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Need advice for helping the bride set up a sewing room

KaiserRoo | Posted in General Sewing Info on

Hello to all,

I’m writing to ask for advice on what to get my wife for a sewing room. What type of accesories would you recomend? Here is some of the items i’m interested in getting for her

A table (what size is a good all around)

A good chair

A light for her to use, are there any led lights that can be used with the sewing machine?

Storage bins/boxes

Scissors, of various types

She has mentioned a serger? What is a good brand and model?

Radio, CD player?


Thanks in advance for the help, KaiserRoo


  1. Pattiann42 | | #1

    New Sewing Room

    Your heart is in the right place, however would you want someone, even your spouse to choose your car, sports equipment, electronics or tools?

    You are okay with the radio/cd player.  Everything else, she needs to choose as she will be the one using the items.  Especially, the serger.  These can be expensive, depending on what features she wants and may not be returnable should she not like it. 

    A visit to a fabric store for the sewing supplies; big box store for storage items and a sewing machine dealer for the serger where she can see demos of various models and then take a test "drive".

    If you have a JoAnn Fabrics and Crafts store in your area, they are always having sales.  Check the Internet for their website and closest store.  There may also be coupons and the option to sign up for future mailers.

    PS:  Add power strips and surge protectors to the shopping list.  And, ask if she would like this - http://www.tauntonstore.com/2013-threads-archive-031046.html  I update this every year.  It makes research a snap!

    1. KaiserRoo | | #2

      Hello and thanks for the info. I agree about having the bride pick out the things, however I am the one who will get the info gathering started to help her along. I'd prefer to get a quality item rather than something just for the sake of getting it. But you are correct that she needs to "test drive" the machine which will make it easier to purchase with some knoweldge behind it.

      I once went on this site and got info on Pfaff and Janome and got her a Janome 350DC or something like that. Unfortunatly I can't post any questions while using the laptop as it no longer has Google Chome but I am able to do so on the desktop.

      I will look at your thread.

      Thank you and please keep the info flowing. KaiserRoo

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