Are any of you in Houston ? I would love to hear from you. Sandy
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Ah, I finally got out of Houston, After 22 yrs there I've made it back to the east coast (well, western North Carolina) where the temps cool off at night, the humidity doesn't knock you over and there are gorgeous mountains to look at.! (but, I'll be back in Houston for a couple of weeks for Quilt Fest )
I live just north of Houston, Jigg. What's not to like about our climate? Afterall, one can shower while doing any outdoor activity --- or look as if you are! We had a cold front come through here a couple days ago so it's only reached 96 today, and the humidity is only 80%. Whew. We were tired of the heat! LOL
Oh darn!!! I guess I missed the cool front, did I blink?? Oh yea I blinked the sweat out of my eyes LOL This evening we had dinner with some friends and as much as I love em, I think they keep the thermostat on 80. Then I had to run over to my neighbors for minute and I think it was 85 in her house HOT Flash Hot Flash ...... Thanks Goodness for air conditioning in my house ( kept at 74 or 75 )
Edited 8/13/2008 10:47 pm ET by sandyszoo
My family and I escaped Richmond, TX in 1991 and retreated to central Vermont. We'd been in TX for eleven years but we're both Yankees. While it is cooler here, and especially so in the winter!, we don't have central a/c but we do have ceiling fans everywhere. And we've had so much rain this year, I think the rocks are getting soft...
I've heard about your rain, I have several friends hiking the Appalachian trail, and they said lots of people are getting off the trail due to the rain! I've hiked as far as Massachusetts. in 2 yrs I want to go back and finish what I've started!And, here in Asheville NC we are in the midst of a terrible drought! a lot of trees are already dropping their leaves, there has been no rain at all for about 6 weeks now, the crops are hurting really bad, the grass is all dead and wells are drying up again!But while we do have central air, we just open the windows and let the breeze blow through here,
Hi Meg: Good to know there is another Vermonter out there. I am in central Vt and have been enjoying sewing/serger classes at out Viking store. Do you do mostly sewing or quilting?
What is considered Central Vermont? I have family in Vermont. Cathy
I'm in Rochester...I do a lot of garment sewing, but I get waves of quilting in, too. I'm currently working on a quilt top from a John Flynn class I took at Vermont Quilt Festival (Storm at Sea, with his pre-cut kit - Fabulous!), but I need to work on a new winter coat for myself. I got the fabric from; I need to acquire some lining fabric, and I think I want to add some faux shearling for a collar and maybe cuffs. And I'm going to make a Mrs. Claus for my parents' Christmas gift. I have lots of quilt projects started. Are you in the Rutland area?
Hi Meg: Just getting back to the computer after a few days off. Yes, I am in Rutland City. Many years ago I took some quilting lessons mostly to learn how to cut etc. I did the required projects and made some pillows for my daughters out of the remaining squares after the class. At the time I did not have a portable machine and therefore did not joing the local quilters group. Also, I have never really been bitten by the bug. I am presently takeing lessons on my new serger and loveing it. I like garment sewing. Not doing much of that right now and home dec. seems to be my thing at the present time. My family is grown up and the quilting thing doesn't seem to fit their style. Probably because it doesn't fit mine although I really appreciate all the quilting work I see done by others. It is terrific! Keep in touch.
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