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Monogram Card for Singer Quantum XL 150

purpleque | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on


I’m looking for an embroidery card for a Singer Quantum XL 150 Embroidery Machine. I would like to have letters size 4″ or greater. Does anyone know where I can find this? Thanks



  1. isew4kidz | | #1

    Allbrands have cards that will work in your machine. Also, SewinUSA has a monogram card # 12 that will work in your machine  http://www.sewinginusa.com/storemain.asp?email=&pagetext=1&PageMode1=Repeat1&CookieDone=&cat=99&page=1&manuf=339&typecat=&subcat=&subcat2=&gcat=1&sc=&so=  I don't know if it is the type of monogram you are looking for. Just click on Singer Card # 12, but be sure to click on the more info button, otherwise it will put the card in the shopping cart. I am curious, have you had your machine long or used it much ? My husband bought me the same machine ( XL-150 ) from SewinUSA it is due to arrive Tuesday. I am dying to know how it sews and does embroidery. I can't find anything about the machine except the sales hype. We all know they are going to make it sound great so you will buy it. I've been trying to find out someone's opinion of the machine.

    1. user-108513 | | #2

      Hi!  I have a different brand embroidery machine, but found a lot of information on the various machines before I purchased mine by doing a "google" search on embroidery machine reviews.  You might give it a try.

      Texas T

      1. isew4kidz | | #3

        Thanks, Texas T I already did a search and there is nothing on my machine. I can't even find anything on Singer's website, they seem to have forgotten they made the machine. Oh, well, my new machine will be here Tuesday and I will be able to test drive it then. Thanks, for the suggestion.  Jeanette

      2. georgiagg | | #5

        I am not all that sure about the 150  that Singer makes but I have the XL5000 and the PSW2 computer program.  I am learning and finally understanding the digitizing avenue of the program.   PSW2 will write and read the Smart media cards for the XL5000 and XL6000 and the XL1000.  Can you hook the machine up to the computer directlly to download programs.  I understand that Singer is not doing the card programs anymore and going to the internet only.  Some of the designs on their websit have been great. 


    2. purpleque | | #4

      Hi ISEW4KIDZ,Thanks for the information. I was beginning to think I was the only with the machine. I've had my machine over three years. I love the way it sews and embroiders. I use it mainly to embroider. I have to admit, I don't use it everyday. I have not had any problems with it. It simply purrsss, if you know what I mean. I think you'll going to love it.One thing I have found is that many of the Singer dealers that were in my area have changed companies or gone out of business. I think that was part of the problem with me trying to find an embroidery card with large Old English monogram lettering. For some of my items, I want the monogram to be noticeable. I'm going to try the sites you mentioned. Do you know if the cards were costly? Take care and HAPPY SEWING!Purpleque1223

      1. isew4kidz | | #6

        I have found out that if you have a reader writer such as the Amazing Box and a blank card for the box to write to, you can buy designs from websites. I buy designs from these websites http://www.emblibrary.com/EL/default.aspx  http://www.oregonpatchworks.com/  perhaps they have the size monograms you are looking for. I got my machine and so far I love it. It seems to be a wonderful machine for sewing and embroidery. The only thing I don't like about it, is that if the bobbin runs out in the middle of a design, I have to turn the machine off to change the bobbin, and when I turn the machine back on, it wants to start at the beginning of the design. I hope I have helped you. 

        1. purpleque | | #7


          You have been very helpful.  I don't have a reader, but I am going to check out the information you sent to me earlier.  Perhaps I can get what I need there. 

          I agree with you in that the bobbins run out in the middle of a design and you are struggling trying to position the machine in the proper place to continue your design.  I'm still learning some new things with the machine. 

          It was good talking with you.  Hope to talk to you again in the future.  Thanks for the help.


          1. isew4kidz | | #8

            I was just wondering if you found the monogram card for your machine yet. I got my machine, and I think it is a great machine, but I just need to learn how to use it to it's fullest potential. I started a group on Yahoo for the XL-150 I hope that others that have this machine will join, so we can learn from each other about our machines. If you are interested, you can find my group here  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/quantumxl150/   There are only two other members besides myself, so there is not a lot of email. It is a place where we can all discuss any questions we may have about our machines. There is lots of info in cyberspace about other machines, but none about this one, and this is the only group for the XL-150, and that is why I started the group.



          2. purpleque | | #9

            Hi Jeanette,

            No, I have not found the monogram card I was looking for yet.  I had lost interest for awhile, but recently have geared up my search again. 

            I'm glad to know that there are other XL-150ers around.  You're right, there isn't a lot of information concerning our machine.  I just finished some custom lettering work and was impressed again about the quality of the machine.  I really do like the machine and plan to do a lot more with it than I have the past year. 

            Glad to join your group and I'm sure it will grow in numbers soon.  Until next time, take care.  Oh, if you learn of any place where I may find the larger letters, please let me know.

            Happy Sewing,


          3. isew4kidz | | #10


                    I am sorry to hear that you have not found your letters yet. If I see any large letters I will let you know. I am thrilled to have you in my group. Hopefully, there will be someone in the group that knows where the large letters are. I love my machine as well, but every time I try to do an embroidery design, the machine breaks a dozen needles doing one design. I put it in the shop, and they told me that the upper thread is wrapping around the spool pin, and that was causing the needles to break. I have slowed the machine to the slowest speed, and have been using a vertical spool pin, but now the thread pools underneath the spool of thread, and wraps around the spool pin holder. I am still trying to solve this problem. I was wondering if you have also had this problem. I bought the machine for it's fast embroidery speed, and the large embroidery field. I have two other sewing machines, so I did not need another sewing machine. The repairman asked me if the needles were breaking during sewing as well, and I told him that I hadn't tried the sewing machine yet, only embroidery. It was good to hear from you again.

            Happy Monogramming,


          4. purpleque | | #11

            Hi Jeannette,

            Thanks for the response to my search for large embroidery letters.  I apologize for the delay in my response; it's been awhile since I checked my e-mail.  But to answer your question, I have not had any needle breakage.  However, I have had problems with thread breakage.  I summarized that it was because the thread was wrapping around the thread holder.  I get a jerking and the thread sometimes breaks as much as 4 or 5 times in a single project. 

            Like you, I didn't need another machine.  I bought the XL-150 for embroidery purposes only too.  I am disappointed that I haven't found the large letters, but I'm not giving up.

            Look forward to chatting with the group.  Keep in touch and take care.


          5. isew4kidz | | #12

            Linda, so good to hear from you. I have started a group on Yahoo to bring owners of the quantumxl150 together. The name of the group is quantumxl150, I have 15 members so far, but the group is still so quiet. I have tried everything I can think of to get the group to interact with each other, but nothing has worked. We would love to have you join us.

          6. purpleque | | #13


            It was good to hear from you too.  I would love to join the group.  Any chance to talk with fellow sewers, crafter, etc. is wonderful.  It's good to know there are more of us around.  Talk with you soon.



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