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Conversational Threads

Mitering-The Sheets are Done!!

sewhat | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hi, all.  I thank those of you who gave me your suggestions for mitering the fitted sheet.  I have finished the entire set–queen size top sheet, contour sheet and two sets of pillowcases–and they really did turn out great!!  I ended up putting elastic around the entire bottom sheet after I had the miters done, and it fits well.  The fabric washed up nicely, and although the bedding is not as soft as a higher thread count would have provided, it is still quite comfortable.  I used 8 yds. of fabric and have quite a bit left for additional pillow covers, etc.  Next time I won’t order so much.  If I cannot find another source for bedsheet fabric, I will probably order from Inweave again. 

Yes, I would encourage anyone who has any doubts to try making your own sheets.  What I lacked in fabric quality I made up for with good construction.  And–it really was fun.  These sheets are pretty basic, but next time I am going to get creative and see what happens.

Happy sewing.



* * Today is the first day of the rest of your life. * *



  1. 07ranch | | #1

    congratulations on your sheet set.

    What method did you use, or come up with your own variation? I have an old, old, homemakers book that talks about home linens, and making of sheets and such, using a flat felled center seam for sheets, allowing one to rotate the fabric outside edges to center when the center becomes "worn" interesting.... but may open possibilities for fabric selection if width is an issue. We forget today how things were done years ago....just a thought.

    1. sewhat | | #2

      Hi, 07ranch,

      What a good thought you have.  I had considered using a flat-fell seam on the corners of the fitted sheet--but hey, why bother when you can serge it.  Actually, the idea of using a flat-fell seam would open the door to a whole world of fabric choices.  One thing that I discovered when I received my fabric, much to my surprise, is that the fabric pattern ran perpendicular to the selvage, and the 103" width was sufficient for the entire length of the top sheet.  Most 44-45" or even 58-60" lengths have their patterns running parallel to the selvage. 

      It would be preferable to use the wide stuff, but I am finding it almost impossible to locate.  There is a company in the UK, but S&H would probably be too much.  Have considered contacting them to see if they have their fabric available somewhere in the U.S. 

      I selected my favorite set of sheets and used their measurements for guidelines when planning the construction.  The fabric was extremely straight, so I ripped each individual component (topsheet, pillowcases, and contour sheet).  After I ripped, I serged all raw edges, and that created a really nice finish to tuck under when turning the hem allowances.   The pillowcase seams were sewn and serged, and all hemming was done with a conventional straight stitch.  The bottom sheet offered the most challenge, and I ended up just covering the mattress with the fabric and pinning in the miters.  Then a 3/8 inch casing was sewn along the entire bottom, and 1/4 inch elastic was inserted (the length of elastic used was 50% of the perimeter of the mattress).  It took a while to insert the elastic, but the effort resulted in a contour sheet that fits nice and snug.

      I remember my grandmother making all her pillowcases when I was a kid.  I imagine those of her generation knew an entirely different method of construction, which was probably designed around fabric availability and pure frugality.  I am sure glad we are where we are today, aren't you?

      Thanks for your suggestion, and hang on to that book.  By the way, what is the title and year of publication, do you know?  I would imagine it to be very interesting.

      Happy Sewing.

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