I’m in the market for a new machine. I am looking at White machines. I have been told that the 2037 and the 2999 are nice. I know not much about them. Does anyone out there have a White or used them? Any other suggestions of machines? My range is to about $500.
I want a machinr that can sew smoothly with some decorative stitches and do nice easy buttonholes. I would like to get into quilting later on. I have an older Singer that I am frustrated with !!
Thanks! Kathy
You may have already bought your sewing machine by now, but, in case you haven't, I used an old White machine for several years. I bought it used and it still sews a nice straight and zig zag stitch. I'm not familiar with many of the newer machines. I recently bought a Bernina and wouldn't trade it for the world. It came with a warranty a mile long. I don't know what price their basic machines start at. I've used several other brands over the years and wasn't very impressed with them. May I suggest visiting a few local dealers. They might be able to help you with either a new machine or one of their serviced trade-ins. Good luck. Janetpinkpanther
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