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Conversational Threads

My recent baby gifts for a set of twins

Beavette | Posted in Photo Gallery on

I just finished these, two blankets, I love the outcome, no pattern just using what I had…Fleece, ribbon and flowers. They were made for twin girls. They will be turning two in May.


  1. scrubble4 | | #1

    Beavette:  "just using what I had"

    Beavette the biggest "what you had" is your skill.  These are beautiful.  Lucky Mom and babies.  Thanks for showing.  Scrubble4

  2. rodezzy | | #2

    Simply beautiful and thoughtful.  One of a kind gifts are treasures. 

  3. Gloriasews | | #3

    Those blankets are lovely.  Are the names couched with cord or do you have that stitch on your machine?   Also, what is the extra smaller piece - a pillow case or a pocket in which to place the blanket?  Good job!  They will be greatly appreciated.


    1. Beavette | | #4

      Thank you all,
      I love getting feedback on projects.
      I used cording glued on with washout glue to temporarily hold it down, then I stitched on top of the cording with matching thread. The pillow cases were just an extra, but I guess they could double as a bag to put them in... hadn't thought about that. I was trying to make something memorable for the twins, the same yet different. I think that gifts like this end up in the hope chests, and when the kids are older they want to know the story of how they got them....at least my children did that.
      Happy sewing and let the imaginative juices flow.....

      1. Josefly | | #6

        Beautiful blankets. Makes me wish for an embroidery machine, and the skill to use one! Very nice work.You said you used wash-out glue to hold the cord in place while you stitched it on. Did you also have to stabilize the fleece while you did that part, or did the glue take care of any stretching that might have occurred?

  4. MaryinColorado | | #5

    What beautiful and thoughful heirlooms!  The way you couched the names is sheer perfection!  I wish my couching would come out that well!  The ribbon and bows are so preciouse and very beautifully done.  Kudos!  Mary

  5. FirecrackerKTM | | #7

    Those are great!

  6. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #8


    These two blankets are adorable.  You are so creative, you don't need a pattern!  Special blankets for special girls.

  7. Betakin | | #9

    Those are so nice. Thanks for sharing them. I love the names done in cording and the colors. I love things for twins. My youngest of 6 are my twin boys...but they have their own kids now. Grandbaby #27 is due in Oct.  but not from my twins, they each have 4 of their own. I would love to make a blanket with the cording or maybe a towel.

  8. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #10

    Your blankets are truly lovely. I love that it all came from your stash, too. Just like the Boy Scouts, we sewers must "Be Prepared."

  9. fabricholic | | #11

    These are darling. Where did you stitch on the ribbon part? Was it on all the edges of the bow or did you just tack it? Love your creativeness.

    1. Beavette | | #12

      Thank you, I just mailed them to the twins yesterday. I'm sure they will like the gifts.
      I did sew on all the edges of the bow. I laid the bow and cording out with pins, then stitched the bow down, because the cording wraps around the bow in the center. I then glued the cording down to hold it in position which kept the fleece from shifting when I sewed on top of the cording. I tried using just pins, but to get a nice smooth cursive writing look, the glue was a blessing. I recommend this kind of project for anyone.......It was fun! Especially if the names are unique, you just can't find personalized things like this.

  10. SAAM | | #13

    These blankets are so elegant, the twins will not outgrow them. You've done beautiful work. You have a lovely sense of design.


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