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Conversational Threads

Narrow Edge Hemmer

sewmaurisa | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

Currently I have a Pfaff 1475 sewing machine.  In the 40 plus years I’ve been sewing I’ve never mastered the narrow edge hemmer foot!  Every time I get it going and come to a cross seam the fabric jams in the foot.  I am doing alterations and occasionally have the need to shorten something requiring a narrow hem.  I wind up struggling no matter what!  Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?  I’m pretty desperate at this point!  Many thanks!!


  1. suesew | | #1

    I use my narrow rolled hemmer feet all the time. I prefer the 5mm simply because it is slightly bigger and helps with the problem you mentioned. When I have a garment to hem I first restitch the bottom of every seam for about an inch with a very tiny stitch length so it won't pull apart when I am trying to get it through the hemmer. Then I cut the seam allowance off at an angle from nothing at the very bottom, angling out to the edge an inch or so from the bottom. The object is to get rid of that extra seam allowance fabric so that won't have to be included in the hem. I do this with satins and sheers and it works wonderfully well.

    1. sewmaurisa | | #2

      Thank you!   I am extremely appreciative of the time you took to respond to my inquiry and for the helpful information you offered.  I don't even know what size my narrow edge hemmer is but I will definitely give it try based on your suggestions.  I have a pair of very wide legged polyester pants that need shortening.  If I could ask one more question:  Do you have any tricks for starting the hemming?  Do you prestitch the hem before rolling?  Once, again, many thanks for your assistance!  Maurisa

      1. suesew | | #3

        I roll about an inch of the hem by hand, sometimes I have to use a pin to hold it. Place it under the foot and lower the needle down into the hand rolled hem, remove the pin, lower the foot and take a few stitches that will hold the rolled hem in its roll, lower the needle into it again and lift the foot and pull the roll over the little roll finger on the foot. Most of the time it just pops right into place - sometimes you really have to tug on it (another good reason to use the larger rolled hem foot). Then you lower the foot and sew. This is when I make sure the stitching is where I want it to be - sometimes I move the needle - but the feet usually are made to sew with the needle in the centered position. Sew all the way around until you meet the place where you started. Your foot will run right up to that point. Lower your needle to hold everything in place, raise your foot and pull the hem out and under the foot. Because onl;y about a half inch hasn't been stitched it will stay perfectly folded in place and you can continue stitching that last litle bit. I usually just overlap my beginning stitching about a half inch and don't back stitch. As you sew watch the fabric as it goes into the roll - not the needle. It takes a little bit of practice but it's really slick when it works well.

        1. sewmaurisa | | #4

          Just wanted to let you know I gave the hemmer the old college try.  I determined my foot is 2mm but a 4mm is available from Pfaff and the 4mm can be used with the dual feed my machine has.  You can't use dual feed with the 2mm.  I couldn't get over a cross seam at all even when I prebasted the hem without the fabric jamming!  So it's definitely the foot/machine - not my fault!  I had to use a hump jumper to get past the seam.  In any event - I stitched each 2 yard leg hem by machine.  It didn't turn out great but it will do.  In all likelihood I'll have to rehem this pair of pants anyway because it's for the dress shop.  The owner had me shorten them because the manufacturer produced them ridiculously long.  I contacted Pfaff USA to purchase the 4mm foot and I suspect that one will do the trick.  With a little bit of practice, a better foot, and your kind assistance I should be able to produce a quality hem on future garments.  Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

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