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Lining an unlined jacket

busybee | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hallo all,

I,m planning to make a jacket that doesn,t have a lining . I want to put one in and am wondering how much larger I need to cut the jacket to accomodate this. Would very much appreciate your help. Couldn,t find an article in threads that covers this.

Busy bee




  1. From my Stash.... | | #1

    Hi, here are a couple of questions that might help us:

    What kind of jacket are you making?  Is it an outdoor jacket that will need a substantial lining or a suit jacket? 

    What type of fabric are you using for the jacket?

    Are you planning to put a lining right to the edge of the jacket or have a facing?

    Have you made a muslin yet out of a fabric with a similar weight and hand to the fashion fabric? If yes, how did it fit?

    1. busybee | | #2


      Thanks for replying so quickly. The jacket that I plan to make is Simplicity 4281 view c and my fabric a faux suede type. As it happens as i was browsing some of my Burda mags I saw one almost identical !  With a lining ! So I think I,ll save myself some hassle and go for that.  Thanks so much tho, for your help.  BusyBee

      1. From my Stash.... | | #3

        what great timing - that's why we keep our magazines - after all, why re-invent the wheel.  Good luck with the jacket.


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