Looking for a Bernina serger accessory

I’ve just bought a used older Bernina Bernette serger, a 334ds. It’s great, and I anticipate many years of fun with it ahead.
I would like to find a 2-thread adaptor for it, to sew fine rolled hems, and my one attempt so far to order one came up empty-handed. My repair guy contacted his Bernina supplier and was told that they don’t make them for this machine anymore.
I’m keeping a eye on Ebay, but have seen nothing there so far. Any advice on sources of new, used, or reconditioned parts/accessories for this machine would be most welcome, as would the addresses of any other likely places to post this query.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Textilis,
I'm not sure if you live in the US or not but maybe this site can help you find the part or maybe a part number:
Good luck!
Thanks! I'll give them a try.
Maybe try contacting Juki or a dealer that sells Juki sergers because I think they make the Bernina sergers. You could also try Sew4less.com as they sell parts for many brands.
Thanks for the suggestion. I just emailed them about it.Cheers.
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