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make it yourself with wool contest

andsewon | Posted in General Discussion on

I just got done reading the latest magazine and was blown away with the “make it yourself with wool” contest. I am very interested in this contest and was wondering when does it start and are the guidelines I need to know about. Thanks


  1. User avater
    purduemom | | #1

    I was also amazed by the garments featured in the magazine. As a long time competitor, I was glad to see the National contest finally caught the interest of Threads!Each state has its own contest and deadlines for entries. Indiana holds theirs in August as part of the state fair. I am sorry I do not have an extra entry laying around to pass along the address of the National coordinator. You might try doing an internet search for your particular state's contest. The guidelines are fairly basic - you must use fabric that is at least 60% wool for all main pieces of your garment(s) and it must be started after January 1 of the contest year. The garments are modeled and judged on fit and presentation. Garments are then judged on construction. I have seen sewn, knitted and crocheted pieces entered over the years. This contest has provided me with the opportunity to meet a great group of seamstresses of all ages and has helped me take my construction skills to a higher level. Good luck in finding your state info - Sue

  2. cafms | | #2

    http://www.sheepusa.org/Make_It_With_Wool  This is the website for Make it With Wool.  On the left side of the screen there are links to the state directors.  Find your stste and you will find the director's contact information, also age levels, and the guidelines.  Aren't the winners from last year great?  I've entered once and keep wanting to try again. 


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