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Conversational Threads

lining a cotton jacket

Susie_R. | Posted in The Archives on

I’d like to make a short casual jacket out of a medium weight woven cotton. I’d like to be able to wash it. Does anyone have any ideas for a lining that’s suitable and breathable? Thanks.

Susie R.


  1. Sarah_Kayla | | #1

    How about lining it in a really smooth cotton, like the Balinese cottons? They come in such pretty colors too.

    1. Margie_Padron | | #2

      *Susie, Since it's a casual jacket, how about a "fun" cotton calico print? Also, particularly for a spring and summer jacket, many times I don't line them. I recently made myself a short, collarless linen jacket. I didn't line it and it washes up beautifully in cold water on the gentle cycle.

      1. juliej_ | | #3

        *Bemberg rayon lining can be washed. It does lose some shine. I would worry most about the ironing nightmare of lining a washable jacket. I have made unlined linen jackets that wash fine and don't need ironing if you like that look.

        1. Susie_R. | | #4

          *Thanks Sarah, Margie, and Julie, for your advice.Now I feel like making three jackets and trying each suggestion!Which do you consider to be more of a headache, lining a jacket or finishing the seams on an unlined jacket attractively? Sarah, do you know of a source for the balinese cottons?

          1. juliej_ | | #5

            *Another idea is to cut the front of the jacket double so you can hide the welt pocket etc. and then only finish the seams that show (maybe with one of the pretty cottons?). This is in More Power Sewing. You can also line just the sleeves for easy on and off.Let me know how the tests come out.

          2. gloria_pyrka | | #6

            *I have been playing around trying various techniques on jackets I have been making lately. Some are quite time intensive (like making Hong Kong seam finishes with bias chiffon on a linen-like unlined jacket I made), but it looks great on the inside. Serging would be the fastest as far as seam finishes go. For a cotton jacket I don't know if you'd want to go through more trouble than that.

          3. Sarah_Kayla | | #7

            *I like using Hancocks of Paducah -800-845-8723 or http://www.Hancocks-Pacudah.com. They have a good selection and decent prices. Like buying fabric anywhere from a catalog the fabric colors do not exactly match the photos - They have some lovely and unusual cottons and have been good to deal with. in addition to the balinese cottons they also have lots of hoffman and some nifty 1930's prints. as for your other question, I hate making a lining. I might sew with the raw edges to the outside and then cover the raw edges with a contrasting binding or use the Bird----- method (I'm sorry i forgot her last name) where you covet the raw edges with tiny squares of fabric that you stitch over - It's in an ols copy of Threads. I'm sure that another gatherings user can give better info. Anyway it it a lovely finish. Very arty and beautiful -though time consuming.

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