To prove I actually do finish the odd UFO once and a while…..tee hee hee….
Found the perfect sheer fabric for my LR at a ridiculously low price before Christmas. It even had a prefinished and weighted hem. Decided to try and get them done by Easter after feeling better…. Ha Ha… Well Easter came and went… But I did finally finish them. The pic is not the best, they are a greyed Amethyst colour. Cathy
Hooray for you!I know that color, it's lovely - subtle, but definitely purple!Congratulations on a UFO well done!Kharmin
Thanks. I have yet to steam the rest of the creases out, but couldn't wait to post pics. :) Cathy
Love the color. I admire people who aren't afraid to use it - I'm mostly white on white, as far as my windows and walls go. I also like your turtles - I'm particularly fond of turtles and have a few scattered around myself.
Congrats on finishing your project. For me it isn't hard sewing, it is manuvering all that fabric and trying to find a place to lay it out to cut it the right side etc. I made a bunch of curtains, sheers and calances last year for one of our rooms and was very happy to get it done! I know what it feels like, so I'm very happy for you.
Those are fake turtles are they not?
I was replying earlier about my turtles, when the wind blew my power out for a bit. So to you and everyone else who was wondering....
They are ceramic turtles. The two large are ones I made, one in high school, and one a couple of years ago when I started ceramics again. The one in the middle is Blue Mountain Pottery. I collect and make turtles and tortoise figures as a hobby. They appear in all sorts of places throughout my home. I prefer to leave the real ones to live in the wild. I have collected for years and have no idea how many I really have..... the miniatures are packed away temporarily, in two rather large boxes, tee hee. Cathy
With sheer fabric, I pulled threads to cut the lengths to make sure the fabric was on grain and even for my lengths, and then cut the selvedges off. That I did sitting on my comfy sofa in front of the TV, hee hee. The longest part was measuring and pressing the side hems before sewing. And then doing the tops, measuring and pressing. The actual sewing took no time at all. It was all the pressing. And keeping the dog and two cats off the fabric while I was doing it.... I had 4 windows exactly the same to do. I am still deciding what to do with the little window in the door, and the panel for the french door between the Kitchen and Living room. Don't know if I need or want them there yet. Cathy
You did an excellent job on them, they are just gorgeous! I love that color too, and the rod and holdbacks. They look very elegant. Love the turtles too, I know you love those! Congrats! Now if you could just come over and fix the uneven hem on mine....tee hee
I love your curtains. When I visit anyone I notice two things-clean windows (mine never are) and the window treatments. I built my house in the middle of a field to look as old as possible (hard to do with new building materials) and I have lovely windows (6 over 6) and not a curtain in my house. It saves me a lot of work and I can see for a mile but I do love the curtains other people use. A great job! I made 3 tiered ruffled curtains once and embroidered every edge with my machine (12 panels) and it was a labor of love and took forever and lots of thread. 3 x 12 is 36 edges. Do you think that's why I don't have any curtains or drapes? Congratulations on your lovely curtains.
Sorry for the second note-I went back to see your turtles. The beadboard ceiling, hardwood floors. bookcase and picture on the wall could have come from my house. I think we have lots in common!
He he he, my home is always a work in progress. As there is plenty of space between us and the road and the nearest neighbor, these are the first proper window treatments this room has had since I have first moved in! And that was 25 yrs ago. This part of my Ontario farmhouse is circa late 1800's and has been moved twice. Nothing exotic about it, but we have tried to retain what we could of her character that was not too damaged by age, fire, or neglect. We still have to replace the baseboards....
The lathe and plaster literally fell down off the walls after the ice storm in 98 and we are slowly repairing the damages....
When asked how I decorate my home, I usually tell people it is decorated in an eclectic style, and Early Canadian Attic! Cathy
I love your Early Canadian Attic style!! I live in Southeastern Colorado and no one here builds this style home but I came from Ohio and this is what I wanted. When it was new someone couldn't find my house and said he thought it was a remodeled house and not a new house. I said Thank You. I've bought things to make my house look that way. I bought an antique style doll a few years ago because it looked like the house I always wanted. It's funny tho people here seem to like the house even if it was supposed to be a one floor rectangle with an attached garage..They've even quit being surprised. Your curtains were worth the wait-they're beautiful.
Thanks. I guess I just had to wait for the perfect fabric to show up. Friends say they always feel comfortable in my home, and that says a lot. When you make your house reflect your personality, it becomes more your home, in my opinion. It takes years to do that with tract housing. Cathy
Edited 5/14/2009 8:25 pm ET by ThreadKoe
My older children always appreciated the fact that my upstairs was just for them when they came to visit. My daughter said there was privacy in my home. Maybe I was afraid they wouldn't come if I didn't have space for them! Except for Corey all my family lives miles away. I keep things that have an emotional connection even when my daughter says why don't I get rid of that old worn-out chair. It was my gift to my husband when he earned his masters degree. Someday they can get rid of it! It would cost a fortune to have it rebuilt and covered. The basics are fine. I don't have the skills to do it myself.
Out of need, I have learned to do a lot for myself. Tee hee hee, not all of it as successful as I would have liked, but everything has a learning curve. So my home is unique, to say the least. Definitely not showroom quality, and very lived in and shop worn! I do not know what I would do if everything found a place, and was new...probably be bored to tears. Cathy
In the last year or so I have sorted, cleaned out and rearranged. Now I can't find anything and I'm totally disgusted. I knew exactly what closet, box and cubby things were in. I'm very sorry I went to all that trouble. I like lived in ---- Now I'm trying to talk myself into going through everything again to find my missing "stuff". I even looked for two days to find my glass covered cake plate! I have lost my box of vintage patterns, family pictures and my little boys baby album among other things. I thought I would make it easy on my kids in case they needed to sort out everything. I especially need my little boys baby album since now is the age he needs to understand his family situation. So don't ever worry about your house. It's just fine as long as it's right for you. Just be carefree and enjoy those new curtains.
Thank you for some kind words of advice. Actually, they come on the heels of very similar advice from another close friend. She said yesterday that when we all sit around my kitchen table, talking and laughing, it doesn't matter what state the house is in, the place is perfect. People matter, things don't. :) Cathy
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