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Conversational Threads

lining a black/white knit

nmog | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I will be making a knit dress from Burda 8051. I’ve got a knit fabric that is mostly black with palm-sized white flowers. I would like to try to line it, but am wondering if it is worth the effort. The white areas aren’t quite see-through and the dress has some gathering down the front, but I don’t want my undies showing. Could I use lightweight knit interfacing to add some body as well?

Thanks for your help.


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    The knit interfacings I have used are not really that stretchy.  I am afraid that you would lose alot of stretch for a dress.  I think I would make a little very lightweight cotton knit slip or half slip and camisole to wear under it if needed.  Or maybe just wear a bodysuit under it if it really isn't too sheer.

    1. nmog | | #2

      It's amazing how many times the simple things elude me! I think that I will make the dress one size bigger as well, as it is supposed to be 'close fitting'. I may leave the zipper out, too. I think that using a slip and not empasizing all my bumps may do the trick.
      Thank you!

      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        I think as long as you stick with natural fabrics, it will be okay.  If you add a nylon or polyester slip it might cause static cling.  Or, if you really need to line it, just be sure the stretchability is consistant with both fabrics or you might get extra bumps.  I know I have plenty of bumps, hills, valleys and don't need any extras.  lol

      2. Josefly | | #4

        I think the idea of a slip, as Mary suggested, is a good one, in lieu of a lining for your knit. I like to wear cotton slips, but depending on what your knit fashion fabric is, you might prefer a slipperier slip. If that's the case, consider bemberg rayon. It goes well under cotton - doesn't "catch" on the fabric of the skirt, and allows it to slide right over it, - and doesn't feel too hot, as synthetics do.A "nude" color might be more concealing than white, with no show-through as you would get with black.

        Edited 3/10/2007 11:06 pm ET by Josefly

        1. MaryinColorado | | #5

          Most of my undergarments are close to my skin color, so boring beige and light pinks are best for me.  I think for women who have darker skin tones that the blacks and brown lingerie work best.  Same with linings.  I learned this from a very dark skinned friend of mine. 

          There is an article in Threads about lining pockets and such with a color closer to your skin tone.  Sorry, I no longer have that issue, in the article the writer was wearing white pants I think.  Maybe someone else recalls.

          1. Josefly | | #6

            You make a good point, Mary - "nude" could refer to one's own skin color, as opposed to ecru or beige only.

        2. nmog | | #7

          I never thought of bemberg as a slip fabric, but it makes sense (given that it's a lining!). I just missed a 50% off sale at the fabric store so I'll wat for the next one.
          Thank you.

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