Many years ago, some women’s magazines had patterns in them on how to make after-bath robes from towels. Our family has decided to MAKE all our Christmas presents this year, and I would like to make these – if only I could find the pattern!
Can someone out there help me out? I sure would appreciate it!
You need 3 towels. One for shoulders-arms and one for skirts. for top fold into quarters mark center. refold in half cut neck being careful not to get it to big. But deeper in front than back. cut down center front. For skirt stitch 2 towels together, long sides. Lay down towels bring open edged to seam, lay upper part to see where sleeve will end, cut edge to open lower sections. Stitch up sleeves then stitch on skirt. Stitch up front leaving a kick slit in front and adding a zipper. I hope this is what you want. btw If towels are too long put a cb seam in top part and cut off the lower towel at top where you will attach to upper part. Leaving fringe or other hem intack.
*I made one of these over 20 years ago. One thing I would NOT do again is use really good towels. I did not wear my creation very much because it was just too heavy because of the weight of the towels.
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