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Conversational Threads

Long John Fabric

Jumala | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Hi, Anybody know where to find fabric to make men’s long johns or briefs/t-shirts. My current long johns are too small for me and would like to make bigger ones. XXL briefs are also getting hard to find so may have to make my own. It seems white single knit fabric is not that easy to find.



  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    http://www.dharmatradingcompany.com might be a good source  Mary

  2. joy | | #2

    I have in stock both waffle-weave thermal knit and 100% cotton jersey knit (in white and other colors). If you are interested in further infor., send an e-mail request.

  3. jjgg | | #3

    try wilderness outdoor fabric
    Textile outfitters

    hmmm, I have more but the bookmarks for the sites are on a different computer. This should get you started. I've ordered from Outdoor wilderness fabrics and have had great service

  4. Teaf5 | | #4

    The other suggestions for fabric sources are good ones. 

    For the briefs, though, you could use extra-large men's tshirts for fabric.   National-chain drugstores sell plain tshirts in extra large sizes for $2 or $3 apiece, and each shirt nets enough yardage for at least one or more pairs of briefs.

  5. Jumala | | #5

    Thanks for the info. I don't have Internet on weekends so was not able to respond soon. Found some thermal knit at the JAF store, which was weird, perhaps because of winter.  Have to visit the other places mentioned. Probably have to cut apart some XXL t-shirts for the single knit for the briefs. Thanks to all.


  6. dionna | | #6

    Hi  Jumala I'm sure you can find long jhon fabric at joann's fabrics  they have it in colors I think it was about 9.99 per yard and the tee-shirt fabric is at wal-mart

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