Well. What an epiphany! The latest issue (#135) has an article on machine embroidered buttonholes and why they are better than the standard machine ones. It made a great deal of sense to me as the old way with manipulating the fabric around with the feed dogs always seemed cumbersome.
Jennifer Stern (the author) says that embroidery software programs include sample buttonholes. I can’t seem to find any in my software. I have the Babylock Palette for my Esante and also use Embird. Can anyone help? I found one buttonhole with grown-up styling on Emblibrary and bought it. Can anyone point me to others?
Flying Needle (NAYY except for buying Embird from them) has a tutorial on digitizing buttonholes. Scroll down the page to the free tutorials. You will have to have studio to create a buttonhole using this method. If you don't have studio, I could create a buttonhole eof file that you could use in the basic Embird. I don't know how well it would lengthen/shorten but I would be happy to do it, using Flying Needle's instructions.
One of the ancient ways to make buttonholes on embroidery machines is to import two block letter L's from an alphabet program and flip one, then move both until they line up as a closed buttonhole, and import your design and fiddle with it until you have it the way you want. It takes a little time but doesn't cost anything.
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