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Conversational Threads

making trim out of yarn

clairezbo | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I had downloaded a site from Threads, (I think), that showed how to make trim from yarn, laid on top of ribbon. Now that I want to use it of course I cant find it!!! Does anybody have the magazine that showed how to do this,  or could tell me how to do it


  1. Julie B | | #1

    Hi. The article I am thinking of is in Issue # 99, Feb/Mar 2002. It shows how to make custom trims (four different types). I hope this is what you are looking for.

    Julie B
    No Va

    1. User avater
      clairezbo | | #2

      Thanks Julie, do you have that issue???? and if so can you scan me the article???

      1. Julie B | | #3

        I don't have a workable scanner at the moment and I think that might be a copyright violation. In fact, if an Editor reads this post I'd like to know the official word on sharing printed articles.Here is a site that describes essentially the same technique:
        http://debraspincicdesignstudio.blogspot.com/2006/01/making-fringe.htmlThe one difference between this site and the article in Threads is that in the article they instruct you to place a piece of ribbon (or Seams Great) under the yarns as you sew down the middle. You can use a variety of thread/yarn/ribbons for this.If you knit I've made great trim for tote bags, etc. by using Fun Fur eyelash yarn and knitting an I-cord (you can find directions how to do this on the internet). I use two strands of yarn (or three) held together and cast on three stitches -- knit as long as you need the trim to be. You can create yards and yards of trim for pennies.HTHJulie B
        No Va

        1. User avater
          clairezbo | | #4

          OOPS!!!! Sorry , never thought of copy rights. Seems to me I had this on video from the magazine web site. Just looked at the site you suggested and it has jogged my memory some. Also love the tip on knitting fringe. I am not a knitter, but I think I could manage that. Thank so much for the help.

          1. sueb | | #5

            If you look under the articles link on the threads main page you'll find a video clip from the article on how to make the loopy fringe.

          2. Julie B | | #6

            Excellent! This is from the same article I referenced. The second portion of the video is about the type of fringe I referred to. Thanks Sue for finding this.Julie B
            No Va

          3. User avater
            clairezbo | | #7

            You girls are so fantastic!!!!! That is just what I was looking for. can't believe that I lost it. Saw a young girl in fabric store yesterday that  had purchased trim from exclusive company. When I looked at it, it reminded me of something but I couldn't remember what. As I was walking through the yarn department I remembered the video. I bet she paid a fortune for that trim, wish I had thought of it sooner, and I would have told her about the site. Thanks again.

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