A news article I read recently mentioned that there is a website devoted only to what Michelle wears, altho no link or web address was given. I just finished hunting a la Google, and managed to find this website! It’s catchphrase hype is “Follow the Fashion of Mrs O: What and Whom She’s Wearing”.
The photos are news-type pictures and don’t show her clothing in detail, but it does give the designer/source of the various components. She does have a very American, contemporary style while still maintaining rather classical lines. Her signature items are, of course, her bare arms/sleeveless tops and a wide belt. While I’m no fashion maven, it’s interesting to see what Michelle is wearing in her official First Lady activities. She’s making the folks at J Crew and Michael Kors very happy! Her clothes seem accessible and flattering, but not in the “couture” category that is associated with Jackie Kennedy. Maybe that’s more a reflection of these casual times than a fashion requirement………….
Comments, ladies????
SS67 -- sorry I can't resist..... wish I could afford $500 sneakers like Mrs. Obama is wearing in these tough economic times.......
$500 sneakers. I can get over those. Most of what she does is sensible and chic. And I love the fact that her daughters dress age appropriate.
Thanks for the website. It was fun!
Ummm, JQ, her cute Pumas were only $55. not $500. I thought they were pretty reasonable, but still out of my price range. :( Cathy
You are exactly right Cathy. The Puma's were only $55. It was the Lanvin Pink and Gray leather sneakers she wore in April to serve food at the Food Bank that cost about $550 that I was mentioning. Can't fault a woman for liking shoes...........
hmmmmmm, missed those ones. Sorry. Mind you, when advertisers tell you that sneakers should be reasonable at $200, I choke! Sneakers are for mowing the lawn, slopping around in and getting dirty with. Never really thought of them as "fashion accessories". European friends in the Netherlands and England tell us you can tell the North American Tourists by their brand new sneakers. They told us that over the Pond, they all wear "shoes." Cathy
I hate when my feet hurt. My feet are hard to fit also. So I spend what I have to for good fitting shoes WHEN IT COUNTS, like when I am on my feet for working or for day long special occasions. Then I wear them to death. So I only own a couple pair of classic shoes. Even then, I loathe to spend over $100. But for just slopping around in the yard, the cheaper the better, and my inserts have to fit into them.
I have seen what some Ladies of State, and Stars of the Silver Screen and Musicians spend on their clothing. $500.00 is considered reasonable, when some shoes start at $1,200.00!!!!
So far, Mrs. Obama seems to wear her outfits and accessories many times, so it is not unreasonable for her to pay a little more as long as she wears them often? So far, her outfits strike me as reasonable and sensible, not overly outlandish. Cathy
Maybe the site should have been named "Your Taxpayer Dollars At Work"!
Naw, Their clothing allowance is not going to make even the slightest impact on the national debt. The Obamas make enough money on their own that she doesn't need the good Uncle to give her money for sneakers. We certainly don't have to worry about them exceeding their allowances. Last year BEFORE he was elected they made more than $4 million (US)-- book sales from his books and their combined salaries. And, more than $100K of that was her personal salary from her job as VP of community affairs for the University of Chicago Medical Center. All confirmed by the public disclosure of their IRS returns. And, my favorite tidbit: they gave more than $200K to charity.
IMHO, $500 sneakers are a lot cheaper than full sets of custom china. And as someone else pointed out, she DOES wear her clothes for more than one occasion, unlike some previous first ladies.
Regardless of your politics, she is giving a much needed shot in the arm to the fashion industry by dressing attractively and imaginatively-- and finally getting two messages through to the industry (1). that even the First Lady wants attractive, fashionable, wearable clothes that are well made-- and the same age appropriate quality for her daughters.... AND (2) that everybody with disposable income isn't 20 years old wearing a size zero, hanging in the clubs with no need to look presentable for work visiting elderly relatives or church, or going any of the places the rest of us go.
And for that alone I say YOU GO FIRST LADY
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