Looking for a pattern for knit wrap dres
Has anyone come across a pattern for a wrap dress that would be reminiscent of the Diane Furstenburg knit wrap dress from years ago? Since I don’t buy on line hopefully it would be from a pattern company that sells in regular fabric stores. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You All.
Take a look at Butterick 5206. I purchased it last year but haven't made it yet. Just checked and it is still in the book. http://www.butterick.com/web/shop.cgi?search=5206&TI=10001&M=&pageSize=12&s.search.all.x=26&s.search.all.y=13
Wow, Thanks for your prompt reply. I saw that pattern today when I was perusing the pattern books at Jo-Anns here in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I was thinking that I could just go ahead and mirror the right side on the left side and create an opening on the skirt that would make it a true wrap dress. I tried to buy the pattern but they didn't have it in stock. Said I could order it. Duh! Just left in disgust. Guess I'm just one of those pesky women who would just like to find a pattern and then the appropriate fabric for something when I get an idea. No such luck. I'll try Hancock later in the week. Thanks again.
Vogue 8379 has gotten lots of rave reviews at patternreview.com
As you can see, these are pretty close to the original designs.
A couple of Kwik Sews which appear a little less line-for-line in appearance have also received favorable reviews.
Vogue patterns will be $3.99 at Jo-Ann fabrics April 30 to May 2. I know it is not a "now"purchase" but I do hate paying full price or even the still overpriced everyday "discount price " for patterns.
Thank you, That does look very much like a DVF wrap dress.
If you can stand another alternative, Simplicity 4074 A/B is another simple wrap dress, with princess seams.
Thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow when I go to Jo-Anns or Hancock.
One never knows what treasures one will find here. I have a picture of a vogue pattern that is out of print that I have been looking for - and there it is almost identical in the Simplicity. Thanks!!
That is a gorgeous pattern. Thank you for posting it. I shall get it ASAP to make a dress for my DIL. I think she will love it!
Butterick 5206 might work for you also. Just another choice to check out. Good luck with your project and enjoy ...
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