Hi, everyone. Gatherings is back and I’m glad. I love to sew and I love to hear what others are sewing. So share your projects or you favorite type of sewing. Or we could talk about fabric. I love it all. Write soon. Susan in CA
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Hi Susan, fancy you being the first to post on the new board! I love to sew everything from A to Z, but wearable art and quilting probably top my list. I like your enthusiasm too! Have to finish the tail end of my Christmas sewing this morning, so catch you later here or at SW.
Happy Holidays all.....
*So glad Threads is back up. Looks like the new format is like Sewing World. Hi to everyone.Ginna in TX.
*Hello all, this looks like it will be a nice site, now that we've "done in" the other one they had. with all of our postings! I love to sew, have been for over 40 years. Mostly fashions, some home dec, I don't quilt, I like to do embellishing and have a new embroidery only machine which I love, all Berninas.
*I love to sew, too! Looks like all the Sewing World folks are finally being able to get back to Gatherings as well - it will take a while to get used to this format. Today I'm going to put the finishing touches on a dressy blouse I'm making for my husband's company Christmas dinner which is tonight! On the weekend I hope to sew up some polarfleece shrug type jackets for my Mom and Grandma for Chrismtas. This will be my first adventure with polarfleece - have been reading all the comments about it at sewing world with lots of interest. I'm a Bernina fan, too! Sammie
*Love to tackle challanging projects (atleast once!) Have tried home dec to fur coats. I think my most favorite area is outerwear - ski clothing, swimwear and hiking clothes. For easy projects, sewing with polar fleece is great because it is so fast and forgiving. My least favorite is formal wear. Sure have "met" informative sewers on this site. And I really love Threads magazines as they are not only full of information, but great to just read.
*Love to sew and love to chat!! Only found this site because of the discussion at SW. I'm looking forward to using it. Now, back to the sewing machine and the quilt top I'm almost finished with.
*Darlene, since you love sewing outdoor things, do you know the Rain Shed? It's wonderful for outdoor wear, backpacks, fleece, goretex all kinds of good stuff.I have not ordered from them, but have their catalogs. I hope to order from them, when school is finally over forever and all my spare time will be sewing, gardening, camping, reading.Susan in CA.
*Hi Kay, How are those cats? Finishing up your Christmas sewing, I'm far from done, but I only just started. I'd love to hear more about the wearable art. That is one of my future goals. Happy Christmas! Susan
*Wow, so many people responding to my topic! Happy Christmas to everyone and may the New Year be filled with sewing, quilting and lots of fabric! Susan
*Love to sew...popped over from SW to see if things were up and running. Found the format so much easier to use than the old, so stayed. I like to sew about anything from the usable, to the wearable to quilting. Just getting back into clothes after 10 years away from it. Am taking a sewing class in January to renew my skills, learn about new patterns, etc. I'm looking forward to it after the holidays.
*That's what happened to me, Connie. I was away from sewing for fun and for love for about 12 years. I moved and lost my sewing space, taking the sewing machine up and down from the dinner table made it difficult and then I went back to school. One more semester and I'm done! I'm thinking about taking some sewing/quilting classes too. Hopefully this summer after graduation. I did sew during those 12 years, but not enough, usually it was special occasions like bridemaids dresses and costumes. Then there was mending, ugh! Susan.
*Well it sure looks like the SW gang is all here! Hi everyone! I'm a quilter primarily, but would like to get back into garment construction. Would like to learn to sew clothing that doesn't scream "Terri made this!!" I just finished handquilting a large wallhanging I started back in April. Sewed the hanging sleeve on 2 nights ago. Yeaa! I'm not sewing anything for Christmas this year, but am seriously considering starting small projects now for next year. Tablerunners, placemats etc. Everyone have a lovely Christmas.
*I sure can relate to what you said about clothing looking homemade. It seems like any clothing I make, whether for myself or my two boys, never ends up fitting quite right. As a result, it gets worn once. Any suggestions?
*Hi Susan and everyone! I often think what a great gift it was for me to grow up in a home where Mom and Grandma sewed. I sometimes take for granted my knowledge of fabrics and techniques. If it weren't for my Mom and Grandma, I may never have even picked up a needle!I like to try a little of everything. I've made a few quilts, my wedding dress (a hundred years ago, it seems!), some crazy quilting, dolls, home dec...not much clothing for myself, but I've enjoyed making clothes for my baby. Lately, I'm on the trek of cloth dolls and soft toys. I love vintage patterns for these items. Under my needle right now (at this LATE date!) is my baby'sChristmas stocking: in the shape of a small Victorian button-up shoe:) I could ramble on forever, so beware! Be VERY ware!!
*Hi, everyone...I too am visiting from Sewing World. I heard about you from the discussions there. I love to sew as well, and sure identify with you who feel that your garments scream 'home-made'....I am pretty demanding on how things should fit, and would far rather buy top quality r-t-w than waste $$ on fabric for garments that don't fit right,etc. I love to make everything else, though....home dec, Christmas, you name it. I just purchased Harriet Hargraves heirloom machine quilting book, that is my Xmas gift to me, and I hope to play around over the holidays learning a little.Have a happy, safe holiday, everyone!!! Eat lots, smile lots, love lots!
*I actually make my clothes because they fit me better and are more comfortable, I would like to hear more about the problems with the clothes you make looking"homemade". Do you think the things you make look poorly made? Is the trouble that they don't look polished? Maybe as though they're no quite done? I have gotton better at making them look like quality garments over the years, but even when I was starting, it seemed most people were impressed that I could make something to wear out of the house. I was pretty impressed as well, though when I look back at some of those things I'm more impressed with my improvements. Not to sound like I'm bragging on myself, I've seen real quality home sewing so I know I could use improving still. When school is over for good, taking some sewing classes of all kinds is on my list of things to do.Don't stop trying to make your own clothes! The style you want, in the colors you want and made to fit!
*Hi, Brenda. Sewing for your baby is lots of fun I know. My first daughter was the reason I started sewing in earnest. I made clothes, curtains for her room, costumes, Holly Hobbie dolls and Little House on the Prairie dresses. It's so much fun. My little girls are 29 and 26 and I now sew for my little grandson.
*Hi everyone, I have always sewn, even as a teenager, it was the quickest way to get new clothes, my friends then all more or less made a lot of their clothes. I sewed in college too, but it was more inconvenient because I had no machine of my own. When I moved to Germany, I was made to feel like some strange being among our friends because I sewed for myself. Even now I am more of an exotic in the true sense of the word. But over the years, I have honed my skills, learned professional patterning making and now I am no longer afraid of cutting my patterns apart to change their styles or to make them fit better. I also buy good quality materials because I believe it makes a big difference, plus I dont waste my time sewing cheap cloths. My motto today is "I wear everything I sew, with pride no matter whether I think it looks professional or not". I look different, but I certainly dont look like I came off the rack in a dept. store neither do I look like another of the crowd in the latest uniform. I love to sew, and I will no longer be detered by anyone elses complexes. Thanks for reading. Have a merry christmas and a wonderful new year.
*Susan, hope you can find some classes that help you feel comfortable again. I am a self-taught sewer (34 years) and know I can learn so many tricks for things I just muddled through and made up my own way of doing things...although I have to say for the 20 years I made my own clothes, people were always impressed. I took my first quilting class last summer and am giving my very first FINISHED quilt to my Mom for Christmas on Friday. My Dad's quilt is being pieced as my new project, and I have a table runner pieced that I'm practicing my hand quilting on...oh, boy do I need the practice!!!!!!Lila, I gave myself Harriet Hargraves' book as a present in October...with the help of that book and my quilting teacher, I must say, it doesn't look too bad (nothing like the fancy stuff she does, but for my first one, I am very satisfied with my efforts)I'm looking forward to my sewing class in January. There are 3 of us that are "re-entering" sewers and 3 that are just beginners. We're going to make a reversible vest since it has so many of the techniques used in other garments. We start with fitting....which I never really learned, so I'm excited.Terri, hope you haven't blown, slid, been washed away or been covered with snow!!!!!!!Hope you all have a great holiday. Merry Christmas.
*I have been sewing for about thirty years. I started in college -- had to make a 1/2 size shirtwaist dress with different kinds of seam finishes, buttonholes - by hand, by machine and bound, zippers, snaps, etc. Setting that little sleeve in was murder!! When I think what that thing looked like!! My husband's first job out of school was to supervise a sewing factory and I spent about a week learning factory techniques. When I think about the nerve it took to wear some of the things I made (before my sewing skills improved) I can't believe my bravery. Anyhow, I still approach each project with the idea that I am going to make it better than my last project was made. I love to read about sewing, subscribe to magazines about sewing, etc. I, too, love the idea that the things I wear are mine, alone. Anyway, I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday Season and that all of us live up to our resolutions of doing more sewing next year.
*Hi! I love to sew too. Last year I got an embroidery machine so I've been spending alot of time with that but this winter I decided to start sewing for myself again. My little boys are finally getting old enough where I have more sewing time. I was reading about clothes looking "homemade"-I don't think mine look homemade-I like designer Vogue patterns alot and I love nice fabric ( I catch it on sale) but I wish I knew how to fit things better. I wear a size 6 or 8 in ready to wear but if you go by the patterns I guess I would be a 10 or 12! Anyway, I'm making a polar fleece loose fitting jacket (Simplicity 8299) and it's looking huge in the shoulders and under the arm! I'm small busted and small shoulders. Is there a good book or class or any ideas on how to fit things? Thanks!
*Christmas eve day was spent doing the annual series of measurements (part of my gift to my sister and mom, who both sew, who've both lost weight and changed their sewing measurements) I then helped my sister adjust a smaller size pattern (up to Burda 44) to fit her measurements (about 48/50). The princess seams gave us 8 places to increase the size so before the dining room table could hold the feast, it was a pattern making factory... I know which books on fitting I'll be sending my sister for her birthday and next Christmas! Happy Holidays!
*Hi everyone! I'm new to this, but not sewing. I found gatherings in a desparate attempt to relieve my post finals blues. (I'm 40+ and going to college for the first time - engineering school no less!!) I'm out on Christmas break and driving DH crazy 'cause he can't get me away from the sewing machine!! Oh well, I'm making some tool rolls for him today to hold his dad's antique wood files and carving tools. That should make him happy. That and the Fine Woodworing site. I hope to use this site to help keep me sane while I finish this crazy college thing. I don't have time to sew during the semester, but am hoping to keep myself sane through discussions and a little hand quilting project that I started the same time I started school. Where is SW? Sounds like a great place to visit!! Hope to visit with you again soon, must turn the computer over to DH so I can get back to the sewing machine!!
*Hi Linda and welcome to the addictive world of sewing discussions! SW is Sewing World and it's really addictive, so here is the URL so you can become addicted too.http://www.sewingworld.com/If you give it a visit I'm sure you'll enjoy it and maybe it will help calm your craving for sewing until you have time for the real thing.
*Debbie, Try "Fit for Real People" by Pati Palmer and Marta Alto. I really like it. Good Luck with your jacket.Maggie
*It looks like I've found another addictive site. Hi and Happy New Year to all you SW girls!
*Where is SW?? Is it down?? I can't connect today. Don't know if its my computer or the site.
*I've tried a few times today. Says its "down, unreachable or overloaded". Haven't been able to connect either.
*Ditto here on reaching SW today!
*Ditto for me too-hope they check it. Just tried- 4:30 CA time.
*hi! to all of you. I'm new to all this computer stuff, but gald I've found this site. I love to sew. Wish there was no such thing as meals or laundry, then there would be lots of time for sewing. Looking forward to sharing and making new sewing friends.
*Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't get into SW today...oh, well, at least we have an alternative site now. This has turned into a very easy to use place. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. Now for New Years resolutions...mine about 20 years ago was to not make any NY's resolutions. I've not broken it yet...hahhahhahahaha
*Oh really.....it's dieting-or eating healthier for me.. I'm ready and will do it again with the help of all of you! What a wonderful support group!
*Love to sew & love to network with others of like interest. Do we have another site besides SW and Gatherings to do this?
*This is my 1st attempt to post here under thenew format.I'm currently using my uncle's pc (which is a more updated pc than mine at home).Packing my things & preparing for the trip home.Just wanted to wish you all a fun-filled 1999!
*Welcome Darlette, sooooooo glad to hear from you. Susan
*Linda you are not alone. Though i'm older, I too am in school and recovering from a difficult semester. I'm a vocational nurse who's in school to become a registered nurse. One more semester to go! Sewing is a good stress reducer. I'm going to try to get quilt pieces cut so when I do get a break during school I can just work on it. Good luck and God bless you. Susan
*Hi Marilyn, Where in CA, North or South? I'm in the North near Tahoe. Susan
*Hi cat, this is so much fun talking with people who love to sew and love to talk about it too. Susan
*That was a good idea about resolutions. I make mine at Christmas and this year I made one for Thanksgiving. I gave up complaining. Well, I'm trying. As for my Christmas ones, I joined Weight Watchers yesterday and I'm going to finish another quilt (at least) this new year. Susan
*Thanks for the advice Maggie-I will look for that book. I thought I sent you a response yesterday but I don't see it. I'm still pretty new to using the computer. I went to a sale at JoAnne Fabrics yesterday and got 1/2 off a book by Nancy Zieman called "Fitting Finesse"-it looks pretty good.
*Debbie - the Zieman book is a great beginner fitting book, and can be used for most alterations.
*Susan are you between SF & SAC if so we have chatted before. Marilyn
*Hey everybody, Sewing World is back!
*I have "Fitting Finesse" and like it very much. Lucky you for getting it half-price! I have most of Nancy Zieman's books and like her no-nonsense, straight-forward approach. Good luck with the book.
*Marilyn, I live between Sac and Tahoe. I haven't chatted, but I'm interested in trying it. Where do you chat? Susan
*Susan-I'm in Palm Springs. Spend 3-4 weeks at Zephyr Cove each summer. We love Tahoe. My mom lives in Carmichael-brother in Fair Oaks. I was raised in Marin Co. Where are you? I chat on SewingWorld. Great group of gals there-lots are here too.
*Maggie-I found the book "fit for real people" at http://www.BarnesandNoble.com yesterday and ordered (20% off) and should get it in a few days! Thanks for your help!
*Hey, Kay...saw your messages on the previous boards that crashed...I couldn't get to them...glad to see your're still around....Hope your holidays were wonderful...What about the rest of us in Oklahoma...since SW went off to never-never land, I've missed chatting with all of you
*Good day to all of you. Could you please help me. How do I get to sewing world? Would love to go for a visit.
*Cat- go to - http://sewingworld.com - register & join us. No charge and we have a ball!
*thanks Marilyn in CA . got in and registered
*Hey Michelle, loooong time no hear from you! I was afraid you thought SW was gone forever. Okies Online is still in existence, but is very slow at the moment, guess we need you over there to perk us up, so drop by there soon. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and got all you wanted and wanted all you got!
*Kay, can't get into SW, no matter what I do! The operation "times out" I've e-mailed Krista numerous times with no reply for over a month....I'll keep trying...Happy New Year to all of you!
*Marilyn, I'm on Sewing World in AllCalGals. Placerville area is where I live. Susan
*Just hang in there and keep trying, but if you can't get back to SW, well we'll just have to visit here. Don't party too hard and have a great New Year.
*Susan-My boys are grown to-and I sew for 2 yr old Tyler-in fact he will be here tomorrow for a few days. Can't wait-but won't be able to sew. Oh well-can't have it all. Love Placerville-lucky you!
*Do I love to sew? I make all my clothes and home furnishings. My prized possession is a backpack that I made to carry my cat when she was a kitten.The front is constructed with a large roll of cording which is cut into lengths and knotted to make a "mesh" fabric. This allowed my timid kitten to look out and still be in close contact with me. We went everywhere in public and no one knew I had my kitten with me.I recently made duct-tape doubles of my two italian greyhounds in order to make form-fitting coats for them in neoprin (rubberized lycra exterior with polar fleece lining) which turned out to be a huge success and lots of fun. My dogs look so sexy in their coats! I feel better taking them out in this frigid weather with proper coats on.My current project is making my own underwear (racer back bra and matching tangas) Threads Vol 71.I would love to make my own custom shoes. I see this Ad regularly in Threads marketplace. Has anyone tried it? Mary Wales Loomis home shoemaking. > http://www.marywalesloomis.comI love to sew and I am always looking for new challenges. I am not into the retro look. Instead, I keep dreaming of Vanessa Noel's bridal shoes!> http://www.vanessanoel.comThis is a great forum for me because I don't know anyone who sews! I love reading all the posts and thought it is time I contributed. Thanks, Sandra
*Welcome Sandra, I just had second as I'm off to work. You are a sewer who's out of my range, but who knows I could be sewing for my cats as well as my family and self some day. I'd like to hear more about your projects. Talk to you soon. Susan
*Susan, what creative ideas. I also don't have the contact with other seamstresses- so I love this site (and SW) to have the connection to others.
*Hey, I need to make both jackets and boots for my little pack: I have 6 to 10 pound dogs in Montreal, and they really miss their walkies. Any tips on patterns or on acquiring and sewing with neoprene?Thanks!Alison.
*Hi Alison,I don't know if there are commercial patterns available for pet coats or not.Italian greyhounds have very distinctive bodies, deep chests and very high, narrow waists. I could never find IG (It. GreyH.) breed specific coats, hence I came up with my own pattern. I sort of figured out the solution in my head and did the sequence outlined below and it worked! But I have not made booties yet.I get my lycra materials including neoprene from Spandex House> http://www.spandexhouse.com/I would start by laying your dog on his side on a large piece of newspaper and trace his outline with a marking pen. Pay attention to various body parts, like the neck outline, shoulder bones (forelegs), hipbone (hindleg) and where the tail start. Mark these on the newspaper. Cut these pieces out and place them on a new sheet of paper. Then add 1/4 inch(*see Notes) seam allowance all around each piece and cut these out. These pieces are now your templates. You need to cut 2 of each from your fabric (mirror images or cut on folded fabric). Note* #1. For the top (along backbone) add 1 - 1 1/2 inches seam allowance. You will fold and sew 1/2 inch edges which will be overlapped. Sew a strip of velcro to these edges. This applies to the collar and main body sections. Note* #2. For the bottom (belly) add 1/2 to 2 inches depending on the breed of your dog. Lift the dog up to check the girth of the belly/underneath. You will sew the two main pieces at the belly portion; sew almost to the beginning of the hind leg for females but stop short just past the foreleg/bellybutton for males.Note* #3. From the top of the tail, draw a curve shape to top of the back edge of the hindleg on the main body section. This will be your template. Once sewn, the coat will have a triangular shape that is bare at the butt region. Note* #4. Using the foreleg / hindleg pieces, cut a smaller corresponding piece for the inside leg (I only made elbow/knee lengths "sleeves"). Again lift your dog up to guess the shape of the inside leg portions. You now have 2 pairs of templates for legs (foreleg and hindleg). Note* #5 Using top edges of the leg pieces trace the shape of armholes/legholes on main body template and cut out these to make holes to set in these"sleeves".Sewing order: 1. Using 1/4 inch seam allowance, sew belly section of main body pieces together. 2. Sew collar sections together at throat end. Attach collar to main body. 3. Sew backbone edge and fix velcro strips. 4. Sew foreleg pieces and hindleg pieces. 5. Set these leg pieces into armholes and legholes. 6.Finish leftover raw edges using 1/4 inch seam.7. This works for lycra materials which can be relatively fitted. If using polar fleece, add more seam allowance for the increased bulk, while still using 1/4 inch seams. Good Luck Alison. If you need more help email me at [email protected]
*Hi! I was wondering if anyone had any information on starting a sewing business out of your home? I have all of the supplies I need to sew, embroider, and monogram but I don't know how to start getting business. I am a home ec teacher and I want to start sewing part time now, but I want it to take off quickly because I am having a baby this summer and I want to stay at home next year. Any ideas? Thanks!
*Hi everybody! This is my first time here, as I am a somewhat new computer owner. However I've been sewing for years. My daughter takes dance classes, and somehow I've wound up being one of the lucky mothers who makes several costumes a year. I do have a hard time finding dance costume patterns and would appreciate any help in where I could look for some. I spend so much time and money, buying 3-5 patterns and mixing, altering and combining them to make one costume, that it would be nice if I could find some regular dance patterns. Also would love to find a chat room to be able to chat with others who sew. Thanks.
*Hi Dar WELCOME I am new to the computer as well. Have only been on it a couple months. Doesn't seem that long! Was scared to try anything for the first few weeks. But I am sure glad I found Gatherings and Sewing World, (they have a live chat. I haven't found any other chat rooms that have been as easy for a beginner to get in to as Sewing World. I tried one last night when I could not get into SW and could not figure out how to do it.Sewing in the snow.
*Oh ya, I have a daughter and niece in dance as well. Would love to hear what you find out about patterns. This is my daughters first year, and I have done some sewing for my niece, but it was mix and match as well.
*To the woman who made a sloper for her Italian greyhound - I take off my hat to you! If you can make a sloper from that body, you can do anything!! We have two Jack Russell Terriers, who, although would look adorable in fashionable dogwear would have shredded both magic marker and newspaper before we got started!!You get my vote for patternmaker of the year!
*Hi there ..from Sydney, Australia...in the summer! Sewing - I love it too but unfortunately not so practical is my stitching. I love surface embroidery with cottons, ribbons or wool and also cross-stitch. You're welcome to visit my home-page on http://www.eisa.net.au/~dcm/ - there is a pic. of my wool embroidery there somewhere; also our gardens; another of my favourite hobbies. For Christmas gift to my Mum, I stitched a flower garden around a picture of my late Nan's old country homestead which I had printed out onto homespun calico. Currently I am cross-stitching a garden sampler with flowers and ducks and borders around a sweet verse. Look forward to getting to know you.
*Welcome Carole, Your work sounds wonderful. What a good idea for a Mother's Day gift. I'm going to visit your home page, but I haven't yet. I do mostly sewing for home and family and am just getting into quilting. Susan
*Hello Martha, Thanks for the kind post which I found hilarious. As soon as I read it though, I realised the coat-making guidelines (in essence for a "tracksuit") will only work for "hairless" dogs. Dogs with full, lustrous hair will need a much looser style, if any! My dogs are practically naked and have no way of holding in heat. Wind, rain and cold are absolutely brutal for them. My husband bought several coats that are so ill-fitted to be not wearable that I had to do something. Sandra.
*i too am in california and love to sew. what a great passion. i am just finishing mccalls 9147 -a sort of oriental style short sleeve blouse with button loop closures for my mothers upcoming trip to the phillipines. i am making it in a green cotton print by alexander henry with off white chinese lettering. i am just an intermediate sewer but pleased with what i can do. nice to communicate with all of you.
*Hi Carole Your work sounds sooooo interesting. Will check out your site. Being new to the computer I am still awwed by being able to comunicate with others from around the world. This is great. I have tried some ribbon embroidery, it's so beautiful, but at present can't afford the ribbon, it's on my to do list. I enjoy sewing for my family of 5 girls and my home. If something needs doing I try to make it myself first.Sewing in the snow!
*bking, Your blouse seems like it would be very lovely. Welcome to our thread of Gatherings.Cat, 5 girls. How busy you must be. I loved sewing for my daughters, they were little when Little House on the Prairie started on TV. I got a Holly Hobbie pattern and made them "Little House on the Prairie" dresses, sun bonnets and all. Then I made them Holly Hobbie dolls with clothes to match theirs, I had so much fun sewing for them. Susan
*Thanks for your welcomes. I will be sure to call in regularly and catch up with your messages. Cat you will enjoy the comraderie between us stitchers via the net. How lucky are we that we have access to this commodity - it broadens our experiences no end. And it does give us inspiration too hearing about what other women are doing around the world with their machines, materials, and needles and threads.......aside of the rest of their lifestyle which I enjoy hearing about also. HOT, HOT, HOT over here.
*susan in ca:have you ever been to the sewing, quilting and craft show in orange, ca? i'm trying to go this week and wonder if its a good show for sewers.Most shows in So Cal are for quilters but still extremely enjoyable. Thanks for an enjoyable topic on Threads.
*Go to your nearest fabric store and submit yourname on a piece of paper with your talents. Whenword gets around, you will have a lot of work.Word of mouth works well. Tell them at school.
*visited your site Carole! so nice to see your garden, when all I see at the moment is snow. i love the snow but it's too cold right now to really enjoy it with the kids. It's to warm up tomorrow. MY design plans for my 8yr. olds dress are starting to take shape. Think I'll try some heirloom tech. maybe some embroidery to add some color to the bodice. Just can't picture her in anall white dress. Will let you know what I create. I haven't searched for fabric yet so my idea might totally change after the shopping trip.Looking forward to sisterhood in sewingcat
*Hi Cat! Thanks for the info on chat rooms. I'll check them out. Tis the season already. My daughters dance teacher has already started compiling a list of classes she wants me to make costumes for, and I still haven't found any patterns. Still hoping. I'm also looking for a place in central/upstate New York that sells lycra. The two places I shop at, I'm not really thrilled with. Any help on those would be of help too. Well, bye for now. Happy Sewing!
*Dar, I don't know if this will be helpful or not in your quest for dancing patterns for your daughter. Stretch and Sew patterns has 3 patterns for skating dresses, leotards and practice skirts. The patterns are numbers 304, 306 and 974. The web page is http://www.stretch-and-sew.com. Good luck.
*Cat .. glad you were able to visit my site. I am close to going back and re-vamping it, but it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears almost! And it uses us valuable stitching time!! We seem to be torn between computer and stitching when there's a moment to spare. Can't imagine you find much time for recreation with five little ones yet. :))) Overnight we had a very welcome southerly change and today is o/cast and showery, but we have been forewarned that the temps. are likely to reach 40 deg. C over the weekend.
*Hi bking, Susan in Ca is Susan in Northern CA and I have not been to that show. However I would love to go. I went to a great quilt show in Sacramento and hope to go again. Thanks for the suggestion. Susan
*Joni, when starting your business, you might consider printing a flyer describing yourself and your work. Take it to the places where there are women that might not be shopping in a fabric store unless they already have a seamstress. ex. offices, banks, stores, etc. Do you know any nurses - the uniforms are expensive at the uniform shop and you can "sew" them up in no time. Near a college town- post on the bulletin board there, also ask the book store about carrying bags you make with the logo or college name monogramed on it (take a sample with you to show.) Have a stash of the flyers in your purse and you will be amazed at the opportunity you have to hand one to someone.
*Joyce those are some great ideas you have givenJoni. Although at this time I am not interested in increasing my business,(I am just keeping up with what I have) I'll keep your ideas in mind. Have them in my book now. Do you have your own business? What type of sewing do you do?
*Like you, I sew because I prefer the way my own clothes look on me. No matter how many $$ I spend on RTW it’s never made for someone exactly my shape. It also has that telltale look that screams “Off-the-Rack”: dropped shoulders and deep armholes so it’s wearable even if it doesn’t fit in the shoulder and bust areas are my personal bugbears. And while there’s a lot of neat stuff out there, it’s never exactly my own taste. I always want nicer buttons, a longer skirt, natural fabrics, a kickier style… something that says it’s me. (In particular, if it has a logo on it, I don’t want it! So much these days has someone else’s name on it!)If your dressmaking and fitting skills and equipment aren’t up to your personal standards and you don’t have the tolerance to put up with your own learning curve, you can always get your stuff made. I do both. If I’ve discovered a new technique or fabric or cut, I’ll take the time (months, usually) to draft a pattern and make it up myself. If I just want a suit for work that fits the way I want it, I take my fabric and a photo to my neighbourhood tailor and it’s ready in a few days. I’m writing from work and my lunch break’s over: gotta go!Happy sewing!Alison.
*Wow! thanks for the helpful and detailed reply. I’ll give your techniques a whirl this weekend and let you know.I’ve already made outfits out of old sweatshirts, but they don’t fit as well as I’d like along the neck and I usually end up making adjustments after the outfit is made up, probably not what I’d want to do with neoprene, so I really appreciate your tips. Will keep in touch!Alison.
*went to crossroads quilt show in ontario, ca this weekend and it was truly wonderful. even tho i am primarily a garment maker there is so much to enjoy at any quilt show-don't let it stop you from going in your area. there were wonderful wearables and even spotted Virginia Avery shopping in a to-die-for patchwork jacket.absolutely gorgeous!!!!! does she have a web site? does anyone know if Diane Ericson has a website? I bought some bark cloth and remembered she had done a beautiful jacket in threads mag in a vintage bark cloth. does anyone know the issue?
*For Diane Ericson, http://www.revisions-ericson.com.
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