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Conversational Threads

Looking for a cloak pattern

Amy_C | Posted in Patterns on

My husband wants an authentic medieval monk’s cloak with a hood and full sleeves, so full he can put his opposite hands in up to the elbow (like a muff). I’ve gone through all the major catalogs & several period costume catalogs, and the closest we’ve come is McCall’s “Space Nomads” costume, which isn’t quite what he wants. Help!


  1. Phyllis_Craine | | #1

    Try Folkwear Patterns...they reproduce historically accurate clothing for modern sewing. They've been selling the "Kinsdale Cloak" (unisex) for years.....it should be just what you need. Here is their web site(Folkwear is owned by Lark Books:)


    Scroll down and you'll see the Folkwear link

    1. Amy_C | | #2

      *I can't tell from the photo; does this cloak have sleeves?

      1. phyllis_ | | #3

        *Hmmm....not sure.... perhaps you should e-mail Folk wear on that one. I've never used this pattern myself, I'm familiar with it because Folk wear has been selling it for several years.

        1. Tania_Brown | | #4

          *Folkwear's Kinsale Cloak does NOT have sleeves, so probably isn't what Amy C's husband wants. For anyone else that's interested, tho', I recommend it. I've made it twice: mine with hood (I sewed it in rather than making it detachable) and a hoodless one for my brother. We get many compliments when we wear our cloaks. I've literally been stopped on the street by strangers asking where they can buy one. I suggest using wool melton; since it won't unravel, you can overlap the seams and zigzag them. Great pattern. But after wearing mine thru' several winters, I now understand why the Irish Blessing says "May the wind be ever at your back!" A wind from behind makes the cloak wrap around your body, but a wind in your face just blows the cloak open and gets cold air in your "warm zone."Sorry I can't help Amy, but I recommend the Kinsale Cloak to anyone else looking for an elegant traffic-stopper.

          1. Suzanne | | #5

            *Tanya, Now I am intrigued by this cloak...I found it on the Folkwear site. How many yards does it take and is it lined? Thank you

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