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Conversational Threads

Mildew stains.

Luka | Posted in The Archives on

Is there any way to remove them from fabric and/or leather ?


  1. Ellen_McCurley | | #1

    Regular clorox will remove any mildew stains. Of course it may also remove color from the garment. I have also had good results using hydrogen perixode (spelling) from the drug store. I removed some stains from garments left out in the weather for a while by first washing and then bleaching. Some times you just have to decide that you are going to fix it or kill it. Mildew is an organism.

    1. Luka | | #2

      *Excelent !! Thank you very much Ellen. In my move out to this mountain, some of my things ended up getting mildewed. Most of it is expendable, but there is one really nice quilt that I really didn't want to lose. Found it laying in the trash/gutter on the street in downtown Seattle one day, brought it home, washed it several times, and found a very unique treasure under all the grime. I didn't want to lose it to the mildew. I'll try the peroxide.Thanks again.b : )

      1. amigo | | #3

        Years ago Iwas told to use vinegar, (white) it's worth a try)  It will also take perspiration stains.  Remove any metal if there is any because it will rust.

        1. solosmocker | | #4

          If it is fabric, not leather, I would try Biz. You can buy it at Kmart. Soak it in a bucket or tub overnite, rinse very well, then wash regular. I have soaked my antique laces for as much as a week, just keep changing the water and add more Biz. It won't hurt the fabric. Good luck.

      2. user-51823 | | #5

        sunshine is the best thing i have found. discovered some of my toddler's best shirts had fallen behind the washing machine for months. bad mildew. i did the vinegar and a paste of an enzyme laundry cleaner ("oxy-all"). rinsed, and let them hang out in the backyard in the strong sun. big improvement in one week, by 3 weeks they were good again. sun will bleach the colors too, but you can cover other areas to protect them. always remember never to run things with stains through the dryer until you are happy with them. let them air dry to check; heat sets in stains.

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