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Conversational Threads

My Pink Bubble Bag for Expo 07

blondie2sew | Posted in Photo Gallery on

Ok here it is everyone! I finished it the eve of the Sewing Expo here in WA..

Ok here is the pattern I used it is called “Mini Skirt Bag” Pattern #0604 by Wonder Woman Quilts Designs by Ginnie Kelly


I have to say if you go and see the pattern itself I had to not make those original handles… so not me..so I of course as you know in my other thread I sent away for my handle and I tell you what what a difference it makes in my handbag!!

The first ever I have done….Thanks to all who helped out with my dilemma for my magnetic closure..

You will see the back view the front view and then the inside view!!

So this is my new something I will be sporting this spring and debuting at Expo on Thurs and Friday!!



  1. Cherrypops | | #1

    Well Done Blondie!

    It sure pays to ask questions and receive wonderful help.

    You did an absolutely fantastic job.

    I love the fabric you chose and i can see the scrunchie type handles aren't you. you made the perfect handle choice.

    Great photos and I hope you fill er up at the expo !

    I'd love to be your sewing buddy.

    With the 60's fashion currently here in australia, i'd love one in psychadelic....Contrast to my plain mod minidress i am working on.




    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #2

      You are too funny!Ok so what color psychedelic are we talking? I have some black and white pretty psychedelic fabric!! I love it but kinda makes your eyes hurt when looking at for a length of time...That kinda psychedelic!!What color is your mini dress? Glad you liked..I am excited to see if the lady has her booth there and then I can say hey look how I took your pattern!! I loved my fabric too that was one that I just saw at the fabric store with really nothing in mind but was a gotta have it!! And I found the perfect use!! Blondie

      1. Cherrypops | | #3

        too funny, so i'm told. much better than being grumpy.

        I was leaning toward black and white dress, with a purple/pink/orange fabric bag for contrast.

        Andy warhol popart stuff.

        I downloaded the attatched from the Burda free patterns site.

        http://www.burdamode.com free downloads in the downloads menu . I've just noticed they have a new one for empire top and dress. download instruction en. i'm getting that one too.

        I have original vintage patterns stashed away , so i may use those instead for the mini.


        1. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #4

          Wow sounds like a fun outfit...I went to the sight and I just grabbed the cool empire top that was for free...That is way cool too!!Thanks for the link!!I am liking the white and black you can change the pop of color with anything and b/w is a classicSo know when where you going to finish this? Have a goal!! That was my deal with my handbag I wanted it done by Expo...I know I was waiting on my handles but then they came and I have been sick but I did it anyway because I had a goal!! And I am more excited that it is completed when I wanted it completed!!
          Hop to itBlondie

          1. Cherrypops | | #5

            Yes, you really went for it this week considering all you had to deal with.

            Goals are necessary. I want to give my 2 cape outfits to the kindy class next week. I can't make all of them (16 kids) so i hope a few of the other mum's contribute. Not many mum's sew,  so they will need to buy their additions to the dress up box.

            If my son is a willing participant i will post photos with him wearing them.

            Once things are out of the way for school, I will do my clothes.



  2. user-217847 | | #6

    Hi Blondie,

    I love your bag, love the colours to, well done.

    I love catching the train to our Stitches and Craft Fair in Sydney, the same group of women stitch new bags each year it's just terrific and theres no chance of me ever getting lost and thats great to.


    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #7

      That is a wonderful idea...I don't normally go with a group so If I get lost (I guess I could lost with myself in there) It really wouldn't't be an issue ha ha
      Thanks for your compliments!!Blondie

      Edited 3/1/2007 2:23 pm ET by blondie2sew

    2. Cherrypops | | #8


      I missed the Stitches and Craft Show recently at Rosehill.

      Will you be attending the needlecraft quilt fair at Darling Harbour in June (i think) this year? I will try to go on its scheduled weekend. Last year I put my son at the quilting table for kids where he pasted fabric squares onto paper. He had fun (dad was there too) and I had free time to view the quilts without 'please darling, do not touch the quilts'. My son also enjoyed sewing, the ladies allowed him to sit down and feed the fabric through the machine, use the start/stop button and cut the thread. He was only 4yrs old. I have the sewn piece in my treasure box. He did an excellent job.



      1. user-217847 | | #11

        HI Anna-maree,

        27th June thru 1st July pencilled in. Cant commit 100% at this point, seems medical problems rule my life and well being at the moment, but promising myself to be there and the Stitches and Craft in September.


        1. Cherrypops | | #12

          It is a little way off yet, I know. I do hope you will be able to attend, it's always a joy to be there. keep your spirits high. CherryP

  3. Josefly | | #9

    Nice job and good photos, too. Your bag is cuter than the ones shown in the pattern photo.

    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #10

      Thanks so much...Ok now can a brag on it a bit!!The past 2 days at expo I was excited to hear all the compliments given...everyone was oooh and awing over it..2 people in a matter of 30 minutes of each other said the exact same thing and I quote " That is the best in show, this is the best bag I have seen at this show!!" So wow I was excited to hear that!! I was pleased since this was my very first!! Too funBlondie

  4. Marionc032 | | #13

    How cute is that bag! And i think the handles you got for it are perfect, and I agree that the braided handles are much nicer than the scrunchie ones. I just finished a bag, maybe I'll try to post some pics of it.Marion

    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #14

      Yes please do post your pics of your new finished handbag!! I love to see everyone's creations...Thanks so much for your compliments on mine..I am a proud owner! Blondie

      1. flossie | | #15

        Connie the bag looks gorgeous - I also saw it in your "sewing expo" photo in another post. I can see why you were complimented on it - looks very professional.

        regards Pauline

        1. User avater
          blondie2sew | | #16

          Thanks so much Pauline...That is one of my goals for 2007 was to tackle sewing projects that I was in fear of...and handbags were one of them, I also had some wonderful great help from some great ladies on this forum...so I am excited to do some more...my mind is racing...I love all the encouragement I get when I need the help...You all are wonderful!!And as you know Professional was my goal...I think we all want to strive for that designer....out of the boutique kinda look...That's why I love it here!!Blondie

          1. flossie | | #17

            I have made a few bags over the last couple of years for myself and my daughters - it is great to have somthing a little "different". Isn't it a good feeling when someone asks where you bought your bag and you can say you made it?

          2. User avater
            blondie2sew | | #18

            Yes the feeling is unbelievable!!Blondie

      2. Marionc032 | | #21

        You should be very proud. You'd never suspect that its your first effort. I love the pattern of the fabric you used to...reminds me of the patterns used in some of the Coach and Dooney & Bourke bags. I usually buy my handbags and confess to being something of a purse "collector", but most of the purses I own just have one pocket that can't accommodate bulky things and so they end up rattling around the bottom of the bag. I decided to make this bag for everyday use specifically so I could organize stuff like my cell phone, eyeglasses, pens, etc. I left my junk in the purse so the pockets would show up better in the photos. I made the strap extra long so I could wear it across my chest, but added a buckle so I can also shorten the strap and wear it like a regular shoulder bag.I too love seeing the pics of the work people are doing. I often scroll through the messages on the board just looking for those who post pics! LOL! Some really amazing work out there.So, here I go, putting my photos where my mouth is. My first photo posting--I hope this works!Marion

        1. fabricholic | | #26

          Hi Marion,I like your purse. It's a very classic style and the color will go with a lot of things, I'll bet. The pockets look very neat.Marcy

        2. User avater
          Becky-book | | #28

          Wonderful bag!  I like inside pockets too!


        3. MaryinColorado | | #29

          Your purse is very professionally done,  I love the style and materials.  Was it difficult?  Mary

  5. User avater
    blondie2sew | | #19

    Wow Marion!!Your pictures came through loud and clear!! Wonderful photos and wonderful handbag...I love handbags too...What pattern was that one...Let me know all the stats like fabric and such...That is a totally chic bag!! Love love love itThanks for sharing let us see more of your wonderful workBlondie

    1. Marionc032 | | #20

      Yikes!! I thought I deleted that post in time! LOL! I deleted it cause I forgot to include the photo of the back and I couldn't add it after the fact! I'm gonna repost the entire message--my apologies to all. <<sheepish grin!>>Marion

    2. Marionc032 | | #22

      OK, I've reposted and started to regain my composure. Whew!Thanks so much for your comments. It is such fun to be able to come up with something that really works for you isn't it. The bag was a completely spur of the moment thing. I had broken my wrist a little while ago and while I was in the cast, it was hard to carry my regular bags and the one bag I had that had a strap long enough, wasn't big enough to hold all my junk but I used it anyway and got used to wearing a bag across my chest. A couple of weeks ago I was in a fabric store just browsing, and spotted the fabric and it just struck me what a nice neutral fabric it would be for a bag and not compete too much with whatever I was wearing. Its upholstery fabric--kind of like a soft burlap but it has a another lighter but tightly-woven fabric backing it so it has some body. The straps are all leather which I made out of some black garment leather I have lying around and the brass O-rings I got from an equestrian supply store. (a great source for stuff like rings, buckles. etc). I didn't use a pattern, but its such a simple design that a pattern wasn't necessary.Thanks again for the positive reinforcement!Marion

      Edited 3/3/2007 9:56 pm ET by Marionc032

      1. Josefly | | #23

        A very smart-looking bag, and a nice, functional design with the pockets. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

      2. User avater
        blondie2sew | | #24

        Thanks for all your info on your bag! I would have never thought to scour the Equestrian shops for hardware that is a great idea I must check into that!!I am so jealous on the I didn't use a pattern!! I will have to see about doing that one of these days....I just feel more comfortable with one at least to get me started anyway! Now that I got the basic bag construction down it might be easier to just design one on my own!! Can I ask what weight your leather was and how did you figure out how to do the handles on your own? Was that because you have done other bags before? Again just chic!! Your right sometimes fabric just pops out at you to say take me home and here is what I will be!! Other times you take it home and eventually you will have what is to be!Blondie

        1. Marionc032 | | #32

          Yeah, Blondie, I'm with you on the "I always use a pattern" thing. I often change the detail of patterns, but normally I've got to have a pattern as a starting point. In this case though, the purse is basically just a rectangle. I used a garment leather for the straps. I'm not sure what weight it is, but I'm going to guess its about 1.5 to 2 oz. I bought the leather a while ago and plan to make a jacket out of that leather some day, but I sacrificed a little of it for those straps. Making the straps was easy peasy, just a little contact cement and careful measuring and marking to make sure the width stayed a consistent 1" throughout the length. For the straps on the bag itself, I cut the leather to 2" wide then folded lengthwise toward the centre to get the 1" finished width and stitched along the both sides of the length to get a more finished look. I wanted to shoulder strap to have a little more body and durability so I cut that strap to 2 7/8" width and folded one side in 1" and the other side 7/8" to get the finished 1" wide strap. I double-stitched each length to make sure the raw edge wouldn't curl with wear since it was only held with contact cement. This meant sewing through three layers of leather which my machine did struggle with, but ultimately it worked. I attached all the straps with screw-posts as opposed to rivets because screw-posts are easier to attach, plus if the fabric gets worn or stained, I can easily remove the straps and re-use them wthout having to damage the straps. (Not to mention I just happened to have the screw-posts on hand).Thanks to all for your interest and kind comments!Marion

      3. cynthia2 | | #31

        Your bag is incredible.  It's exactly the style I've been wanting to make but I haven't been able to find a pattern.  Any chance we could persuade you to post the dimensions and some simple instructions?  Or how about making up the pattern and posting it for sale?  I know I'd certainly be glad to buy the pattern!  Cynthia

        1. Marionc032 | | #33

          You are so kind! Its such an easy one to make. I'll take the measurements and post a little diagram with the dimensions and procedures I used to make it.Thanks for your interest!Marion

        2. Marionc032 | | #35

          I'm so sorry I took so long in getting back to the forum, but suddenly I got insanely busy with work. Anyway, I drew up a little diagram with the dimension for the purse I made, and as you can see, its ridiculously simple. Basically its a rectangle. When you sew up the side seams and then fold up the front and the back along the bottom fold, you get that triangle at the bottom sides of the bag. I was originally going to square off the bottom by sewing the side bottom seams so that the triangle goes to the inside, but then thought it would be a little detail to leave that triangle fold on the outside. The triangle isn't sewn down but its held in place with the strap, and when you pick up the bag the triangle draws up tight to the side by the strap. I also added a stiffener to the bottom of the bag to keep the shape better.
          If you look at the original photos I posted you can see that the top folds over to the front of the purse. That's just the way the bag folds naturally when you pick it up or carry it on your shoulder, and the front strap with the O-ring (see original photos) is heavy enough to force the top to fold over propery. I added a magnetic clasp at the centre top edge in order to keep the front and back aligned at the top and keep that fold over aligned.Hope this makes sense. Marion

          Edited 3/20/2007 3:46 am ET by Marionc032

          1. cynthia2 | | #36

            Hi Marion,

            Isn't it annoying the work gets in the way of our fun?  I know exactly how you feel.  Thanks so much for posting this.  It's exactly what I needed.  I've been checking the site every few days hoping you'd have a chance to give a bit more detail.  I'm going shopping for the fabric this weekend and, if I'm able to find the right fabric, I'll start on the bag next week.  Fingers crossed.  I'll let you know how it goes.  Best, Cynthia

          2. Marionc032 | | #37

            Yes, its SO annoying! What's worse is that after killing myself to get the work done, my client suddenly has extended the deadline. That's great on one hand, but all those late nights feel like they were for naught. Oh well.Yes, please do let me know how things go with the fabric shopping and construction.Happy hunting!Marion
            (PS, I also sent an email response to you)

  6. solosmocker | | #25

    Wonderful job on the bag! Very creative!

  7. AmberE | | #27

    Sorry I missed you there! I was there Friday and Saturday, and apparently some Gatherings members were asking after me. Hope you enjoyed the Expo and maybe next year we'll be better organized!

  8. MaryinColorado | | #30

    Very very very nice work and choice of materials!  Did you braid the handle?  I really love it!  Mary

    1. User avater
      blondie2sew | | #34

      No I didn't braid my own handles! But I found a great source on line they are out of Australia, I think I posted the site on the other thread when I was asking my handbag construction question about magnetic snaps.Thanks for the kudos!!Blondie

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