I’m making poodle skirt (how many remember those, sock hops) as a request from my grand daughter. Her class is having a third grade sock hop. The skirt will be made out of felt with a poodle applique. My question, do I need to make a lining for the skirt also?.
Will await for your answer and suggestions.
I'd only line it if it's itchy. She's probably only going to wear it once, or twice. Besides, felt is pretty stiff and a lining is just going to make it stiffer. If the area where the poodle is has itchy stitching that bothers her, then line it or have her wear a slip or crinoline.
Is she going to wear a crinoline underneath?
If the crinoline is itchy (oh mine used to be scratchy and stiff) then line the crinoline with a nice thin cotton.
If the crinoline is nice soft nylon, then that's probably all you need.
Thanks so much for your reply. I did not want to line it.
I only remember wearing a slip with mine and a can-can. Remember those?
Again, thanks for your reply.
Lining it doesn't sound practical, but wearing a good whole or half slip underneath is the norm I believe. Back when poodle skirts were made, I don't think they were lined because they wore fancy pettycoats that made them stand out some, and a full circle skirt needs to hang in beautiful folds and spin out like a top when you turn. That was the beauty of the skirt.
In 1955, many of the fashionable young girls in the United States wore full skirts made of felt with an attached patch in the form of a poodle. These skirts were called poodle skirts.
Though known as poodle skirts, they were not limited to poodle patches but instead were often decorated with patches of flowers, records, cars and other animals.
Its popularity developed among young teenage girls and when those young girls grew into young women, they also grew out of their poodle skirts. The fad thus faded away as young women moved towards a more casual, sophisticated look.
Edited 1/14/2008 11:09 am ET by rodezzy
Thanks Rodezzy.
She's 8 and I think I am going to make a full slip to go with this.
I have the pattern and will start on it today.
My cousins wore matching poodle skirts with Elvis on them (with a guitar). My then-to-be husband met them for the first time when they were wearing these skirts, we had a nice visit and after the visit he turned to me (mind you, this man was from Britain) and said "who the hell is Elvis?"
That is too funny, LOL
A good laugh was just what I needed, how did you know?
Glad I made you smile. I just couldn't fathom how anyone in the whole wide world couldn't know about Elvis. We have now been divorced for 20 years!
Have you been absent? Nice to have you back. You're illustrations are always the best!
Speaking of absent ladies, has anyone heard from DonnaKaye lately? I've been missing her too. Gail
Yes, I was on vacation from December 14 through Jan. 2, 2008. Glad to be back at work, and missed everyone. I hope I put an effort into getting a computer for home. I don't know, there's a sewing machine I want more. Oh, well, I'll see. giggle!
I remember my poodle skirt! It was not lined but had hundreds of petticoats to not only make it stand out but for modesty's sake when doing the jitterbug. (I'm 62 and still remember how much fun that was!!!
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