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Need Dress Form Advice

sewslow67 | Posted in General Discussion on

I’ve been thinking about getting a dress form but have no idea of which one would work best for me.  I don’t need one like a professional would use, i.e. changeable for many body types, as I’m only going to use it for easier fitting for myself. 

I had one years ago (over 40-years ago, to be exact) and found it difficult to get the proportions balanced.  However, I don’t recall the brand.  I would welcome any thoughts on this that anyone would care to share.  Oh …one thought: it seems that it might help to have one of those padded ones so I could pin patterns, etc. to it.


  1. Gloriasews | | #1

    Have you checked the archives, Sewslow?  There are quite a few threads on dress forms - both 'boughten' ones & homemade - pros & cons of both.


    1. sewslow67 | | #2

      I must be brain dead today for not even thinking of that, Gloria.  Thankfully, yours is working on full power.  Thanks so much for reminding me to do a search; I did, and found some terrific information, albeit a bit discouraging due to the cost.  I had no idea that the price has gone up so much since I bought mine some years ago.  Of course, I can remember when a loaf of bread went "up" to 25-cents a loaf ...so there it is.  It should not have been such a surprise!  giggle

      So ...I think I'll just keep on doing what seems to work OK for now.  If the piggy bank cracks with coins, I'll reconsider.  Although, if I'm going to spend more than a few bucks, then I'd rather have a felting machine.  I saw one demonstrated a few months back; wow ...now that looks fun!  Even then, a small tool can be purchased to do the same thing for a heck of a lot less, even though it takes a lot more time.

      Thanks again for the suggestion, though.  saved a number of links so I could take another look later.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #3

        If you wish to consider another option, that includes a bit of travel, in the spring, several of us are gathering for a duck tape double dress form retreat in the spring. Details are being worked out, but it will be in Central North America, below the lakes somewhere. It might end up costing about the same, but the shape would definitely be yours! Cathy

        1. starzoe | | #4

          You will have fun at the workshop that is in the process of being organized - one word though. "Duck" tape is not "duct" tape. Michael's tape is pretty well useless whereas real DUCT tape is universally accepted for multiple uses beyond taping ducts.

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #6

            Thank you, I realize there is a difference. I use the term Duck, as it is a brand that most here are familiar with. I use duct tape here at home, the grey plastic coated fabric tape for a lot of purposes. My brother who used to work for an airline company, calls it 200 mph tape. Cathy

        2. sewslow67 | | #5

          Oh, what fun.  I wish that I were able to attend.  However, DH would have to drive me, as I cannot fly anymore what with all the medical equipment and supplies I have to bring along when traveling.  And he is still working and already has jobs scheduled for early spring.  If that changes, I will surely let you know.

          I read about those tape type forms too, and they look like the perfect solution ...and if one's shape changes, the form could always be padded (or sliced thinner) as the case may be.  Please keep us all posted as it will be fun to share the process viscously.  ;-)

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #7

            Just a suggestion, as it would be fun to have you there. I am still working out details. So far, everyone is pretty far apart, but willing to travel, so we are looking at options. Cathy

          2. sewslow67 | | #8

            I'm not going to count it out yet though, Cathy.  After all, DH is anxious to take a trip in the RV he just got a few months ago.  I'll pose the question, and see what he thinks anyway.  I know he wants to visit a lot of relatives next year that live all over the place, and "doing my nightly stuff" would be easy in the RV, since it is very self contained.  It's not huge, but big enough for the two of us and "the girls" i.e. the pups. ;-)  It sure would be fun if we could work it out.

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #9

            Ok, I'll put you on the interested list. It helps give an idea of where to look. Cathy

          4. sewslow67 | | #10

            Thanks, Cathy.  That will work for me too.

          5. User avater
            purduemom | | #11

            Just curious about the general location you are considering...I am in western, central Indiana and would enjoy the opportunity to get together to make a new dressform. 


          6. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #12

            Nothing written in stone yet, but considering a point in central US, below the Lakes. Geographically speaking. I am still gathering people who are interested and general locations to try and find a central point that is not to far for most to travel. So far, the furthest points are Ontario and Colorado, so somewhere in between. It will be in late winter early spring, before I start cropping, but when travelling will be better for driving. That gives time for people to save up as well. Shall I add you as an interested party for now? Cathy

          7. rodezzy | | #13

            Oh I hope Cathy does consider joining the group.  I hope lots of us get together.  I would love to meet you wonderful artisans.

This post is archived.

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