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Linda MacPhee’s Workshop

MarshaK | Posted in General Discussion on

Hi Nicole,

I’m wondering if you are the Nicole that was Linda’s guest on her sewing show that ran a couple of weeks ago? You were introduced as an Educational Consultant, is that through MacPhee’s Workshop? In another disscusion when we were talking about going to Las Vegas you had said you would be going there, then had a change of plan as your husband had to go to Hawaii. We made it to Las Vegas at the end of April, unfortunately I didn’t get to any of the fabric shops there. I did get to meet one of my e-mail pals from Australia who was there with her husband at the same time. I’m still hoping we’ll be able to go to hawaii some time in the future, if you go let me know if you found any interesting places to shop.



  1. nmog | | #1

    Sorry for the late reponse - our computer crashed and was down for three weeks.  I was in withdrawal!

    Yes, it was me on the MacPhee show.  It was great! They let me choose my own title on the show, and since I am (was) a sewing teacher in Calgary, I decided to go with "Educational Consultant".  I thought it sounded neat.  They needed me for three shows (one person got sick and couldn't make it, so I filled in). The shows are done in one take, and I must say, I wasn't thrilled with my performance.  Linda gave me a few things to say beforehand, but it was hard to fit them in easily.  With the amount I normally talk, I'm suprised I had difficulty!

     My husband and I will be in Hawaii in October.  We've also decided to do a last minute deal to somewhere in the States in August (probably a 3 day trip) to hit all the neat stores.  Is JoAnn's as good as the ads make it out to be?  I've never been and I'm wondering if it's worth checking out, wherever we may be.

    Thanks for your note!


    1. MarshaK | | #2

      Hi Nicole,

      Now it's my turn to apoligize for the delay in getting back to you, as this past weekend we had a family reunion to celebrate the arrival in Canada 100 years ago of my maternal grandmother (she was 1 year old) a brother and their parents from Poland.

      I managed to see two of your three appearances with Linda, forgot to set the VCR so missed the third show. Perhaps I'll catch a re-run some day in the future. Another question for you, do you take part in the fashion show when Linda brings it to Calgary in September for the Creative Stitches and Crafts Alive Show? I've been down to Calgary twice for the show, would like to attend this year, but it all depends on my husband, whether or not he feels like spending the day there with me until I see all I want to after which we have a look around the Antique show and sale.

      The fabric shops that I manage to get to when we go down to Great Falls, MT. are JoAnn's, Hancock Fabrics, Ben Franklin Crafts, and there's a quilt shop that I just can't think of the name of right now. The fabrics these places carry are similar to our Fabricland and Fanny's, just they have more stock, and better prices. And more craft items and home decor bits and pieces. It's fun to shop in different towns and cities, I always check out the Yellow Pages as soon as I can to see what each new town has to offer in regard to fabric, craft and stained glass supplies.


      1. nmog | | #3

        Dear MarshaK,

        It sounds like you might live close to me! I'm in Calgary - where are you? I'm assuming that if you've been to the Calgary show, you might live within driving distance.

        I haven't taken part in a MacPhee fashion show. I'm actually not sure where Linda gets the models, but I think that some of them are friends and relatives. When we taped the show, the models came from an agency.

        I haven't seen any of the shows myself, but I hope to get a copy of them from the Access network.

        I'm going to steal your great idea and check out the Yellow Pages when we go travelling. It's so simple, but I never would have thought of it. Thanks for the idea!


        1. MarshaK | | #4

          Hi Nicole,

          I live about 100 miles north-east of Edmonton, Calgary is about a 5 hour drive from here. I did live there in the '70's, yea, I'm that old, still think it's a great place which is why I like to return any chance I get, though it's not that often.

          This past weekend we drove down to Great Falls, Montana to do what I like to call 'power shopping', the fabric stores are having all sorts of Christmas in July sales, I'm on JoAnn's mailing list so get a sales flyer every two weeks so I can plan what I want to look for in advance. Now with the Internet it's easier to find all the interesting stores ahead of time,  then when you have the address, you can go to http://www.mapquest.com and get a map and driving directions. Were you planning to drive down to the States in August, or fly to a certain city? If you'll be going into Montana, I can let you know some of the places I like to shop.

          Some of Linda's models in her shows are her employees from her stores, and members of their families, several years ago at the Calgary show she even had Miss Canada modelling.


          1. nmog | | #5

            Hello. It's amazing to meet someone at Gatherings that lives relatively close to me! What a small world.

            We would likt to do a 'last minute deal' sometime in Aug. The cheaper deals are usually in Seattle, but it depends what's available. However, we had two calls this week from relatives who want to stay with us during that time. Is your summer slipping away, too? It always suprises me how quickly the hot months fill up.

            Talk to you soon.


          2. MarshaK | | #6

            Hi Nicole,

            I hope you haven't been flooded out in yesterday's storm, the pictures on the news are amazing. What a weird summer it's turning into, with last week's rainstorm in Edmonton that damaged part of West Edmonton Mall and many houses in that area. Can't really say that summer is slipping away, with the chilly weather, it doesn't seem that it's started!

            I'm not familiar with Seattle and area shopping, we've been in Spokane quite often as my mother lives nearby, so no help from me there.  Where-ever you end up, enjoy your trip especially the shopping.


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