Need help to find the MY FORUMS buttton

In the emails from gatherings, they tell me it’s the top right corner of the page I should wind up at by hitting their hyperlink button, but not on my computer. I do NOT want to get email everytime anyone posts to a discussion I contributed to, or I’ll go NUTS!!!!! Help!
You are hitting subscribe. There is a little purple box right under Gatherings that says My Forums.
I had exactly the same problem for a while. There is a way to make every thing on the screen a little smaller so you can get more in and then you will see "My Forums". Unfortunately, the person who knows how to do that has gone out on an errand but I will ask him to write you with the answer.
But it's going to change the board for Solitare and Free Cell so keep the directions in case you want to change back. rjf
Just wanted to let you all know that my DH fixed the problem. I use an old 27" TV as my monitor, and he had to email the page to his computer in order to see that elusive button. I think very important buttons shouldn't be hidden in corners anyway. This post is my test that I won't get a separate email.
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