I would like to know why manufacturers fold the fabric uneven at the salvage. It makes a crease on the other side difficult to get rid of it. Any suggestions?? Thanks, Amapola
I would like to know why manufacturers fold the fabric uneven at the salvage. It makes a crease on the other side difficult to get rid of it. Any suggestions?? Thanks, Amapola
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If you've ever tried to fold a very long piece of fabric--say 10 or 20 yards-- you'll realize quickly that it's nearly impossible to fold fabrics perfectly straight. Each yard you roll or fold is a tiny bit off or slips a bit; multiply that slippage by thousands of yards, and that's what manufacturers have to deal with.If the manufacturers stitched the selvages together to prevent slippage, the rest of the folded fabric would buckle and slip, making an even bigger mess.Thus, the original fold line should never be used as a guide, as it's usually off-grain. If it doesn't come out in the initial pre-washing, you'll know that you need to work around it, as it's unlikely to come out later, and you'll end up with an unwanted fold line somewhere in your garment.
spritz the crease with water and use a damp pressing cloth (a scrap of muslin does fine) with a very hot iron. use steam setting too. as you go along, immediately use a pressing block to remove the moisture (a dry chunk of 2 x 4 works fine, but dryer woods with less resin, like oak, work best if you don't have a pressing block)growing old is inevitable. acting old is optional.
this method is good for eithe removing or setting creases.
Edited 8/20/2007 2:26 pm ET by msm-s
Greetings from Aust. amapola,
I remember being told years ago if I wanted a permanent crease line to use a solution of white vinegar and water and press, I can't see why it would'nt work in reverse. Up until now i've never needed to try. But for permanent creasing it does really work.
warm regards,
The short answer? Because it's more economical to package and ship that way. Your more expensive fabrics are sometimes rolled onto tubes, but that still doesn't make them straight of grain. Folding lengthwise then wrapping the bolt inherently causes fabrics to skew off-grain, which is why absolutely every piece of fabric, no matter how mounted onto the bolt, should be restored to straight of grain prior to cutting. Otherwise, the garment will simply not hang properly. In extreme cases it can even affect the fit. Other than the old vinegar and water answer for extreme cases, sometimes you're just stuck with a crease that cannot be successfully removed. I have found, however, that with a good steam pressing (a little vinegar in my steam iron, then a see-through presscloth (such as organza), then the shiny side of aluminum foil face down onto the presscloth) will resolve most problems. In fact, most of the time it's only me that knows it's there....So much for "perfectionism"!
On which do you want a suggestion?
As far as manufactures go - slack quality control or mind over matter - it does not matter, so the customer shouldn't mind.
The crease* - I always pre-wash (or if dry clean only - dry clean) the fabric before I use it - heaven only knows where it has been or who or how many have handled it before I made my purchase.
I do the same for ready-to-wear. Who tried it on before and how many times has the garment hit the floor.
*If the crease remains in the fabric, I work around it.
Thank you for answering my question and giving advice on the crase. I shall try your suggestions. Amapola
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