Hello All,
I fell in love with the fagoted linen jacket featured in Fine Machine Sewing. Can anyone help? I’d like to sew it but I need a pattern. Does anyone know where I can find it? It’s on p 133 of my 2003 issue and featured on the front page of one of the issues.
It’s the most beautiful jacket I’ve ever seen and the construction of it is so elegant in my opinion.
Best rgds/Ingrid in Sweden
Can you say which issue the jacket and article are in?
Snell/Ahles jacket
Thanks for the reply:).
It wasn't in the magazine but rather in the book Fine Machine Sewing. However, I was hoping that it perhaps had featured in the mag or that someone would know which jacket and where I could find a pattern.
My copy of this book is dated 1997, I've looked at the page mentioned but no jacket!!!!!!!!!
I do reccommend this book however to anyone inteested in sewing beautiful clothes.
If you google the author you will probably find an email...........most authors are very happy to reply to email comments or queries.
Good luck
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