Lefties: Applique scissors suggestions?

I am a lefty and want an applique scissors. Gingher appears to make only a right handed one, correct? Have any of you lefties used it or others with success? Shops around here carry them but cannot answer my questions about this kind of scissors. I want one just because it looks like it would be useful. I have never used one. Shops here have them locked in cases. No try-outs. Any suggestions?
Edited 5/13/2003 2:11:25 AM ET by Momcat50
There used to be (and maybe still is) a store for nothing but lefty stuff in my town. Why not bring a fabric scrap and ask to try out the scissors? If they won't let you do that, ask about their return policy. Then, perhaps, you can buy it, stand there, open the package, try it out, and attempt to return it if it doesn't cut your fabric. It should all be on camera.
Sorry to sound so cynical, but it's just been my experience. Oh, one other option is to see who the manufacturer is, and write them first. Bro is a lefty and has been forced to be ambidextrous due to such garbage.
Have you looked at Anything Left-handed at http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/ ? This is a UK shop which does international mail order.
I am left-handed but find I get on just fine with everything except sewing, where there definitely seems to be a prejudice. On the whole I don't bother with special equipment but adapt my technique to using things with my left hand, though I have to be careful not to upset sewing classes by leaving the iron in the 'wrong' place on the ironing board.
My husband is also left-handed so we just run a left-handed household. I work for Oxford University where, for some strange reason, left-handedness is so common that it passes totally without remark.
One place that is absolutely infamous for its left-hander intolerance is London Underground where left-handers routinely get locked out (or in) for putting their tickets in the wrong slot of the automatic barriers. I've done it!
Thanks Ghillie! Lots of interesting stuff there.
I just found left handed applique scissors on line from ericas.com. They are manufactured by Havel's, all stainless steel, and arrived very quickly - within a few days of ordering at only $21.00! They work very well for me, and I've had difficulty with some "lefty" scissors, like my pinking shears, wich seem upside down or something when I try to use them.
I've seen applique scissors used for years, and never considered buying them, but my parents wanted to get them for me as a gift. I've been using them for trimming things like small seams on doll clothes, etc. where I might cut into the fabric (turned under areas at necklines, etc.) and they're great. The guard section (bill shaped blade) really works well.
Good luck!
Thanks for the tip! I will give them a try.
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