          17. KharminJ | | #41

            Hey Deb ~

            So happy to hear that you-guys got to have a good trip, in spite of dramatically altered plans! Super-duper gel inserts for his shoes may help minimize the pain (and damage) of the concrete floors, in the meantime.Happy Sunday! Kharmin

          18. sewslow67 | | #42

            Hi Deb!  Thanks for sharing your vacation with all of us.  Wow ...what a time you had - esp with all that rain.  However, I'm so glad to hear that you still had a good time and that you are going actually spend time in one place next year so you can really relax.  And fresh lobster; yummy!!

            I don't know much of anything about a Juke, so you will have to educate those of us like me about the features that make it so special.  Either way, enjoy your new piece of equipment.  And thanks again for sharing all the detail of your trip.

          19. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #44

            WoW Deb, I am so happy you got a bike trip in after all! I am drooling with excitement for you. We are going to be lucky if we even get to see our in laws in Vermont this year :( Just local tours for us I am afraid. AH Well, maybe next year...
            But the big question is, did you get to stop in at any FABRIC STORES???? he he he Cathy

          20. Ocrafty1 | | #47

            Not a one!!! We did stop at a few antique shops though.  DH tried very hard to talk me into buying a mid 1800's 'mourning gown and bonnet' but the guy wanted $150 just for the bonnet, and it was in pretty bad shape, so I declined. I did .take photo's to add to my 'inspiration collection.'  I love vintage clothing from that period...well, actually from any early period (giggle).  I didn't research where fabric stores were located, as we usually only have a couple of definite destinations.  This yr. they were Halifax and Eastport, ME.

            DH doesn't like to spend a lot of time in one spot....he likes the traveling part of the vacation.  I'm sure, if I'd asked, he'd have taken me to one....but I'd have had to ship home anything that I bought. We can only carry so much on the bike, and even my curling iron must be left home.  Not an easy thing to do when you wear a helmet all day.  Helmet hair is the worst! Its hard for him to understand that a woman doesn't feel like a woman without certain things. We take enough clothing for 3 days, then stop and do laundry along the way.  We also buy new shirts at the Harley shops as we travel. This trip we had to ship stuff home...the bike was too unstable with all the added weight.  Next yr. DH wants to spend some about a week based in Eastport.  I'm definitely going to try to find some fabric stores within a 200 mile radius from there!  Suggestions, anyone?????


          21. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #49

            Pictures are easier to store than the garment, and cheaper too! he he he
            Yeah, packing and balance on the bike is hard with two people on one bike. I find it hard enough with 2 bikes!
            I have a hair appointment this week. My girlfriend and I are going together by car, as she won't ride. I am thinking of wearing my helmet to my appointment to show my hairdresser what I mean by helmet hair! Don't know how my friend will feel with me wearing my helmet there, as it is her turn to drive! he he he Cathy

          22. sewtimely | | #25

            Curiosity had me wondering why "dyslexia" was mentioned in sewing forum, so here I am.  Didn't get much out of it.  Scanned through the comments.  Hope all's forgiven and we can move on.  But I am commenting because you really peaked my interest and I wanted to comment about the Co-op extention.  I'm a Master Volunteer in Clothing Construction for the University of KY.  I love the opportunities it gives.  It helps to keep you in the know about and old sewing techniques and whats going on in the craft.  I would recommend that if you have the opportunity to get involved.  You have to prove your sewing skills.  I've sewn since jr. high school (about 40 years now) and I said  that when I went through the training.  "I learned a lot about sewing and one thing I learned the most, is I don't know how to sew."  I enjoy teaching, and giving time to charities.  You get some excellent training and "pay back" by sharing the same and giving of time to keep sewing interest alive and well. 


          23. cafms | | #27

            I think we have gotten off the dyslexia topic which is probably just as well. 

            I like to check your KY MCV website and haven't in a while.  Your newsletters are so interesting.  Some of us were invited to attend your mid-rotation training one year but we didn't make it.  Life got in our way.  You all have such interesting trainings it sounds like and  I would love to get there sometime.  I would like to hear some of the things you all do and how you do your training.  How is the training scheduled? All at one time, over several weeks or months? How often is it offered to new groups?   What type and how much continuing education do you have?  Does everyone come to the mid-rotation trainings?  I just pulled up your website and I see you have one coming up again in October.  Who plans them? Do you have a clothing specialist at the university who works with you?  What is the function of the steering committee?  What is the organizational structure of it -  a president, VP etc.? Are they MCVs or extension staff, elected, appointed?

            Sorry for all the questions.  I'm just looking for ideas to enhance our program. I better post this before I think of more.

          24. sewtimely | | #28

            I'm not the one to be able to answer all these questions, but I will look into it and gladly give you the information or get the answers from someone.  We have training every October.  Different volunteers volunteer or are signed up to teach.  I hope to figure out what I'm teaching soon or I'll be signed up for something horrible like "zippers" or "collars."  The training is really good.  We do have someone at the University who is in charge of the program.  I don't know what our steering commitee does, but I'll find out these answers for you.  I'll give you the information on hours of training and "payback hours" when I get those details.  We have to give in a 2 year period, I think 30 hours teaching, 20 hours community service.  I think on the website you can view the forms we fill out which has the hours required, etc.  New volunteers are added every two years.  Mid-rotation, which is this October, we'll have no new people.  I love talking about it.  It's a wonderful program.  It was cut back last year, so I'm nervous that it may be cut completely with funds and program cuts, one reason I encourage people to get involved.  It's vital to our culture.  I will check out the other questions you have, to get them answered as accurately as possible and get back to you soon.  Good talking to you about this.  Have a sewingly good day!


          25. cafms | | #32

            Thanks for the info.  I'll look forward to hearing more about your program.  It would be interesting to get together with others in other states and have a good discussion about things to do and new ideas. 

          26. 7armadillos | | #34

            What exactly do you do with Child Protective Service? And what do you have to do to get a job like that with the Extension Service? Sounds like a job I would love!

          27. ljb2115 | | #36

            I do nothing with CPS.  Our county extension homemakers periodically donate school items for children who have been taken to foster care.

            I think I have given all my knowledge about cooperative extension services, extension homemakers and open class exhibits at the local 4H fair.  Thank you all for your inquiries.

          28. rbjohn | | #53

            Reading this thread brought back a lot of memories for me. I have dealt the battle of the education of the 'special needs'  though out my son's education . My son  has ADD, dslyexic, etc.  His IQ is extremely high, but he barely go through HS.

            I had gone in for a conference with his 4th grade teacher. I brought in tons of literature about his problems. She told me she knew all about them, that her own son had ADD.

            After 45 min of discussion, I was preparing to leave. The teacher then said to me" You know, if he would just pay attention, he wouldn't be having problems" DuH?????

            I was flabbergasted. A friend had drove me to the meeting and sat in. She grabbed my arm and yanked me out. She was afraid if i didn't hit this teacher, she might. LOL

            This teacher had a master degree in education.

            Getting a degree or training to do a job doesn't mean you are good at that job. You do not have to prove you retained all you were supposed to learn in order to graduate and get a job. And though most educators have to take classes after graduating, you only have to pass that class, there is no skills check up.  ( the same applies to nurses, Passing your boards is just proof of printed retention, it has nothing to do with skills.  I am a nurse)

            Okay, that was off topic.   It is very easy to offend someone and very easy to be offended. Thank goodness we have the words "I'm sorry" in our language.

            I have a closed head injury and suffer numerous deficiets.  I have gotton offended, many times, when people say things. If I quit communicating every time someone offended me, I would have no one left to chat with.  Just because we learned to talk doesn't mean we will always say the right thing.

            If my rambling offended anyone, I'm sorry.

            Have a great day all.


    3. birdlady1 | | #50

      To: Slowsew67

      I read your e-mail regarding JIGG's comments stating that it was inappropriate for me to write what I did.  Excuse me, but JIGG was the one who posted her comments about being frustrated and also commenting about my having a learning disability and being dyslexic.  I do not have a learning disability.  My situation is that I do not sew as often as some in the Gatherings Group.  Therefore, I may not understand some of the the concepts when it comes to sewing.  I am taking classes in order to learn different techniques.  There is a person in my class who sews great and is still coming to classes to upgrade her skills.  She indicated that she doesn't know or understand everything about sewing; that is why she is taking classes.  With experience you build confidence and skills.  It is like learning to drive for the first time; after driving continually for years, you become more confident and knowledgable.  That is the way it is in most cases.

      With respect to JIGG and yourself commenting about me having a learning disability and being dyslexic, I am also not dyslexic either.  The only people who would know if someone has a learning disability or is dyslexic would be a professional who has had years of training in that field.  Do you and JIGG have those credentials?  If not, I would not start comparing your experiences with others or making comments about others either.  The only way to really know is to have those parties tested.  Have you tested me?  If not, then please keep your comments and opinions to yourselves.  The Gatherings Group is not a forum to criticze people.  It was created for people who have a passion for sewing, knitting etc., not for insulting others.

      When I joined the Gatherings Group, I thought that we were all there to help one another if we had problems with sewing, etc.  It appears that some of us cannot ask questions and if we do, we become pigeonholed into having either leaning disabilities or being dyslexic.  As I indicated in my earlier e-mail, if some of you do not want to answer questions that I post on this group, then feel free not to respond.  I did not appreciate JIGG's comments nor yours.  You indicated that I had a "choice"; well you and she have a choice of not participating when I forward my e-mails to the Gatherings Group.  I did not e-mail the Gatherings Group to get insulted.  And yes, it was insulting.   

      P. S. I just wanted to let you both know that I have had a number of people in the group who have e-mailed me privately and feel the same way as I do. 

      1. jjgg | | #51

        I do believe I apologized for upsetting you, if you can't accept the apology then I'm sorry for you about that.

        1. sewingkmulkey | | #52

          Yes, let's just move on and enjoy our love of sewing!


  4. ljb2115 | | #7

    I, too, am mildly dyslexic.  I wish that I had had some help in my "growing" years.  I never absorbed anything on the first round.  My mother would sit with me each night and help me review the days "drudge".  Before anyone chimes in - I grew up in the 1950's and there were the haves and have nots.  Fortunately, I could read at a 12th grade level in the fourth grade, so reading was not a problem. (I always beat the class valdictorian in reading comp. for twelve years.) The problem was the rigid teachers.  I never realized my problem until way too late to retrain myself.  I feel that being left-handed was some of the problem.  As a friend who took a seminar with me said "You are right, you do everything upside-down and backwards".  But, I get the project done, in just a different manner.  Soooo, I avoid hands-on seminars, get togethers, etc. as I can never finish.  I am not a total wipeout, as I love to sew and there I shine.  Lots of ribbons, sweepstakes, at the Indiana State Fair.  I hated elementary teachers when I was in elementary school!

    Now I know why I cannot read music and play at the same time.  Ditto for reading copy and typing.  I love the computer as I can look at the keys and type at the same time.  As for playing an instrument.....I am happy to listen to good music played by someone else.

  5. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #9

    Jigg, I understand completely where you are coming from. My 3 darling daughters all have learning disabilities, and regular classrooms and school was very difficult for them. Yet, these smart, intelligent women are all succeeding now on their own. Some people just have to work harder and practice more in order to learn. It is unfortunate that things have gone the way they have. I hope you realize that you have done a lot to help in the past, and we are all looking forward to learning more from you. Cathy

    1. jjgg | | #10

      Thanks Cathy,I'm so sick of sewing tents, that I cleaned up my sewing room of tent fabric (I'm actually caught up o sewing them) and took out some luscious knit that I'm making a jacket out of (for ME), it's half finished. I'll post some pictures when its done.My serger is cooperating tonight, so it's all been done on the serger.I have a ton of family coming to visit this week, so I really just need to clean the whole house! I'll have both of my boys home on Friday! Yeah, along with a couple of my sisters and a whole slew of nieces and nephews.

      1. KharminJ | | #11

        Oh Good for You - sewing for yourself for a change! Sewing the same thing over-and-over-and-over sure can get "old" fast - no matter how much income it's worth!Looking forward to the photos, too! ;O}Kharmin

        1. Cityoflostsouls | | #13

          I believe I sent my message to you instead of Jigg and for that I sincerely apologize.

      2. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #14

        Sounds great, a big family gathering, what fun!
        I am glad your tents have been doing so well! It will be a nice change of pace to sew with something luxurious for a change. I finally got my two invisible zips done! Wore one already, but I will take pics and post the other later. Now I can get on with a new project. :) Cathy

  6. gailete | | #43

    I realize that I missed most of the discussion at the beginning, but as a dyslexic person myself, I am so grateful to my first grade teacher back in 1960 who realized I had a problem and was able to help me learn to read. I loved the act of reading so much that I literally became a speed reader. I see words my own way when reading. Pronounce them to myself in my own way. Get the meaning from the context. At this point in life I've read nearly 20,000 books. But please don't ask me to tell you whether or not to turn right or left and if you want to keep a secret from me spell it out loud and I will not understand. I am a college and nursing school graduate and managed all that without most people even realizing I had a problem.

    Friday night after reading the most thorough book on applique I ever read, decided to try a small project. Couldn't figure out what was the problem, why my project wasn't turning out like the book's. All my stuff was backwards! Duh! Glad it was a scrap fabric project. Managed to mess up the second attempt as I forgot stabilizer. Do you think third time will be the charm?


    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #45

      Gail, I have the same left right problem. I was in early 30's when someone finally taught me a simple tool to help me. I know a lot of people know this one, but I did not. Maybe you do not either. When you hold your left hand out with your thumb and index fingers extended, it makes the letter L. L for Left. I use a lot of masking tape to mark the left and right pieces of my patterns. Whatever works to keep you on track. We still have mostly digital clocks in our house as I can't tell time on a regular one... Cathy

      1. gailete | | #46

        Cathy, If I LOOK at my hands, I can then determine which is left and right, but only if I look. So driving down a street and your hubby says which way left or right, I have to pull the hands out, remember which is which and then remember which way to turn. By the time all this has processed we have missed our turn! He is a wonderful man and at this point understand my problem so he knows better than to wait for the last minute to ask and he knows if I give an answer with out due process I always get it wrong.

        One of the best things that has helped me is spellcheck on computers as I tend to type words scrambled and I always scramble them the same way. So I really try to proof read what I write and always run spellcheck if available which is why I think it is funny that some people who may just be poor spellers for whatever reason, never bother with spellcheck. It is such a great resource and can raise the on-line "IQ" people would tag you with greatly. Some don't think that is important, but I don't like being perceived as dumb and even more so lazy. I visit many selling on line discussion forums where people say 'what can I do to get people to buy my stuff?' and if you dare mention how about checking the spelling and grammar of your listing so you look professional, there is always a reason why they don't/won't/can't.

        We all have our difficulties in life, whether a learning disability, a mental or physical health problem, relationship difficulties, etc. In my mind, use all the helps you can find and be considerate of others and give out helping hints if necessary.

        Like the one you gave me, I will try and remember the L thing except I just realized when I look my hands to figure out left from right I turn them over, so the L sign would be my right hand! I too have determined that I have to place pins in fabric to designate right and life sides and on no right side fabric, something to designate which side I'm using as the right side. I tried making hubby PJ bottoms at Christmas out of solid fabric with French seams--what a fiasco until I realized why everything was a big mess. Frustrating. I could probably teach someone how to sew better than I do as I know what to do but my brain trips me up.

        Here is one for you. Spellchecker doesn't have the word spellcheck in its dictionary!


        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #48

          OOPS!!!! Sorry Dear Friend. Seem to have forgotten the all important PALMS DOWN part. Really easy as you get to keep your hands on the steering wheel!! And if people you are not that familiar with are are in the car, you can just check with your peripheral vision. BONUS.
          I may not be good with numbers and directions. Words are my thing, and even I use spell check. Like I kept telling my girls as they grew up. You may not be able to do things the same way other people do, you have to find your own way. As long as it works for YOU! :) Cathy

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