Need User Manual for New Home Model 910

I recently received a New Home Model 910 sewing machine from my mother-in-law. It seems to be a good machine, but I need to consult a user manual for general settings and information. I cannot find one anywhere on the internet and the Janome/New Home company says they are “unavailable”. Does anyone have one they would be willing to part with? I am willing to pay for it. I would even settle for a copy of one. Thank you.
New Home 910 Manual
If you contact this company they may be able to find a manual. Sometimes one manual actually covers more than one model.
New Home 910 Manual
Thank you for your reply. I actually did contact them already. They had the service manual but not the User Manual/Guide. It covered several models also, so I searched for a user manual/guide for those models also - to no avail. I have looked all over the internet to purchase the manual, but it simply is not available by companies for sale. I am hoping that someone out there actually has a manual still that they are willing to sell or share. I will pay for shipping and return shipping if I can find one to even borrow for a bit.
New Home 190 Manual
Another place you might post would be at ISMACS Digest -
Sign up and you can email your questions. There are collectors as well as those who actually sew with sewing machines and maybe one of the members will be able to help. It usually takes about 24 hours for your post to appear on the site.
I am not a collector, but I do like the read the questions, comments and suggestions.
New Home 910
Thank you for your help. I registered and am awaiting my acceptance email for the site. I will let you know if anyone there can help me.
Thanks again,
Need User Manual for New home Model 910
You may also want to register with It's a free service and a great source for all sorts of service, parts and user manuals.
I purchased a New Home 910 today....
....and was wondering if you ever found a users manual for your machine and if so, where, thanks
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