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Conversational Threads

modeling the outfits on Pattern Review

fabricholic | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

Hi Amber,

Will you try to get the seamstresses to model their fashions on the Pattern Review articles?  If you will, don’t do away with the drawings of the patterns.  Those are great, also.  We love more inspiration!!!


Edited 10/8/2006 8:41 am ET by fabricholic


  1. AmberE | | #1

    We definitely won't be losing the croquis. The seamstresses are unfortunately all over the country and we shoot the garments in the studio, but it's a great idea. Thanks for your input.

    1. midnitesewer | | #2

      Would it be posible to show more of the garments reviewed? I always wonder what the ones that are not photographed look like. Thanks.

      1. AmberE | | #3

        We do try to get in as many garments as we can---but I'm glad to hear that you want to see more!

    2. MelyndaR | | #4

      I love the pattern review as well.  It's great to hear from someone who actually made the garment. 

      1. AmberE | | #5

        Thanks! Glad to have all these PR fans---it's one of our more involved sections to produce!

        1. berniejh | | #6

          Please NOOOOO don't get the garments modelled - leave the pics with the accessories etc just as they are. If the public want to see how a garment fits they can have a look at the models in the pattern books. Having the garments on a body would take the emphasis off the garment and put it on the body e.g. what size is she, how tall etc, etc.

          1. AmberE | | #7

            That's definitely the idea---to keep the focus on the garment

          2. Pattiann42 | | #8

            I prefer pictures of real people wearing the finished garment.  Drawings in pattern books and on the pattern envelopes can sometimes be a little misleading.

            Thanks for being our advocate - that's why Threads is the best!


          3. MaryinColorado | | #9

            I also prefer seeing the clothing on real live people.  It is much easier to consider a variety of fabrics that would work when you can see it on a human body, regardless of shape and size.  This is the only way to see the drape and imagine how I would make it work for myself or another. 

          4. Pattiann42 | | #10

            I made this my personal choice years ago when the pattern companies began using real models.  I noticed that the modeled patterns fit better.

            Maybe the drawings were the designer's interpretation and not necessarily that of the pattern maker.


          5. AmberE | | #14

            sure thing

          6. user-51823 | | #12

            totally agree that you can glean lots more information from seeing clothes on a body than on a hanger, a manequin or in a sketch. it shouldn't be too difficult to locate amateur models in various body types, don't worry about hair and makeup stylist expenses: just photoshop a yellow 'happy face' over all the faces (just kidding... well, maybe it's not a bad idea...)

          7. lorisews | | #13

            Amber, I would at least like to see they sewn garments on a dress form to show what the real 3D garment looks like. I reread the section on 3 different occasions before something at the back of my head tickled and made me ask my husband "Is that the dress I just made?" and he looked and said, "no, that's not it" but it was -- vogue 8229.

          8. AmberE | | #15


    3. NovaSkills | | #11

      Can you find models among your staff or others at Taunton, who aren't perfect bodies? I don't care how "body beautiful" looks in something; how does "body real" look? Your models often look too Hollywood or 7th Avenue to tell me anything useful.

      Perhaps, as logistics solution, measure the "real" volunteer model and send the measurements to the seamstress who will be testing the pattern. The resulting garment will not only provide assembly method testing, but a style and fit suitability check.

      Obviously, you will have to somewhat pre-screen and match models and styles, so that a very petite model doesn't get assigned an overwhelming, long style, or a large-busted model a dress with minimal bust support and coverage. However, if what we as sewers espouse--anyone can look great with a reasonable style choice and great fit--then you shouldn't have to rig the results too much.

      Hey, I'd volunteer--let's hear it for narrow-shouldered, tall AND long-waisted/long-rise 50-ish models!


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