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Conversational Threads

Making your own Bias tape

henslesj | Posted in The Archives on

Please tell me how to make my own bias tape out of fabric.


  1. Steve_P | | #1

    We make hundreds of yards of bias tape every year for our many different pin woven garments - everything from liturgical stoles to coats.

    Rush out to your favorite sewing notions store and buy a set of Clover's bias tape makers. They are available individually, but cost less as a set. Sizes range from 1/4" to 2". Instructions are included in the packaging. They are also available from many online sources including Nancy's Notions (She regularly has the set as a special sale item).

    I only wish they made one 1-1/2" wide. Does anyone know of another source/manufacturer. I've only seen the ones made by Clover.


    Steve P

    1. Chris_Haynes | | #2

      *You can also make bias tape of any size without using any kind of special ironing device.1) choose a final width and then multiply by 4 for a cutting width2) lay out your fabric and fold along the bias3) cut out bias strips using the cutting width4) the ends should be at a 45 degree angle, sew together strips ON THIS ANGLE (the strips should make a right angle to each other) - there are several books on sewing where this is better explained with explanations5) fold in half and iron6) unfold, iron the ends towards the middle, and voila you have double fold bias tape!

      1. silkscape_ | | #3

        *I made lots of bias a couple of years ago for a project. In addition to the handy tape makers described, I used cake decorating tips for the second fold of the bias. Just be careful, they get pretty hot!

        1. Chris_Haynes | | #4

          *I just had another thought about bias tape:If you cannot find a bias tape maker or a cake decorating tip the right size AND you only wish to us double the amount of fabric (instead of quadruple) --- go to the hardware store, or to a custom metal works shop and get a piece of stainless steel or alluminum (stainless steel would be better as it would not put color on the fabric) the desired width... at least 20 guage (that is 1/20 of an inch thick) and as long as you can. Place it on the bias strip and then iron the ends over (works best for bias strip OVER an inch wide). Caution the metal could get very hot.

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