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Mac compatible Machine

nancylee02 | Posted in Machine Embroidery on

Hello all,
I am starting to look for an Embroidery/sewing machine. I am a designer that only has Apple computers, and would like to know if there are any machines out there that are compatible with the OS X operating system. I want to be able to make up my own designs and then have the machine stich them up.
Thank you for your help.


  1. FitnessNut | | #1

    Sorry, you're out of luck. I too have a preference for Macs and we have three in our home. After spending a great deal of effort and research, I bought the machine of my dreams about 5 years ago (a Bernina Artista 180E) and started the frustrating task of making it work with my Mac. No way. A windows simulation programme doesn't work with Bernina's software, or any other software that I'm aware of for that matter. This has been discussed here before and the conclusions are always the same: if you wish to design/digitize embroidery on your computer, it will have to be on a PC running Windows.

    For the record, I did eventually break down and buy both the software and a laptop to use with it.....unfortuately I discovered yesterday that my teenaged son borrowed the laptop while I was out of town and has now downloaded a virus which I'm totally ill-equipped to handle.

    1. nancylee02 | | #2

      Boy does that stink-

      Macs are the standard for the design industry- For all the sewing machine companies to ignor this fact is frustrating. If they would just make the output a file type that eather Macs or PCs could produce (think adobe photoshop) then they could use both operating systems.

      This is going to keep me steamed all day!!! Down with Bill Gates!!!

      1. FitnessNut | | #3

        Oh, I totally agree! Mac is the industry standard for graphics and design, so it is a natural fit for emboidery development and Mac computers. But the software developers don't care about that. It may sound cynical, but they're just out for the money. And with the bulk of people still using Windows (an inferior operating system, IMNSHO), there is no incentive to produce Mac compatible software. The market is the home sewist, and she most likely has a Windows machine.I think that a dual platform software would be the best way to go, but maybe the problem is the sewing machine itself and its reading of the design files.Regardless, the software I purchased may be considered the best on the market, but it is difficult to learn and I find the user interface to be cumbersome. Maybe that's because I'm accustomed to the ease and intuitiveness of the Mac.I've stopped being steamed about it after five years. I love my sewing machine and the embroidery it can do. Now I just want to get on with designing my own embroidery, whether it means I have to use Windows or not.

  2. MaryinColorado | | #4

    Okay, so I am one of those home sewists with a PC.  However, will the Correll software work with your Mac?  I have been lusting after thier embroidery digitizing software.  It looks great online, check out thier website for the info.  Good luck!  I hope you find something that will work for you.  Mary

  3. MaryinColorado | | #5

    check out http://www.corel.com for information on Corel DRAWingsX3.  There is also a professional version of it.  Seems to be compatible with most emb.machine formats.

    My dh said that you should be able to run windows on your computer now. 

    I have a Viking/Husqvarna Designer 1 which is incredible. 

    Check out patternreview.com for machine comparison info.

    Hope this is helpful.  Mary

  4. MaryinColorado | | #6

    Check out http://www.stitches.com  They have many software choices for machine embroidery.  I am researching which ones will work with my Husqvarna/Viking Designer1.  There a lots and lots of choices, wow.


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