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grouse | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I just purchased the magicuffer and am having some trouble using it—could someone please advise me—I placed a pair of tapered pants on the table and lined up the tool on the inseam, marked the finished length at B and drew a line across the slot.  I then marked at C and D.  When I removed the tool, it was very apparent the drawn lines were not straight but crooked–off about 1 inch from the middle to the outside of the pant leg.  I am assuming this is attributed to the tapered leg.  Since I am 5 feet everything I purchase has to be hemmed and I really thought this gadget was the answer but I need guidance.  Thanks in advance.


  1. User avater
    Becky-book | | #1

    Well, it has been several days since you asked and no one answered so.... I'll try to help.First off... I do not have the gismo you are trying to use, but guessing at how it might look and work... yes the taper of the leg may be throwing off the line you want to draw.I'm short too, 5 foot if I stand up really straight! so I have shortened a few in my time! I just use a 6" sewing gauge with a little slide. Once I know where the new hem should be, I subtract 1" from the measurement from the existing hem; so if I want the hem 5" shorter I mark 4" up from the existing hem and cut there. Serge the edge, and fold up a new hem of 1". On very tapered legs I usually open up the inseam a little so the hem will lay flat.
    Hope this helps,

    1. grouse | | #3

      Thanks for your advice---I will try your suggestions

  2. Sewdance | | #2

    I second Becky's suggestion. Depending on the degree of taper, you may have to adjust the hem seam allowances on both in and out seams in order for the hem to hang correctly.

    1. grouse | | #4

      Thank you---I had not considered adjusting side seams---Will try in future

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