Looking for Vogue 4300 Jacket & skirt pattern (1960’s maybe)
Does anyone have a Vogue 4300 pattern for a double breasted jacket and slim skirt? I’m dying to find one, a size 14 -16 but if you have a different size, that’s ok. I can’t seem to get the picture of the pattern uploaded. Thanks!
Have you tried to google this pattern, you will often be lead to a site selling that particular design.
There are loads of sites selling vintage patterns so you could look through and you'd probably find something very similiar.
ebay allows you to save a search and be alerted by email when something is listed that matches your search. You can also post a "want it now" on ebay.
I have almost always been able to buy the pattern I want using the internet and a little patience and of course, money!
I own crates of vintage patterns.........I collect , as well as buying and selling, so will let you know if I have anything similiar that you may like
Vogue Patterns reuses it's pattern numbers.
But if you're looking for the suit from 1963, you're in luck it's for sale on ETSY! http://www.etsy.com/listing/56827922/vogue-special-design-4300-vintage-1960s
If you're looking for the strapless dress, it's from the 50's and is also for sale: http://www.sovintagepatterns.com/catalog/item/4661121/7866285.htm
Like Louise said, google, patience and time!
Do you mean http://www.rustyzipper.com/shop.cfm?viewpartnum=172614-A13416&backtorow=1&jumpshow=0&SIZE=&ERA=ALL&TYPE=Sewing%20Patterns%20-%20Suits&SEARCH=&GENDER=Womens ?
If so, as someone else has also suggested google http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=Vogue+4300+pattern+for+a+double+breasted+jacket+and+slim+skirt
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