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Name of miracle pants fabric?

Elisabeth | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I have a pair of miracle pants that I was terribly lucky to have once found maybe eight years ago cheap at Lerners or some such place. They fit always whether I am plus or minus 5 or so pounds, they wear like iron, they never wrinkle no matter what, they are not really hot in hot weather and they are slightly warm in cool weather, they have a snazzy cease down the legs that is always there, they look dressy and can be casual too, I have worn them dancing vigorously and sweated in them and they look just as good, I can wipe off just about anything that gets on them, mildew from a damp closet included, they seldom need cleaning and there is a bit of stretch that makes them comfy on top of all the rest.

I just picked them up from the cleaners and they pressed the *** out of them leaving shiny marks. I can’t believe they ruined my miracle pants. Oh well, they were getting a little dated stylewise anyway. But I want to make some new ones and I have never seen this miracle fabric in a store. It is woven 100% polyester basic black, not shiny, and many mall type stores had/have pants out of it. Does anyone know what I am talking about?


  1. SkiNsew | | #1

    This sounds like it might be microfiber.  I have several pairs of pants made out of the stuff and it is like iron.   If you decide to sew with this stuff be aware that you need a microfiber needle to get a nice seam----at least on my Viking.


    1. Elisabeth | | #2

      That is a good point, I will have to remember to pick up some. I generally don't sew with or wear sythetic fibers but these pants are a serious exception. Polar fleece and quality gym wear are great too.

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