Machine Embroidery Software for Free

My grandson was visiting and I had a new computer, I had removed the dongle from my old computer and not yet installed it on the new one. It went missing. When I called Husquarna Viking about a replacement they told me I would have to spend $1,000 for the latest software. Naturally I was very upset. I did a little research on various internet sites and found a recommendation for Sierra Technology Group Stitch Era Universal. It is available from It was free.
I am thrilled with this program. I embroider pillows for my friends when they have babies or a member of their family has one and I can use hundreds of fonts – any that I have in Word. It has so much more than any other program that I have found I just have to take the time to teach myself.
I am in Australia so there is not a dealer near me, if you log on to the website you can find your nearest dealer and get the program.
It is worth having a look at.
Stitch Era Universal
I am glad you are happy with this "free" software. I have used a few different products including this one. And am not thrilled with it. As a free product it does not allow use of all the bells and whistles. I got mine from Coleman. Other vendors want you to make a purchase, or charge a lot for shipping.
EmbroideryWare Program
Hi Everyone,
I am writing a program for machine embroidery. It's totally free. I started the project about three months ago because I wanted to create a program that would do interesting stitching along a path that my commercial software did not do.
It has evolved to something much more than that. The satin stitching is pretty complete. I am still refining fills, they work but do more jumps than I would like.
Please check it out and let me know what you think of my program.
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