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Conversational Threads

Making Belts

catnet | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hi I am new here but enjoy reading various posts.

Today I made a belt to match a dress. I used Belting but was wondering if anyone can suggest a firmer material to make the belt stiffer.

Look forward to your help.


  1. MaryinColorado | | #1

    Fast 2 fuse heavyweight interfacing might work, it is used for purses.  Timetex interfacing is also used for purses but may be too stiff for a belt.  Hope this helps!  Mary

    1. catnet | | #2

      Thks Mary.
      Will try to find something similar because being in Melbourne Ausralia we can't always get the same materials on offer in America, but the idea of the type of interfacing you suggested might help.
      Once again thks for the suggestion.

      1. MaryinColorado | | #3

        I hope you find what you need!  Good luck on your belts and have fun creating them!  Mary

  2. starzoe | | #4

    While looking for something else, I found an article in Threads #129 pp53-55. It just about covers everything about belts.

    1. catnet | | #5

      Thks for the reply and sugestion but where do I find this magazine on-line. I am relatively nw to this site and didn't realise that you could do this.


      1. starzoe | | #8

        You cannot find the whole article on line from Threadsmagazine.com but sometimes they feature special items and have the article available as a download. I'll take a look at the site to see if it is there - rather doubt it thoughIt's in issue #129 Feb/March 2007, you may be able to find the magazine at your library.

      2. starzoe | | #9

        https://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/4542/4-belt-styles-that-are-a-cinch-to-makeI found this from Threads, it is not exactly what you were looking for but there's some interesting information there.

        1. catnet | | #10

          I just chedcked the page and it is great. Thankyou. It has given me lots of ideas. The only thing is that I will probably want to make a belt for each dress I make!!!

          1. starzoe | | #11

            Glad to help.

  3. Stillsewing | | #6

    I have used buckram to make belts that I wanted to be really stiff. You can buy this in shops that sell curtain materials.

    1. catnet | | #7

      Thanks will try and find it, or something similar. 

This post is archived.

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