Need to make satin cord for loops on corset back wedding gown. Help!

Is there any simple way to do this??? I’m losing my mind. This is literallyTHE hardest part of this gown. Period. If it was a white gown, I would just go and buy bridal cord, but since the gown is a light mocha color, it looks like I have to make my own. I’m not doing a very good job so far. Any help would be monumentally appreciated.
Thank you so much!!
I think this is how I finally succeeded in doing this. Cut the fabric on the bias about an inch wide. Sew down the folded piece almost down the middle but slightly closer to the raw edges. Stretch the fabric as you sew. Turn. The seam allowance will fill the cord. Then try stretching the cord because it will stretch on the body. If the stitches pop you need to stretch more or use smaller stitches. Or try cutting with the grain or inserting a cord that won't stretch.
making and turning the fabric loops
I also had to make my own loops for the bridal buttons. It is easy if you invest in a tube turning set. Brand name is Fasturn. They sell these on Nancys Notions, info on their site.
Yes, the fasturn tubes will help. Worth the investment.
You need to buy a loop turner, long thin metal instrument with small hook. Also experiment with bias strip widths, distance from the fold and amount to trim.
Hi, Julie!
Yep - a 'turning tool" of some sort is essential.
I've used the the long hook in the past, but my sewing room seems to have eaten it!
In the meantime, you can also try a large chenille or yarn needle (2 or 3 inches long, big eye, blunt tip) and a sturdy but flexible thread, yarn or string - cut a foot longer than the finished tube will be.
Connect the string solidly to one end of the sewn bias tube, about 8 inches down the string.
Thread the needle onto this short tail, and insert it into the tube.
Then as you work the needle down the tube, you'll have the short tail to gather it on to, and the *long* tail will follow along behind the turning, so you have that reinforcement already in the tube when you're finished.
I know this is posting a couple days later ~ were you able to get it done?
Easy satin cording
Just a year ago, I made satin cording for my daughter's wedding dress; hope I can explain it for you: As others mentioned, cut the strips on the bias, preferably with a serrated blade so it doesn't ravel. Allow 3/8" seam, and make it a longer than you think you will need. Before stitching, lay a length of cotton twine down the fold. Knot the top end of the twine, then anchor it in the seam at the top of the tube. Stitch the length, using a very short stitch length. Trim the seam, then pull the twine. Trim off the knotted twine end.
To give a little body to the cord, I used wool knitting yarn instead of the twine, cut twice the length of the fabric. Lay the yarn along the fold, with half the length of yarn hanging above where the fabric starts. Stitch as above, then tug on the enclosed half of the twine. This will turn the fabric tube and enclose the upper half of the yarn, making a softly filled, strong tube.
To loop & position the cord, I taped it in a continuous piece to a button card with the buttons still on it, with the excess to the left of the buttons. After taping it securely, I lifted it carefully off the card and basted the loops to the tape. Used more tape to put it in place (on a zipper lap, in my case) before stitching it down. The loops were even and the correct size for the buttons.
Hope that helps, and let us know how it turns out!
easy loops..turning
The absolute easiest way to turn just abt anything is to sew a small cord or string to the inside. Sew and tie a small knot so when you go to pull on the end to turn it it won't pop thru. Just carry the cord down along the inside and leave the end out unsewn at bottom. Pull hard. and when you are done turning inside out just clip off the end and VOILA...all done perfectly. Good luck...Patkg
you can serge your cord and turn it inside out or you can purchase silk and make a twisted cord. it can be really beautiful having a silk rope for your corset. you need to triple the amount in length and then double that and start twisting, fold it in half and let it turn and twist into itself there are a lot of sites I'm sure on the internet that shows you how, or even utube. a twisted cord in silk would be really beauitful .
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