Measuring for a corset/bodyshapers
Ladies: anyone out there making these bodyshapers? They are not your true corset with stays, but A LOT of spandex! That makes it easier, but a different look. Any way I have a Moulage finished and fitted for my customer and need to guidance. Since the Moulage fits REALLY snug! would anyone suggest how much smaller I would cut the spandex since it stretches? I am thinking 1-2 inches. Need some guidance! Thanks!
I suggest you to take a look at Until I discovered this webpage a few days ago, I never read anything but "take n/8" at the side seams according to the amount of stretch of the fabric". The approach above seems much more complete but is nevertheless quite simple and logical. I haven't tried it yet. If you use it, give us a feed-back please.
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