OK, I know it’s spring and there are lots of things going on. Mother’s Day is this weekend, graduations are coming up, lawns and gardens are growing, the wedding season is about to start, and there are 101 other things that need our time and attention.
For May, my challenge is to make time to sew. A little bit here and there will get these projects done. This month’s I will:
~ Monogram a set of towels for nephew’s graduation gift. The towels have been purchased, but I have to design and stitch the monograms.
~ Hem a skirt for Mom, using the coverstitch on my new serger. I found matching thread, so I just need to actually do it.
~ Patch a hole in husband’s favorite work jeans, re-hem a pair of his khaki shorts, and take up the waist on a pair of his dress pants. Mending…ugh. Not my favorite thing to do, but I need to clear these off my sewing table to make room for other projects (for me!).
~ Make a makeup bag for Mother-In-Law, to match the purse I made for her a couple of months ago. The in-laws are coming to visit at the end of the month, so I’ll have to make time to clean the house too! 🙂
So, who else will make time to sew amid the flurry of springtime activities?
<!—-> <!—->Vickie <!—-><!—-><!—-> <!—->
My apartment needs sunshine and I have an idea that will give me sunshine and not loose privacy; so that along with any quilting projects and helping my cousin finish her kitchen and dinette area decorating is on tap for this month. Wish me luck with the sunshine idea.
Apartments usually don't have enough windows to let the sun shine in. I lived in one that only had 1 window in the bedroom, and a sliding glass door in the living room. Talk about dark! Good luck with your "enlightening" project! <<grin>>
I have plenty windows. My bed sits in the middle of a bank of three large windows. That's why I need the privacy. I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but my bedroom is set up in what would have been the livingroom. Fortunately, the way my space in the building is situated, that room is on the side of the building and not the front, and the neighbors on that side are townhouses, actually the rest of the block is homes on that side of the street with a tree on my side where my windows are. I'm on the second floor. So, the top half of my windows are blocked from viewing in. So, I'm figuring out how to have the top fourth of the windows let in the light. That would be just enough to do it. Plus I have blinds on the inner individual windows. If I bring down the solid curtains and put sheers on the top half, that might give me the light I want. I'm haven't decided yet what treatment to do. I'm working on it. Any ideas? The picture below is my bed in front of the windows. I have my curtains from ceiling to floor. My windows start maybe three to four inches from the ceiling anyway and stop approximately two feet from the floor.
The space designated for the bedroom I use for a closet/storage room. The space designated for the dining room I have set up as my craft/sewing room. I then have a decent kitchen and bathroom.
It works well for me since I rarely have company therefore I have no real need for a formal livingroom. With my lifestyle, this would have been wasted space in my one bedroom apartment.
Edited 5/5/2008 3:00 pm ET by rodezzy
I'm going to see if I can put a smaller picture in this post. Sorry, couldn't get it. I don't want to mess up the picture in my file by making it small, so I hope you can get a feel of what I have by looking at the other picture.
Hmmm. Since you already have blinds on the windows, you could lower the drapes to hang like cafe curtains. Another option is to insert a sheer horizontal panel all the way across, from one side to the other, just the distance you need to let in the light (I'm thinking 18-24 inches, depending on the size/scale of your windows). You would still have the drape fabric at the top and bottom, but this would require you to cut your drapes, and I don't know how you feel about that. Here's a rough sketch...
"If I bring down the solid curtains and put sheers on the top half, that might give me the light I want.
Cafe curtains were my first idea, of which I like. I made several sets of curtains. It takes two and one half yards of fabric per panel and I have to make six panels. I use the full width of whatever fabric I buy. Most fabrics are 45 to 53 inches wide. At Vogue fabrics over the years, I have been able to buy fabric at $1.00/yd. I started by buying whatever I liked when it was on the sale table when I could. Then (just like the yarn at Dollar Tree) I started making curtains. I've been in this apt. five years now and made three sets of curtains.
I have no problem with cutting the old ones, but I want a total new look. So I will be checking the store again for new fabric.
I believe I like the sheer insert because then I can still have the elusion of ceiling to floor space which hides all of the window woodwork and not have to buy and prepare new hardware for the bottom half. Because I created the hardware with copper tubing and elbow joints because that wall is like a one sided hexagon. Like bay windows. So you have saved me money by not having to buy and cut more tubing for hardware and joints for the curve in the walls. I can hang everything from the existing hardware. That's a great idea. Thanks VKStitcher. You're pure genuis!
I don't know about the "genius" part, but I'm glad you liked the idea of the sheer insert. You would have color/texture at the ceiling and down below, but still let in the light while giving you privacy too. Copper tubing costs a mint nowdays, so it would be a great cost savings if you used your current drapery hardware. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure it will be unique and creative, just like you. :-)
Oh yes, that was genius. I have seen and have books with lots of curtain ideas and never once saw that one. Original thinker, you are! Thanks again, I'm all excited with the new idea and will be going to look for fabric today at the $1.00 table at Vogue. If not, I may use a pair of my old ones, and just put in the sheer insert. Either way, I'm good with it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
There are shades that can be pulled up or down. I believe they are set in the middle (or any point on the window) and can be moved in both directions. A friend uses them where she lives on a busy street, she usually covers the bottom half with the blinds and so gets the light from the rest of the window except at night or when the sun is shining in.
That sounds like a solution, but not cost effective for me. It would probably cost a fortune to put those shades in. I can do the whole wall of curtains for about $35.00 and my sewing time. It can be done in one day on the weekend.
I love fabric and I love the wall of curtains behind my bed. It's like a dramatic back drop for my bed, and it makes my room look larger because it's ceiling to floor. I love that. And it's the first view as you come into my apartment from the entry.
Thanks for your suggestion. It sounds great!
This might not appeal to you, but I immediately thought of Roman Shades, etc., that raise and lower from the bottom instead of the top. You could make them yourself.
Thanks for thinking with me and helping with your fine suggestion. But I want the privacy at the bottom and light from the top. That's why I'm going with the sheer insert at the top part of the curtains.
Great idea thou, I just suggested that for my cousin who is redecorating her breakfast room and kitchen.
I just want to be sure it was clear what i was suggesting. I meant the kind of shade that remains at the bottom, (insuring privacy) and then goes up or down to allow the light from the top. You mount it up-side-down of an ordinary shade.
Oh dear I was confused. Thanks for getting me straight.
I've seen them in decorating books and always thought they looked dramatic. They stick in my mind because I have a strange situation in my family room and have frequently thought about using them in there.
They sound great. Maybe you will eventually get them.
Why do you have to have anything on the top fourth of your window? I built a home conveniently in the middle of a field in the architecture of the very old homes that did not use any window coverings at all. My windows and woodwork are beautiful and let the light shine in and I can see everything. I have never covered a window in my house and I never will---but I am in the field with space all around me. The thought of being in town and having to cover my windows makes me unhappy.
>>I have never covered a window in my house and I never will-<<Don't the stark black window at night seem cold? esp in the winter? I'm used to having some coverings on windows, my husband wants them left blank - big argument with us (but guess who wins...:) I just think it adds warmth to the house. During the day time I want them opened for the view, out house is in the woods, so there is no one to look in but...
My husband died before I had completed the house and moved in or I'm sure we would have had the same thing as you have. At least in the bedroom. I get up early and I never use an alarm! I can see the lights of the nearby town at night and I never think about the dark! I think a compromise might be to hang the coverings on the wall itself-something not too heavy. You would have a complete view in the daytime and they could be pulled across at night. More yardage but it would save your woodwork and be a good compromise. Until I got my little son I lived here alone and I guess I don't have any problem with my own company because I was never lonely or afraid. My husband had commuted on the weekend for a long time and I thought nothing of going to the back of the farm and checking the irrigation water at midnight! On the other windows you could just hang valances for that cozy feeling you like. My windows are all triple glass. They are double hung, 6 over 6. all wood. After my husbands death I started working nights and would leave about 10 P.M. for my 20 mile drive to work. I did that for twelve years. It was never the dark but after I got my son seven years ago it was living on 2 hours sleep anight that was hard! I've been retired now for 4 years on May 20 and now I can use my sewing room!!! Not much money but I love this freedom! Now I'm just a soccer Mom!
I well remember the years of working the night shift (I'm a nurse) and raising twin boys by myself! They are both n college now, Eagle Scouts, It sure was worth the lack of sleep.I think I"m going to put mini blinds/ shades in the windows and a valance on top in the kitchen. Drapes in the bedroom and shade/mini blind in the living room with just decorative drapes hanging next to them (they won't close) with swags running across the tops.Where is your farm? I would love to have more land!
I live in Chicago.
I see by another message that you have a skirt pattern with a faced waistline. I have been looking for a pattern like that. Will you tell me the pattern number and company? Thank you. Way out here its an all day trip or 2 choices at Walmart. I'll probably have to send for it. I bought another pattern and thought about alterig it for a facing but I'm not good at that sort of thing.
My apologies to our sewing friends who live south of the equator. It's not springtime in your world, but I'm sure there are lots of things that demand your attention as winter approaches. Please share your May projects with us...
Well, Vickie, once again I had to stray. I didn't find any curtain fabric at my discount store, and I have some other places I want to check out for fabric here in the city that are supposed to be discounted. Haven't had the chance.
I did make a denim straight skirt that came out great. I will take out a little more in the waist and put the zipper on the side on the next skirt from that pattern, but it looks great. I'm working on a fitted jacket top for the country western set on the 25 of May. I have scratched the dress for now. I'll make it in June. It takes too much work right now and I have so much to do and I'm squeezing in sewing clothes as it is. I feel better in denim and it's easier to get a western outfit with denim. I have beads, sequins and any other trims I may want to use to dress it up.
I went to a fashion show put on by six public schools from the sewing and hair style students. It was fantastic. Good to see high school students sewing and creating wonderful outfits. They had eleven sets. I don't remember them all but there was , Elegance, out of this world, hair styles in color, Friday nite hair, sassy denim, evening w/the stars (gowns), rainy days, comic heros, hair fantasy and I can't remember the last two. I really enjoyed it and the kids really did some creative work. They used all types of fabrics including see thru vinyl for some rain wear. And yes there were young men sewist and models, too. They were great. Very creative, smart work.
Mother's Day was quiet because it was cold, extremely windy, and raining like crazy. I never left the house. My son is taking me to dinner tonight.
I have some garage sales that one of my co-workers is doing with an organization in her neighborhood tomorrow as a fund raiser for some community thing (30 homes participating), a prom send off that evening and invited to play cards after that. So I'm pretty busy this weekend, I will have to sew Sunday, if I'm not too tired. I will have to really get down and finish my outfit next week before the holiday. I am off work Friday and Monday of the holiday weekend.
Edited 5/16/2008 11:50 am ET by rodezzy
Good afternoon, Rodezzy! And Happy Friday!
I'm plugging along with my projects this month, and am getting quite a bit done. Today I monogrammed the towels for Nephew. He graduates from high school next weekend, and is going to Vanderbilt University in the fall. The towels are black with gold lettering--VU's school colors.
I also got Mother-in-Law's makeup bag cut out this morning. Hopefully I'll stitch it up later this afternoon. After today, I don't think I'll have much time for sewing, until after the holiday weekend. Mom's skirt got hemmed last week, and Husband's jeans have a new patch. Still have a couple of mending items to do, but they can wait.
Your denim outfit is just the thing for country line dancing. And the beads and sequins will really dazzle! Post a picture when you're done. What pattern did you use for your skirt?
The fashion show does sound fantastic. Young people can be so imaginative, and their energy and spirit shine when they show off their creations.
This weekend we will be working in the yard and getting the house in order for company next weekend. The in-laws are coming to our house for one night, then we're all driving to Tennessee for the graduation and to visit with family for a couple of days. We did the same thing 2 years ago when Niece graduated. We rented a cabin just down the road from Brother-in-Law's house, and we cooked a big dinner and breakfast for everyone. B-I-L will have a cook-out (burgers, hot dogs, etc) at his house the afternoon of graduation. We have a lot of fun when we all get together.
Sunday was rainy and gray here too. We cooked lunch for Mom, had fresh-picked strawberries and shortcake for dessert. Yum! Enjoy your belated Mother's Day dinner tonight. You have a busy weekend ahead--have fun!
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I did the skirt from this pattern. It was great. #2917 the fabric is black denim with fine gold threads tightly woven in for a soft shimmer. Love it!
You've been a busy bee. You have done so much this month. What a trooper. Sewing isn't all we have to do. I know that your Mother-in-laws make-up bag is going to be cute. You are so good. You nephew is lucky to get those monagrammed towels sound pretty. Those are great colors. My bathroom is black and white. Wish I could get some of those towels - giggle. owww...house cleaning - yuck! But it has to be done. I don't like housework anymore, but I'm too picky not to do it. I'm not like I used to be. I used to be such a clean freak. I grew up like that. I used to love to polish furniture and such, I loved the smell of cleaning products and a clean house, over my lifespan, I've worked two and sometimes three jobs and the house cleaning took a back seat. Now I clean but not to the degree I used to, I have other activities that take priority over polishing furniture. I do it less often (giggle). I have an apartment and that's easier to scrub up for company, four rooms. A piece of cake. Have a good weekend. Pray I talk to you on Monday.
Edited 5/16/2008 4:21 pm ET by rodezzy
I think you are the person to ask! I wanted a pattern for a simple A line skirt, back zipper to the waist with no waistband. I couldn't find one. How can I eliminate the waist band and just do a wide facing. What do I need to measure or do to occamplish this. I have not sewn clothing for a very long time. I'm back!! While I still have time!
I am not accomplished or innovative enough in sewing clothes to answer your question, I just found a pattern that had no waist band and followed the instructions to make it. Simplicity #2917. I hope someone on our threads will help you.
I failed at making an outfit for this past weekend. I ended up making some adjustments to a ready-to-wear blue jean halter dress for my line dancing party this past Sunday. I sewed on some heart shaped button embellishments and called it a day. I was thoroughly satisfied. I had a shawl on that I made that gave it the western feel that I wanted. And embellished a straw hat.
It's now almost the end of the month. I've been lying low--it's been extremely busy for me--the month of recitals and planting. I finished, finally, my daughter's blue melton cape. I was going to make a cape as well out of grey boiled wool with a black floral pattern printed on it, but now I'm thinking of doing something else with it. It's such exquisite fabric that I want to do something that I'll wear more often than a cape.
I'm now starting a couple of UFO's that I cut out ages ago. Two Folkwear armistice blouses for myself, in silk dupioni and linen. Then I want to make another Folkwear pattern--Town and Country dress.
I looked at the Folkwear "Town and Country Dress" and it is pretty. I wish you much success with it. I like the Folkwear site. I'm going to check it out more.
This is a busy time of year. Congratulations on finishing your daughter's cape!
I checked out the Folkwear website; I've never seen it before. I do like those patterns that you're going to make. The dress looks cool and comfortable for summer, and the blouse has classic styling. It will be beautiful in both the silk and the linen.
Thanks Vickie,I've made the blouse before--as a total rank amateur--and it's well drafted and fits as it should. I need to put fishing line across the top of the vestee--it does some serious gaping if the fabric is soft.
They haven't redone all their patterns to larger sizes yet. There's some I love, but wouldn't be able to fit.Jane
Thanks for the pattern number altho believe it or not I don't think our new Walmart department is carryng Simplicity now. I just came back from Denver last night or I could have bought it then. I'm having computer problems but thanks again.
Glad to be of help. That skirt fits me well. I tried to make a camisole top from another pattern and it looks good when I'm not in it, but is aweful when I have it on. giggle. I have loads to learn in order to make a fitted bodice for me. So until then, I will use my the patterns that don't emphasize the waist. he he.
As this is the last week of May, I confess to a failure in making the outfit for the dance this past Sunday. I did make some simple alterations to a denim halter dress I already had. When I purchased it a few years ago, I was smaller in the waist, and had elastic inserts in the back that made it too big for me. I took them out. So, I had to reinsert something in order to get a more comfortable fit. I used some of the stretch denim I had purchased recently to make a dress (which I can't figure out how to alter the pattern for my waist) to reopen the wedge of elastic I had removed. That turned out great. I also never liked the straps tied at the back of the neck because the denim is so stiff and uncomfortable, so instead to tying them, I criss crossed them to the desired spot, pinned in place, then stitched in place. Then I sewed on a pretty little heart & flowers gold burnished button at the cross stitches.
And having a lot of some other heart shaped buttons with a flower motif engraved in them, I proceded to sew them on each tip of the crossed straps, on the points of the dress hem, five buttons in the front neckline and three more down the middle front seam. Then five across the top of the back. Very cute and subtle.
I wore the crocheted shawl I completed and embellished my hat with tulle. I also wore my western boots. All day. Whew. They were great to dance in though. A little hot otherwise.
I had fun.
So now, this June I hope to start knitting something for my grand daughter's 16 birthday, if I don't succeed, she will get money. I may give her both. he he. You know teens. In August there is a Line Dancing Party and you are to wear Black & White. I have a vest already that I made. I also have that black denim skirt I made. You know me, who knows what I will end up in. But this Line Dancing is giving me places to dress up and go to. I like that!
Edited 5/28/2008 1:32 pm ET by rodezzy
Edited 5/28/2008 1:35 pm ET by rodezzy
You did wonders with the halter dress - good for you! It now looks like a completely different dress, you creative soul, you! You'll get a lot of wear from it now, eh?
Not only is the line dancing good for dressing up - think of all the exercise you're getting without it feeling like exercise - & having fun, too. Too bad that the cowboy boots are so hot, but everyone I know who wears them swears they're the most comfortable footwear they've ever had.
Rodezzy, one of my favorite things to say is "If Plan A doesn't work, go to Plan B, then Plan C, D, and E..." You didn't fail at that outfit, you just went to another plan. And I bet you learned something from your efforts.
Your re-engineered halter dress sounds great. You are so inventive and creative. Glad to hear that you had a great time at the dance. So, there's another dance in August. Hmmm...I see you in a black and white fake fur cow print vest with that black denim skirt, of course embellished in your unique way. What fun to get all "gussied up" to go out dancin'!
Our trip to Tennessee was quite fun. Nephew was Valedictorian and gave a great speech at graduation. We are all so proud! And he loved the monogrammed towels in his college colors.
I'm still deciding what I should sew in June. I have some coordinating fabric that I just bought for a t-shirt and pants set for the summer. White with black dots for the pants, with a solid black top. I think cropped pants are cute, but I wonder if they will make me look shorter and wider than I am... But there are several other pieces of fabric in the pile that need to be stitched up. I guess I need to sort through them and see what calls out to me.
VK...I did learn something. I learned that I don't ever want to tackle another camisole again. I know my shape and I know that I am difficult to fit. Some things are just not going to work. So I need to stick to what I know, until I find out better. giggle. I may eventually find the alterations needed, and it's probably simple. But until then, moving on to less fitted designs to sew. If I don't, I'll stop sewing clothes all together due to frustration. Life is short, I plan to live what I have left, not tie myself to a machine, a hook, a needle....nothing.
I spent a lot of years in the house during my young days, I don't plan to stay inside no where near like I used to. I would come in on Friday from work and not leave out again until Monday morning to go to work. I washed on Wednesday night and grocery shopped on Thursday. All of my chores were done during the week after work. Didn't have a sewing machine or money for fabric or thread then.
Now I have more than I need, but my time has become much more valuable to me then to consistently sit down at a machine. I want to be with people doing other stuff. Whatever I choose to do. giggle. I do want to sew up the fabric I've purchased, and I will eventually. But I know me and I know I won't be working to hard at the project if it is too complicated. Takes to much of that precious time I love so much. giggle. So, scold me if you must, I'll love you anyway.
Now about those cropped pants. I wear them and I'm short and wide. I like the ones that are straight and lean looking. With my dressier ones which are usually black, I wear black hose, black shoe. If they are white and off white and casual, I wear light colored shoes, not black shoe. Shoes that are closer to my skin tone give a leaner look I feel.
If they are white and/or off white and I wear matching hose, white or off white shoes. Over the years of reading and understanding fashion it is supposed to give a leaner look. I've found that to be true for me. I also light to match my hose as close as possible to my skin tone, when I wear them. I do love hose, a lot of women have gone the other way and I was reading and heard on the fashion TV spots that hose have gone out of fashion. I won't give them up. I believe it gives me a more finished look with dress clothes. In the summer I wear hose with dress clothes no matter the weather, that's just me. I don't care what anyone else does, or have any feelings about what others do. This is for me and my comfort level only. It's just the way I am. If I wear thong sandals, I don't wear hose. I not that loony about hose. No hose between the toes. No socks between the toes, I hate that look. But that's just me and my comfort level. I won't wear clothes that look like pajamas outside either, not will I wear slip on shoes/sandals that resemble house shoes. I just can't do it. I also don't wear socks and sandals. That's just for me. What anyone else does is for them. Do whatever floats your boat, it just doesn't float mine.
Boy, I did get wordy with that one. Sorry. I guess I just had to get it out (giggle).
You are so right! Time is valuable and relationships are precious. You should do what brings you joy.
And I'm with you about the "no hose between the toes"! That's a cute saying. I wear hose a lot, but sometimes down here in the South it's just so HOT and HUMID in the summer that I can't bear having them on. Then I like to wear longer full skirts or pants that are loose and cool and comfortable.
As for the cropped pants, I've tried them on in the department store, but maybe the silhouette wasn't right for my body. (Lately it seems that nothing in the stores is right for my body!) The fabric I want to use for the pants wasn't very expensive, so it will be a good piece to experiment with. It will be a cute outfit with either black or white sandals, but we'll have to see if it's still so cute ON me! :-)
I believe you will look great. You know how to fit yourself to a "T". Looking forward to seeing that outfit.
The next sewing project will be good, because its not fitted. I did make a large top that has a scoop hem in the back for the warmer days. No fitting problems there. I have used that pattern several times. Two pattern pieces. Front on the fold. One back piece on the fold. I did put in sleeves and folded small section at the bottom of the sleeves and accented with a button. It's in that yellowish embroidered linen I purchased for that other dress. I don't think I'll fool with that dress pattern until I get some more specific instructions on fitting my wide bottom. giggle! I can wear leggings with this top, it's long. I've made four of these tops now. It de-emphasizes my bottom half. Three with the sleeves. Didn't make the skirt. Wear it with or without pants. I'm short so its longer on me and I leave it that way. Oh well. Sack dress heh! he he It's only for those real casual, off work days running errands and such.
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Edited 5/29/2008 4:59 pm ET by rodezzy
Edited 5/29/2008 5:00 pm ET by rodezzy
I like that top! It looks very comfortable, and it's such a versatile piece in your wardrobe. You can change the look with different jewelry or scarves.
Edited 5/30/2008 5:43 pm ET by VKStitcher
Yes, its great for very warm days, I made it with light linens mostly. One is in a white novelty fabric that I can't even explain. I guess I'll just have to take pictures of it. One is in a blue fabric I bought for $1.00 a yard at Vogue here in Chicago a few years back. Those two are very dressy.
What's the June Challenge VK? I've starting making a crocheted top. It's in the Knit & Crochet thread. Check it out.
Edited 6/2/2008 11:50 am ET by rodezzy
Cute hat--looking good! I dislike wearing hose, but I have to have my legs covered for work--I use trouser socks for capris. I agree that you look more finished when you dress up. I saw a German documentary on hose once, that called them make-up for the legs. Unless you have flawless looking legs, they're the way to go.
Thanks. I loved wearing that hat, it was so much fun. I have a black and white line dancing dressy affair coming up in August. I am thinking of crocheting an outfit. I usually have more success crocheting for myself than sewing.
How was your dancing outfit on the weekend? Lots of compliments?
I know what you mean about the camisole - my first one was terrible, too. If you're busty, you have to fit them properly or they just don't fit or feel comfortable. They do look good on flat-chested girls, though. (And 'they' say that camisoles are so fast & easy - hah)! Not! Have a great day, Rodezzy!
P.S. - Sorry, I should have read the other posts about your dancing outfit before I replied to this one. Too bad that you weren't able to wear it. Maybe next time.
Edited 5/28/2008 3:00 pm by Gloriasews
Hi there sweetie: The camisole pattern didn't fit because of my tummy. I have a 44 high chest, 45 full bust and 43 waist. I made it wider, then lengthened it. I made four (FOUR) and still got a bad fit. I also put four inch splits in the sides, but my butt is like a shelf in the back. It bunched up in the back. Wouldn't lie flat. That's why I abandoned it. The skirt was o.k. But, that gut peeking out below in the front and the bunched up fabric in the back was yucky. giggle. Oh well. I have the same problem with ready-to-wear. But I buy camy's in soft fabrics from the plus sized stores, and they are usually worn with a jacket with straight lines. So, maybe I shouldn't make fitted tops. This is also why I never made dresses since I was young and not so shapely. he he. So, back to the drawing board. Every once in a while I find a dress of some sort that compliments my figure in the big girl stores. Hopefully, I will lose some weight Line Dancing.
I had fun at the dance though, and felt good about what I had on. Got compliments on that. My hat was the show piece. Simple but showy with the tulle.
Edited 5/28/2008 3:28 pm ET by rodezzy
Aww - aren't you just SO cute? I like the hat - you did a very professional job on it. You're shawl is very nice, too.
I finally had to cut my camisole on the bias - but I really don't like working on bias items, as they are so stretchy (sometimes you just can't underline them). I've found the tops at the plus-size shops to have such huge armholes & necks, that it's almost too much work to alter them - I may as well just make them. I do have one, though, that I wear under a lace blouse-like top, as the colours are exactly the same, but I could never wear the camisole alone.
Thanks, I had just finished dancing, that's why I look winded. At least I look winded to me. Going line dancing Friday night too. Not taking any pics though. Just going to have fun.
I hope you have more luck with your camisole. I won't be bothering with that again. I don't like to work hard. I like to work smart. That means simple designs that look like I did a lot of work. Life is short and I don't want to be pinned down to a machine, a hook, a needles or anything. So I don't care what no one says, I like to get things done and out of the way. If it takes too long, and too much work, I'm out of there! giggle. Sometimes I labor over something I really want to do, but not always. It has to really hold my interest.
That top sounds pretty too. I love lace anything. I have to be careful not to do too much in the lace department. Especially at my age. It's pretty when you're young, but ages you more when you are old. At least that's my take on some lace. People tend to associate lace with old age. Especially when it's on old women. giggle
Rodezzy - I laughed at your comment, as I'm older than you! My lace is pale blue & I sure hope it doesn't make me look older :) !. That's OK, though - I know what you mean about the 'old ladies', as they are usually wearing brown, black or grey (or white on their collars) & those colours are usually not flattering on them, especially if they don't wear any makeup.
You weren't winded in your photo - you were 'glowing', as the ladies in the South say. Enjoy your dancing tonight & have a great weekend.
Thank you dear, it is always good to hear from you.
Have a good weekend yourself.
I like the tops you made, too - in the larger picture, the top is quite elegant (of course, it depends on the fabric you use). I don't like fussy clothes, either, & they don't suit me. I will spend more time, though, like you, on a clothing item that is really important or for a special occasion.
As for the hose, I always wear it (them?) when I'm going out & wearing a dress. Years ago, they used to make hose for wearing with thong sandals - they were seamless & just had the big toe separated from the rest of the toes. They felt strange on, though, & because they were seamless, you had to make sure your toenails were very smooth or you didn't stub a toe dancing or they ran like mad. I wonder if they still make them, as even the models in magazines are bare-legged. My legs have a much smoother look with stockings on, as my legs are very pale, & stockings hide some of the veins, as well. I don't wear socks with sandals, either, unless they are clogs & I'm wearing pants (the socks then have to match the shoes).
I love your hat, Rodezzy! You look great!Sherry
Hi VKStitcher: mmmmmm fresh strawberries. Delicious.
As of today May 20, I have made a camisole top and skirt for the Western Line Dance on Sunday. I have put fringe on a shawl I made three years ago to wear with it. I'm crocheting a sturdier finish on the top edge and will be threading organza ribbon through for the tie. The weather has been forcasted as 85 degrees on Sunday and that's too hot for the sequined cowgirl hat. I found a straw hat I bought at a Crackle Barrel Restaurant in West Virginia years ago. It is like new because I rarely wear it. It is just perfect for Sunday. I will embellish it with tulle creating a bow in the back of it. I will not be wearing the western boots, it will be too hot, I will be wearing a pair of pretty sandals I purchased earlier this month. They match perfectly. Tonight is craft meeting, and I will be working on my shawl there.
Tomorrow after work, I will put in the skirt zipper and hem the skirt and turn under the waist. There is no waist band on the skirt. Love it. I need to hem the camisole top also. I will not put on any sequins since I won't be wearing the sequined hat. I am debating on some lace trim I have for the hem of the skirt. giggle. After looking at some modern western wear sites yesterday, I found that I'm too literal in what I wanted to wear. I should have been an actor, I love period clothes. But, my outfit works for a modern western wear outfit. The hat will be "a bit much" but then again, that's me. giggle. There will be people there with some very expensive outfits ($500+ boots, leather fringed jackets, skirts and the like) but it's too hot for all that to me. I hope we won't hear what I heard at the last dance about it being too soon for air conditioning at the hall. I never heard that before at a banquet hall. They used to accomodate the customers, but times have changed along with costs.
As you can see, I'm very excited.
Howdy Pardner! Sounds like your western outfit is almost done. Unique, just like you. Wouldn't I love to see you dancing in it! What fun!
It makes me tired just reading about all that you have done. Whew! Although, I did get much more sewing and crafting done when I was single and didn't have a long commute to work. :-) I like your skirt pattern, and the faced waistline will be very comfortable. I recently made a pair of pants with a similar treatment, with a curved yoke instead of a straight waistband (Vogue 7881). I'll make them again, however I will need to tweak the yoke to make the waist smaller but keep the hip measurement. It will take some calculations to get the curve right, because there are no side seams in the yoke.
Tomorrow night is my ASG meeting. I think I'll take my pants and blouse for show-and-tell. Two women in our group will be giving a demonstration on heirloom sewing. It is so beautiful, but I've never tried it. (BTW, where is SoloSmocker? I hope she's enjoying her grandbabies.)
This weekend is supposed to be in the high 80's here too. We're headed to the mountains, but it won't be too much cooler there. Nephew's graduation ceremony is in the convention center, which is air conditioned.
We're making good progress in getting the house ready for guests. Still need to dust (the most futile chore!) and make the guest beds. Tonight we will finish making a PowerPoint slide show of Nephew. That has been really fun to put together. We're writing a story to go along with all the photos that we have, from when he was born up to his graduation. Nephew will be totally embarassed, but his parents will enjoy it.
Sorry I rambled on. Enjoy your craft meeting tonight!
Howdy, I will get pictures posted. I plan to have someone take my picture so you can see the fat cowgirl, giggle.
Wow, that project for your nephew will be great. He will be embarrassed, but happy in the end. Maybe he will keep it for his future family. You are so creative.
Yea, dusting is futile, I try to dust every week, but I don't always get everything. It's a never ending job. But worth it. Sounds like you are almost done, your houseguest will enjoy their stay, I'm sure. Should be fun.
I love those pants! Are yours red too? What type of fabric did you use? What does ASG stand for? Associated Sewing Guild? I know the heirloom projects are breath taking. I used to watch Martha's Sewing Room on TV, she does heirloom sewing. Such beautiful clothing! I don't know where Solosmocker is, she does beautiful heirloom smocking. She's probably busy making those grands some beautiful heirlooms. No doubt! What color is your blouse? I bet you look great in it.
You don't ramble no more than me (giggle). Have a great time at the graduation and your meeting.
My pants are navy, in a basic poly-blend gabardine from Hancock's. Nothing fancy, but good for wearing to work. Once I get the yoke fitted properly, I'll make a pair from some nice black wool that I bought last fall. That fabric was pretty pricey, so I want to make sure they fit well. They will be lined, too.
ASG is the American Sewing Guild. I go to a Neighborhood Group that focuses on Couture and garment sewing. There are several other groups in the Raleigh Chapter, but this one suits my interests and time schedule, plus it's at a location that's on my way home from work. BTW, the National ASG conference is in Chicago this year, in July. I would love to go to conference one year, but this year the dates didn't work for us.
Aw, man, I could have tried to meet up with you guys.
Hey, that is a great pattern no matter what the fabric. But, once you get it right on point as you want it, those wool pants will be "the cats meow", giggle.
Oh, yes the American Sewing Guild, makes sense. Ha Ha, I was close! I checked out the site, will read in more depth tomorrow if I have time, got to go now. Finish up working before I leave.
See ya!
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