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Conversational Threads

Need a New Machine

JoRo42 | Posted in General Discussion on

I am just returning to sewing & have develet a desire to quilt.  My machine is ancient & I am interested in buying a new one.  Can anyone make a suggestion for me??




  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    Everyone will suggest the make and model they have or suggest checking http://www.PatternReview.com.

    I could do the same, but think you should make a list of what you want in a sewing machine, including your budget.

    Take the list with you as you visit as many dealers as you can.  Tell them what you are looking for and the budget limitations, if any.  Test their machines.

    Then buy the machine you like best from the dealer you like best.

  2. MaryinColorado | | #2

    Go to all the websites for the different brands, such as http://www.husqviking.com, http://www.bernina.com, Pfaff, Brother, or go to http://www.allbrands.com as they carry several models and have good descriptions of the machines. 

    http://www.sewforum.com has good advice as well as the other site already posted.

    Go to several dealers and test drive to your hearts content.

    Do a search on this site, we have alot of posts about it.  Mary

  3. Betakin | | #3

    For more reviews by owners of machines on line you might also want to check QuiltersReview and also the Epinions site. Best of luck in your search. I hope you find a machine you love.

  4. meg | | #4

    Also, don't be afraid to purchase a trade-in; many times you can acquire a better machine, or one which would be beyond your budget, with a used machine. And don't hesitate to come back and ask all your questions!

    1. JoRo42 | | #5

      Thank You Meg.  I did go to the c loset Singer store, & they said they didn't sale the trade ins because of possible problems.  What other kind of stores have sewing machine that might have trade-ins.


      Happy Thanksgiving

      Judy O

      1. MaryinColorado | | #6

        Many of the sewing/vaccum shops have trade ins, especially if they do repairs on site.  Several Husqvarna/Viking and Pfaff dealers in the Denver Metro area take trade ins and do trade ups. 

  5. Ckbklady | | #7


    You might also enjoy reading THE SEWING MACHINE GUIDE by John Giordano (published by Threads, but out of print - you can check your local library or http://www.bookfinder.com for a copy). It is a small paperback that doesn't take very long to read through, with loads of sage advice about sewing machine shopping (and some great cleaning and maintenance instructions with clear photos). I love this book and often read it just for fun. Giordano's tone is friendly and direct, and he knows his stuff. His checklist of features to watch for or choose from is wonderful. I continue to hope that Threads will reprint it  - it's an invaluable guide to machine buying.

    Happy shopping!

    :) Mary


    1. JoRo42 | | #8

      Thanks Mary,


      I will go to the library & check it out.  This is a very important decision for me for it will probably be the last machine I will be able to buy.


      Judy O

  6. lself | | #9

    I agree with spicegirl, especially the part about the dealer.   I have a Viking D-1 now simply because the dealer is the most knowledgable, most friendly, and most service conscious dealer in this area.  I had one of the "other ones" for a while, but service and customer care were terrible.   The best dealer is the one that is more concerned with your getting what you want, need and can afford than with selling you the top-of-the-line whatever.  If they aren't willing to listen and take the time to answer your questions and let you test-drive, then run the other way.


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